userCarson Komponcancel

632 Commits over 92 Days - 0.29cph!

57 Days Ago
Mark `MenuAttribute.Shortcut` as Obsolete. Get identifier from `[Shortcut]` attribute if one exists. Update Shortcut value in AssetInspector Display shortcuts on Tool and Subtool buttons without need for ShortcutAttribute on the class
57 Days Ago
Fix number keys not working Create keybinds for the different Tools now that Editor.Shortcut is internal Create keybinds for the different subtools for the same reason
57 Days Ago
Fix Function Keys not being sent when in-game since it was checking for a console bind instead of keybind
57 Days Ago
Remove `Editor.Option.ShortcutContext` Strip native shortcuts from `Editor.Shortcut` class. Make class internal. Documentation cleanup Update Shortcut.Invoke so it handles Mode logic EditorShortcut.Invoke is now a bool returning whether or not a shortcut was invoked from the pressed keys Shortcuts are now invoked from Sandbox.Tools instead of thru native QT shortcut. Make `scene.fullscreen` (F4) bind static. Fixes rebuilding issue.
58 Days Ago
Created EditorKeybinds.cs with a few starting keybinds Move Keybinds into EditorPreferences since that makes more sense Add RegisterShortcuts() function whenever shortcuts are registered and use the EditorPreferences keybind instead of hardcoded string Added Editor Keybinds page to EditorPreferencesWindow Subscribe all RegisterShortcut voids to keybinds.update EditorEvent Create shortcut for EditorCycleViewMode Make Keybinds page scrollable, add Reset to Default button, and add Are You Sure popup to Reset button Use TitleAttribute for keybind names Add AllowModifiers to KeyBind widget, set to true for Editor Keybinds Page (Allows you to bind CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Whatever) Some FileOption binds, but they dont auto-update yet. Will need to find a good way to do that for Option entries Call keybinds.update EditorEvent on Reset to Default Created EditorShortcuts.cs to eventually replace EditorPreferences.Keybinds Need to call this after EditorTypeLibrary is created Register shortcuts elsewhere and remove some option shortcuts Change default shortcut type Register shortcuts on hotload Convert some older shortcuts into the new [Shortcut] attribute Change shortcut defaults Update EditorShortcuts to include Identifier and Keys, including method to get current keys from overrides (player defined overrides) Display [Shortcut] shortcuts in Editor Keybinds page instead of EditorPreferences.Keybinds EditorShortcuts rebinding actually works now, much more lightweight than prior version Make user overrides save properly Get Name and Group properly, allow attributes to override. Get keys from shortcut name in Option.cs Allow non-static method shortcuts since there seems to be a good chunk of those Stop feeding shortcut to Options for now Fix size of Editor Keybinds page Fix using the wrong widget for non-static shortcuts Move EditorPreferences.Keybinds over to new [Shortcut] attribute system on each function Completely remove EditorPreferences.Keybinds Change name/groups for a few shortcuts Order categories by name in PageKeybinds Remove some debug logs Create Texture Editor and Actiongraph shortcuts Create ShaderGraph, Hotspot Editor and some more scene shortcuts Add GameObject/Transform shortcuts and fix static method issues. Made grid size shortcuts Window type instead of Widget type Make all the different editors share a few binds (So there's not a Copy,Cut,Paste,Undo,Redo,ect. per-editor) Make classes with [Shortcut] attribute properly rebindable (used for editortools) Cleanup shortcut groups Added individual Revert button when bind is different from the default Qt Option now takes shortcut ident (eg. "editor.undo") and internally resolves bind (eg. "CTRL+Z"), updating when changed. No longer registers shortcut internally when set. Shortcuts with Function Keys are always to editor even when Game Frame is in focus F3 and F5 editor commands are now Shortcuts like everything else Fix shortcut not displaying on Align To View option Fix SaveMixer being static Change "F5" -> "editor.toggle-play" on Play menu option Cache the overrides so we don't have to keep checking against EditorCookie Super minor cleanup Rename Name -> DisplayName so there's no conflict on KeybindPanel Fix ShortcutOverrides not loading properly Use CodeToString(ButtonCode) instead of the weird enum parsing I was doing.
