1,201 Commits over 245 Days - 0.20cph!
Added Player Light
InputSettings -> Input.config
Missed Sound Point description
Added descriptions to Components that didn't have them. Most are self-explanatory, but should help reduce some confusion. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6560
Fixed string comparisons in SpriteComponent. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-spritetools#25
Added more forest foliage types
Updated SpriteTools
Transform.Position/Rotation/Scale -> WorldPosition/WorldRotation/WorldScale
Fix Progress error in CraftingStationPanel
Added SpriteResource.GetAnimation
Fix TilesetTool NRE when there are no layers
Fix AnimationList NRE on Hotload
Transform.Postition/Rotation/Scale -> WorldPosition/WorldRotation/WorldScale
Modifying a Tileset source image will instantly hotload the changes. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-spritetools#21
Added TileAtlas.ClearCache to the Clear Cache menu option
Added SpriteResource.CopyFrom
Saving sprites created from an empty editor no longer cause an error. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-spritetools#24
Added GameObject/Component EyeDropper. Can select by clicking on an object directly or through the hierarchy. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6547
Dragging a prefab into a scene view uses the scale of the prefab. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6548
Fixed Interactable Prompts overlapping if you edged the interact radius
Created ItemResource and ItemPickup
Created first item with temp art/model.
Added Pickup Sounds
Added Item Storage to Inventory Component, with InventoryUI
Implemented NextDialogueCondition proper, setup basic rubert condition
Can now in-line items in dialogue with <item:id[:name]> tags
Set up Ginnie dialogue condition
Ensure that selected Media is 16/9 in PackageModals
Re-balanced coverage and tile spawning
Death FX now affected by lighting
Adjust more tile spawns
Fix tooltips sometimes lingering
Add DamageOverlay, Invulnerability Time, and fine-tune Enemy Attacking
Added Easy Access Skill, more Vitals tweaks and Zombie fixes
Added Ice Bushes
ChestTilePanel shows contents of chest if you have permission
Added permissions to Weapons, crosshair prompt will override visibility when hovering an interactable
Clean up ChestTilePanel
Added Bow item with basic functionality and Projectile class
Added Arrows, consumed by the Bow as ammo. Hotbar shows ammo count on bow.
Added PreviewSkill
Added Storage Skill
Added Max Drops At Once to ItemSpawner
Fix pickaxe upgrade line
Added MeleeTrigger and Sword Slash
Created Weapon class, Aim Arrow, and Holdable.HasCrosshair. Fixed colliders on mobs
Added each tier of sword, updated a few crafting recipes
Drop coins on death
Added Keep Riches Skill
Settings UpgradesFrom to self means item can only be crafted once
Added other Shovel types
Added stone sword item and other sword sprites
Implemented a proper death state
Added Ruby Chunks
Moved death state from Player class to Entity, added Death FX
Added Burnt Trees
Enemies now deal contact damage, swinging their held weapon if they have one
Added Sandstone and Sandstone Ores
Added Ice and Ice Rocks
Updated Rock Item Drop to differentiate it from the Tile
Fixed Tree Spawns
Fix Grass Spawns
Don't look towards forward when standing still. Set ViewAngles to forward angles while moving so you don't look elsewhere when you stop
Added Reset Camera button to make the camera face the forward direction of the player instantly
Combined the best of the two cameras.
Camera follows the forward vector when not moving the mouse
Created player_gizmo vmdl
DeathUI is now FadeUI and can be called externally
Created SceneEntrance and SceneTrigger Components.
Added scene triggers to intro area / platforming stages
Fix CoinUI NRE
Remove TimeOfDay from Scene serialization
TimeOfDay now implements ISaveData and saves to World
Added more Tree Types, spawning in their respective biomes
Added distinction between grass/forest trees
Update SpriteTools
Update item name
Updated Ambush Description & Plunder's Icon
Implement Day/Night Cycle
Adjusted Day/Night Cycle Length
Fix `set_time` command
Fix particle lighting
Added PreviewEntity
Created Enemy class and added 1 Zombie and 2 Skeletons
Fixed enemies hands flipping incorrectly. Fixed Enemies not being serialized as Mobs. Added Enemy.KnockbackTime
Added SpawnsAtDay and SpawnsAtNight support
Enemies have a separate spawn limit from non-enemies
Add .sbox folder to gitignore
Don't attempt animation playback on sprites that only have one frame. Fix DrawGizmos NRE when SpriteComponent doesn't have a Sprite
Improved climbing collisions immensely, works properly on rotating blocks
Move collision improvements for climbing. Can climb between different objects now.
