
4,141 Commits over 1,127 Days - 0.15cph!

9 Months Ago
Pulsar will do 25% less damage to its owner - ez speed boost
9 Months Ago
Award re-style
9 Months Ago
Add Accuracy to Turret Asset. Various UI fixes.
9 Months Ago
Revert "Only update (run pending events, tick, scroll velocity) after render once - reset that flag on hotload if render tree becomes dirty" This reverts commit aae36e1777d11a5649c24985c0f8802ced3397b4.
9 Months Ago
Only update (run pending events, tick, scroll velocity) after render once - reset that flag on hotload if render tree becomes dirty
9 Months Ago
Max 32 chars for ident edit, don't show sandbox gamemode twice Add icons for all file menu items Add "Open in Editor" context menu option to ProjectRow, shows up for library/tools/addon projects Make StartScreen a BaseWindow, add HasMaximizeButton Add modal package selector to main menu, use `Game.Overlay.ShowPackageSelector( query, onSelect )` Don't clean up Release path when running processor codegen shit, fixes razor gen when testing release builds Revert "Don't clean up Release path when running processor codegen shit, fixes razor gen when testing release builds" This reverts commit 738d6ef11f5591743600177ff476b7d5138f9741. Trace.RunAll() - return empty array instead of null for no results Fix copying text throwing exception Use s&box logo as window icon for welcome screen 👋 Don't spam Draw: No Material Mode? from RenderTools::Draw, it's valid for there to be no valid mode when you're under tool vis modes Fix crash when dragging cloud models quickly in/out of MapView Merge branch 'master' into render-frag-ref-fix
9 Months Ago
Update surfaces to json, fix friction (why did it break),
9 Months Ago
Compiled map
9 Months Ago
Map uses Dark Carpet
9 Months Ago
Upgrade materials, CurrentGamePage uses same styling
9 Months Ago
Defer OnAfterTreeRender until end of tick to ensure children processed first and references set
9 Months Ago
Fixed all the materials finally (thanks Louie!!!)
9 Months Ago
Start updating to use Stats/Leaderboard API
9 Months Ago
Don't include any csproj
9 Months Ago
Razor changes for IDE, untrack csproj
10 Months Ago
Added bg sound
10 Months Ago
Improved menu w/ sounds
10 Months Ago
Fix setting GameLobby.ConVars not checking correct key for input Remove Map options for Game projects (this stuff to be handled in game menus only in future) Remove map select stuff from LaunchConfig Remove validate map stuff from GameMenuInstance Obsolete ValidateMap, MapSelectionMode and MapList
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Add .idea to .gitignore
10 Months Ago
Use enclosing block statements
10 Months Ago
Recompile vpk again
10 Months Ago
Fix obsoletes
10 Months Ago
Remove test events
10 Months Ago
Fixed emerge materials
10 Months Ago
Map meta
10 Months Ago
Compiled map, css cleanup
10 Months Ago
Update razor code to put single-statement code in braces so Rider doesn't moan. Fixed map, update all references for models used on Asset Party.
10 Months Ago
Add log
10 Months Ago
Don't try to join our own lobby, and dont find if we're at max members
10 Months Ago
Don't try to join another available lobby if we're in one that is loading maybe try enterserverasync?
10 Months Ago
Improved video
10 Months Ago
Backdrop blur
10 Months Ago
Start adding pool main menu Scene renderer for pool map Update map refs Add different carpet texture Try a different carpet texture Background move + some restyle Map change Join or create lobby Always try to find new lobbies Various other style tweaks, try to fix lobby join Try launch game Style tweaks add map content Only join open lobbies Delete SceneRenderer, use webm video Menu tweaks, use background image for webm
10 Months Ago
Scrape Effects (#1139) * Add props to Surface for impact decal and scrape effects / decals * Use ContactPoint + SurfaceNormal to pass into AddImpactSound * Let's add decals and particle effects for impacts but try only doing it if speed > 30 - maybe we configure this per surface? * Add PhysicsImpact struct and use that to seperate effects for Hard and Soft impacts in Surface description (decals + fx) * Correctly spawn soft or hard physics impact particles + decals based on squared speed * Add normal from first valid manifold on contact to friction events to pass to C# * Enable/Disable physics impacts and scrape events as props for now, pass normal from fiction event to AddFrictionSound and create effects where necessary * Also grab contact center from first manifold and pass to C# * Use contact pos for decals + effects, try to base effect frequency on energy volume scale, fix decal placement remove particles on friction effect stop * Set destroy time to 0.5 (this is a failsafe anyway) * Don't have particles follow entity, do it ourselves so we can set to actual contact pos * Set forward for scrape particles to contact normal * Use method for getting inherited surface values if necessary to avoid repeating same code * Add Mass and Direction named control points for friction particles. Mass is body mass, direction is body velocity normal. CP0 is already setting position and contact normal * Lower destroy time for effects * Reorganize scrape data in surface def, lower default values. Don't fallback to rough by default. If it's a smooth scrape and there's no effects for that - do nothing by default * Surface is considered smooth by default, can set roughness factor higher for rough surfaces... * Get material for triangle by index for shape 2 on friction events should fix all friction events against world surfaces having hit surface be "default" * Store friction hit surface (last) and if we've changed hit surface stop any previous effects and sounds * Remove unused prop * Remove unused var * Make EnableScrapeEffects and EnableImpactEffects internal for now * Make FrictionEffects a dictionary * Call PhysicsGameSystem.Shutdown on GameLoop shutdown to ensure vars cleared * Add an Intensity named control point value (0-1) for scrape particle effects to use
10 Months Ago
Recompile materials maybe that'll help... remove +iv_ from tips
10 Months Ago
Set default value if property does not exist in AddDictionaryPropertyInt as we do in AddDictionaryProperty<T>
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Fixed resources / materials again..
10 Months Ago
Fixed resources
10 Months Ago
Add an Intensity named control point value (0-1) for scrape particle effects to use
10 Months Ago
Make EnableScrapeEffects and EnableImpactEffects internal for now Make FrictionEffects a dictionary Call PhysicsGameSystem.Shutdown on GameLoop shutdown to ensure vars cleared
10 Months Ago
TickRate Project Settings (#1134) * TickRate project settings * Def tick rate 50 as it was * Obsolete Game.TickRate.set * take tickrate stuff out of serverconfig
10 Months Ago
Remove unused var
10 Months Ago
Call Destroy on host too
10 Months Ago
Defer removing entity from entities list on destroy
10 Months Ago
Don't process state update if we already processed one newer than that
10 Months Ago
IsController overload for specified player
10 Months Ago
Added EntitySystem.All
10 Months Ago
Add Rpc support for entities it's kinda lame w/o codegen