58 Days Ago
Fix e defined but not set Removed unused variable viewerPosition Show preview tile under cursor when in Tileset Tool. Fit to Grid nicely
58 Days Ago
Import some tile assets Test Tileset Resource TilesetLayerControl deletes on right click without the additional popup Rebuild TilesetToolInspector when Selected Layer changes. Serialize Selected Layer as part of the ControlSheet Fixed TilesetComponent SceneObject vertex maths. Each layer now gets its own material, sharing materials between layers if same atlas is used. Update Grid Size to follow Tileset size Fix Selected Layer inspector update TilesetComponent NRE fixes
58 Days Ago
Sync attacking animation Broadcast Explosion animation for Exploder Fix Fade-In. Do it entirely thru CSS so UI doesnt rebuild every frame while fading.
58 Days Ago
No longer take ownership of Manager GameObject No longer take ownership of the GameObjects that shouldn't be owned by anyone Mark a bunch of client-side prefabs as Never Network Update Shadow Spawning and make them client-side. Reduces a ton of network load. Remove .wav files from ResourceFiles Move SpawnShadow from OnAwake to OnStart to ensure GameManager initializes Stop looping through every player and doing sqrt calculations for each individual sfx Don't network Current/Required Experience since it isn't shown to other players Don't run certain Spitter code on non-host EnemyBullets should only check collisions on host Don't update Hud on Time.Now, make fade in client-side Save game.scene after having it run the JsonUpgraders
58 Days Ago
Only check for StartupScene in Publish Wizard if Type == "game"
58 Days Ago
Fix error when startup scene is set but not immediately recognized
58 Days Ago
Ask for confirmation before deleting animation w/ right click Added .Copy() functions to Tile and Layer classes TilesetToolInspector NRE fix Added Context Menu to TilesetLayerControl Fix TilesetLayerListControl Height Create TilesetSceneObject for drawing tiles in a single Graphics.Draw call. Replace Delete IconButton with Lock Button.
58 Days Ago
Fix NRE when opening PublishPage directly
58 Days Ago
Added Warning to Publishing Wizard telling you which issues need to be resolved in order to upload. Don't allow upload if startup scene is not set or is set and does not exist.
59 Days Ago
Added Dragging to re-order Layers Change Height of Layer Scroll Area Darken the layer being dragged
59 Days Ago
Moved existing Code files into a "Sprite" folder Create Tileset folder and add a basic TilesetResource Add empty TilesetComponent with stripped Tile class. Will optimize this further later. Began basic Tileset Tool, Draw grid with gizmo instead Create TilesetToolInspector, rebuild on hotload Strip TilesetComponent.Tile class and add TilesetComponent.Layer class TileMapTools -> TilesetTools. Add ControlSheet to TilesetToolInspector Create GameObject w Component when necessary Added SelectedLayer and Active to TilesetTool. Tileset Tool Header shows Selected Layer Created Layer List Widget and Layer Widget, displays in both ToolInspector and TileComponent TilesetComponent.Layers is now a property under the Layers group
59 Days Ago
Add Storage Usage Widget to Publisher Wizard. Useful for finding out what has the largest impact on file size.
59 Days Ago
Combed Network Mode, Network Interpolation, and Advanced Network Settings into one condensed menu Added [Icon] attributes to NetworkOrphaned and OwnerTransfer enums Move Interpolation Icon to be the same as the other options. Remove unnecessary code and comments. Give Network Options button ToolTip Change Network Orphaned -> "Orphaned Mode" and Network Interpolation -> "Interpolation" Disable extra network settings when Network Mode is not set to Network Object. Radio Options no longer interactive when disabled Grey out interpolation icon when disabled Merge pull request #1631 from Facepunch/new-inspector-network-menu Updated Network Settings Menu in GameObject Inspector
59 Days Ago
Grey out interpolation icon when disabled
59 Days Ago
Disable extra network settings when Network Mode is not set to Network Object. Radio Options no longer interactive when disabled
59 Days Ago
Change Network Orphaned -> "Orphaned Mode" and Network Interpolation -> "Interpolation"
59 Days Ago
Combed Network Mode, Network Interpolation, and Advanced Network Settings into one condensed menu Added [Icon] attributes to NetworkOrphaned and OwnerTransfer enums Move Interpolation Icon to be the same as the other options. Remove unnecessary code and comments. Give Network Options button ToolTip
59 Days Ago
Show Prefab Variable button before Nullable button in ControlSheet
2 Months Ago
Fix gizmo bounds on SpriteComponent when origin was in lower-left quadrant
2 Months Ago
Add Box Gizmo to Hitbox Component
2 Months Ago
Fix RoomManager gizmos Update Sprite Tools Fix Texture.Load issue in ItemComponent Updated Sprite Tools Show Aggro Range gizmo when enemy selected
2 Months Ago
Optimize single non-spritesheet Sprites
2 Months Ago
Another TextureAtlas NRE fix when uninitialized Fixed CellOffset visual display in Spritesheet Importer Fixed Cell Offset in Import process
2 Months Ago
Use Pixel Font for Damage Numbers Increase Map Generation Size with each Floor. Guarantee one item room each floor, adding another every 4 floors
2 Months Ago
Fixed enemies walking through walls Fix dash networking Added Enemy Spawner Component, Sprite and Prefab PrefabSpawners have SpawnOnStart. Crates/objects will spawn on map generation, enemies will not spawn until entering room. Doors close when entering Room (if room has enemy spawns). Doors open after clearing all enemies.