Slight adjustment to climb up
Added proper friction to climbing
Independent X/Y checking on grate movement
Improved climbing up a fence
Added HasParentControl to Ability
Started on climbing on rotating/moving platforms. Still needs more work.
Added/Updated Ground Slam Particles, reduced hangtime from standstill
Reduced Dive cooldown
Pressing SPACE while dialogue is typing will instantly finish typing instead of skipping it. Then next SPACE press will skip it.
Fixed animations not looping and instead just playing the first frame
Added <bold> <shake> and <wiggle> tags
Animations is now a list that can apply to multiple targets. DefaultAnimation still targets SpeakingObject for convenience
Pre-calculate parsed dialogue at the start of each entry, so box doesn't resize with the dialogue
Added support for <anim:x> tags in dialogue
Updated Journal styling again. Resources -> Tiles
Updated a few Tiles, added Bricks
Added Stonecutter
Added Stonecutting Skill
Added Brick Wall, created Default Tile Item
Removed all Tile Item prefabs and created generic Tile Placer prefabs which tile placing items use
Added Free Shipping Skill
Created PreviewTile and created Icons for Tile Resources
Added Industrial Table and Industrial Skill
Fix Required Skills on all Skills and on SkillsPanel
Moved PlaceSound to TileResource
Added .sbox to gitignore
Give CraftingRequirements [InlineEditor]
Added Journalist Quests, implemented journal progress
Unlocked skills now animate in
Added `give_levels` command
Update Journal Ordering
Swap around a few item ids
Fix ruby chunks
Fixed TooltipPanel not resetting classes between tooltips.
Show notification on Journal Page when you get a new entry
Don't show quests as hidden when completed
TilePlacer can no longer place on dig tiles
Added Resources to Journal
Added Mobs to Journal
Can register Tile and Mob entries in the Journal
Added Names and Categories to every single Item/Tile/Mob
Added Journal Tab to GameMenu. Optimized GameMenu's Tabs and Pages further
Created JournalPanel and JournalEntry
Added Seen/HasSeen to CharacterSave
Proper Journal Styling and Item implementation for JournalEntry
Journal Tooltips
Seen/HasSeen now uses a state instead of a bool
Fix skill panels still displaying when not unlocked
Fix OrganizationModal NRE
Fixed Friends List Modal CSS. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6525
Digging SFX
Added Dig Particles
Added BiomeResource to store additional biome information
Added a bunch more items. Can now get items from digging (dictated by the Biome)
Improve digging and make it give experience
Fix entity shadows
Added Water Footsteps/Particles
Fix player not always jumping out of a dive when pressing space
Added Dive/Slide particles
Made it so you can't cancel a Dive mid-air
Added short Hop when left clicking while sliding from a dive
Diving into a jump pad will cancel the dive. Sliding to a halt will cause you to exit the sliding state
Fix Pause Menu not being able to unpause properly
Fix WallJump making you jump a nearby wall when grounded
Improved the wall slide and fixed Ability.HasGravity
Added wall slide particles (will look a lot better once there's an anim)
Remove some logs
Exit running state when running into a wall
Added 2 new biomes to Tileset
Rewrote WorldManager to use bools for tiles and strings for chunks instead of having a biome string per tile. Required a lot of refactoring.
Remade the island layout using the new format
Update WorldUnlocker and WorldSave to properly set the starting biomes from island layout
Reworked Tile/Entity spawn chances to be more robust, updated all existing tiles/entities.
Don't let the player place earth on existing earth
Update SpriteTools
Rename all grass tiles for uniformity. Give each their own unique item instead of a single green grass
Update SpawnChances for existing mobs
Fix NREs when opening a Sprite that references images that no longer exist (or have moved)
Fix issues with Character Select Buttons
Update SpriteTools
Update all Tile Dictionaries to use Vectors as the key instead of parsing to/from strings now that we actually can.
Updated SpriteTools
Add Dig Tiles to Tileset, add Digging functionality to WorldManager.
Created PreviewItem so items have Generated Thumbnails
Created Shovel Holdable which digs up earth, regenerating after a random time.
Dig Tiles now properly save to the world. Optimized world saves in the process