
4,119 Commits over 1,127 Days - 0.15cph!

9 Months Ago
Revert DisposeAsync, it actually isn't needed. Only dispatch Disconnect if we're connected. Add EnableCompression to set deflate options if their socket server supports.
9 Months Ago
Attempt to fix double pixel placer avatar. Dispose socket immediately on reconnect?
9 Months Ago
Backup dispose
9 Months Ago
Increase reconnection timer
9 Months Ago
Use DisplayName on Leaderboard
9 Months Ago
Better reconnection
9 Months Ago
Auto reconnection timer. Increased bitmap segment count. Extra logging. Re-use socket.
9 Months Ago
Hover, don't flush every inc ;)
9 Months Ago
WebSocket implements IAsyncDisposable. When disposing websocket because of TaskSource cancellation, do so async and complete the WS close handshake if we can. If we receive a ConnectionClosedPrematurely message, only actually disconnect + dispose if the connection is no longer open. Call TaskSource.OnSessionEnded in GameMenuDll when resetting environment.
9 Months Ago
Fix path
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Remove sgrph, add grid to shader
9 Months Ago
Fix lobby display but still doesn't launch other members into the game yet
9 Months Ago
Fix up Elo, lobby screen, fix match summary progress delta
9 Months Ago
System message, who
9 Months Ago
Who requests
9 Months Ago
Moderator brush size
9 Months Ago
Let's just update the leaderboard every 30 seconds now
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Re-apply Bak's changes because I overwrote 'em during rebase soz
9 Months Ago
Fix command box blocking input
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Mod + server-side login + mod commands
9 Months Ago
Added mod toggle
9 Months Ago
Add Moderation
9 Months Ago
Give us superpowers again
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Change visibility
9 Months Ago
Toggle visibility
9 Months Ago
Flush stats
9 Months Ago
Update leaderboard every 2 second stress test
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Clear initial messages if we get disconnected
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Don't reconnect if we're already connected - hotload issue
9 Months Ago
Try to reconnect if we get disconnected
9 Months Ago
If too many placer avatars delete the first immediately
9 Months Ago
Fix hotloading, add Placer list + Placer
9 Months Ago
Remove HasInitialBitmap only set Status to connected when we have it
9 Months Ago
Fix messages sending as BaseMessage :S
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Add error message if failed to connect, connect to dedicated hosted websocket server
9 Months Ago
Increment pixels stats
9 Months Ago
Add event for OnPixelPlaced, pass SteamId of the placer
9 Months Ago
Rename DrawerAPI Oops SocketException isn't whitelisted
9 Months Ago
Add BaseMessage, SteamId support + set. Add ConnectionStatus
9 Months Ago
Remove server files we'll put these elsewhere