2 Months Ago
Tick correct session in SceneViewWidget. Fixes occasional `Error calling 'tool.frame' on 'Editor.SceneViewWidget'`
2 Months Ago
Hook up File -> Open Scene (Resolve TODO)
2 Months Ago
Move some scripts into new folders Fix some Player networking issues Player and other Entities no longer run OnFixedUpdate when Map is generating Created EndFloorTrigger and prefab. Goes to next floor when all players are standing on it. Add EndFloorTrigger to each boss room prefab Going to next floor loads new scene and connected clients retake appropriate players Fix re-connected player sometimes spawning with a 2nd gun
2 Months Ago
Spawn enemies/other prefabs once room generation is finished
2 Months Ago
Added Item Rooms and RoomType Enum Created Boss Room Assets GameManager.IsMapGenerating, Pause everything while generation occurs Fix Map Generation Hanging sometimes Added "Generating Map" UI Update Sprite Tools Fixed odd png issue
2 Months Ago
Update Sprite Tools Update Sprite Tools (again) Updated all Item Sprites to use the same origin Improved InteractableUI More InteractableUI cleanup Created Item Prefab Update Sprite Tools Update All Sprites Again Item Prefab assigns a random Item when Item is null
2 Months Ago
Fix TextureAtlas NRE when uninitialized
2 Months Ago
Fix more sprite component errors when no Sprite is set
2 Months Ago
Added popup to Create Sprites menu option allowing you to specify import settings for each sprite
2 Months Ago
Whoops creating sprite from menu didnt actually save the file
2 Months Ago
Update Sprite Tools Created ItemResource Expanded upon ItemResource Update Sprite Tools Added SS1 Item Sprites for now Interactables now show info panel when standing on Added some test items Made ItemResource only take Sprite, Interactable Icon takes texture from Sprite Update Sprite Tools
2 Months Ago
Fix error serializing SpriteComponent without a Sprite
2 Months Ago
Added Right Click Menu for creating 2D Sprite(s) from image files
2 Months Ago
Fix Sprite Component gizmos erroring when no Sprite is set
2 Months Ago
Added Dash/Roll. Invulnerable while dashing Added Dash Particles
2 Months Ago
Update Sprite Tools Shorter Range on Uzi Weapon Added Bullet Pop Effect to projectiles
2 Months Ago
Only run OnAnimationComplete if Game.IsPlaying Changed SpriteComponent title to "2D Sprite Component" to prevent confusion with existing sprite components Fix Sprite Objects being dragged in with an incorrect rotation Added SpriteComponent.GetAttachmentTransform to get Transform of an attachment without having to create Attachment Objects Added documentation to PlayAnimation function Made Attach Points much more visible in the Sprite Editor Hopefully prevent spontaneous crash when crating new Attach Points Delete the test sprite
2 Months Ago
Fixed Z-indexing and camera height
2 Months Ago
Re-organized Room Prefab folder structure Started on Interactable Entity
2 Months Ago
Pitch coin sound when picking up consecutively Update player hitbox Don't run Entity GameObjectSystem in editor 😅