
4,391 Commits over 1,218 Days - 0.15cph!

23 Days Ago
Fire nodes... kind of better placeholder node effect Some temp sounds - make not buyable again
23 Days Ago
Initial Molotov Grenade prefab stubs Molotov references in prefabs + MolotovGrenade component stub with explode on collision Setup equipment Explode on impact properly. Fix a NRE in Crosshair AoE (shit rn) only explode if we land on a relatively flat surface, otherwise bounce Add AreaDamage component. Add Burn type damage. Take damage while in molotov AoE radius Disable buy for Molotov Cocktail for now, I wanna add fire spread plus the particle effect is shit right now
23 Days Ago
Start adding support to edit Network Orphaned and Owner Transfer options in Inspector (visible when Network Mode is set to Object)
24 Days Ago
Check if sound handle is valid
24 Days Ago
Scene might be null - store pawn in var
24 Days Ago
Body might be null, component list might be null
24 Days Ago
Add more ? everywhere
24 Days Ago
Placeholder sounds for smokes - added ability for SoundEmitter to specify volume over time and also Destroy On Finish (def: true)
25 Days Ago
Added initial particle effect for simple smokes (CSGO style). Add option for fuse delay to enable a fuse effect prefab after some delay, we can add sounds here. Can also add a sound emitter for smoke release to smoke effect prefab
25 Days Ago
Move PlayerColor to PlayerState (Closes Facepunch/sbox-hc1#148)
25 Days Ago
Clearer exceptions
25 Days Ago
Use Network.Active check to determine if we should network spawn or assign ownership
25 Days Ago
Ensure we properly network ownership changes during network orphaned actions
25 Days Ago
Keep project loading stuff together and make sure we load initial collision rules after project settings file system is mounted (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5739)
25 Days Ago
Closes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5566
25 Days Ago
Throw exception when sending RPC on non-networked Game Objects (Closes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5504)
25 Days Ago
Fixed potential NRE in AudioListener component when scene camera isn't valid (yet)
29 Days Ago
Fix overlapping Reset to Default on ControlSheet with Reset Transform context menu. Add individual reset Position/Scale/Rotation on Transform context menu (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4867)
30 Days Ago
Fix issue with new local instance on "local" package to do with small network files
30 Days Ago
Fixed logic for motion enabled and root only networking
31 Days Ago
Network body type as well
31 Days Ago
CustomEditorAttribute now orders by number of parent classes so most relevant editor is always found. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5647 Merge branch 'master' into net-model-phys
31 Days Ago
Reapply changes from old branch
31 Days Ago
Remove from interpolation system on GameObject destroy
36 Days Ago
Add hc1_hide_flashbang_overlay
36 Days Ago
If value is already IPingReceiver we don't need to search the hierarchy
36 Days Ago
It's possible for Components to be null if a Component is no longer valid (GameObject = null)
36 Days Ago
Only the host should handle trigger enter logic in Extractionpoint
36 Days Ago
Pass in IPingReceiver id if exists into Ping RPC - check if passed target value is valid in setter
37 Days Ago
No need to have multiple screen panels here
37 Days Ago
Initial flashbang prefabs Flashbang Effect component stub Basic overlay + bloom effect Extra effects Dsp (use weird.4 for now?) Only apply flashbang effects if we see the flashbang Sound effect Explode sound Fix resume of flashbang effect Add freeze frame overlay to flashbang Capsule flashbang collider Merge pull request #128 from Facepunch/flashbang Flashbang
37 Days Ago
Capsule flashbang collider
37 Days Ago
Fix resume of flashbang effect Add freeze frame overlay to flashbang
37 Days Ago
Explode sound
37 Days Ago
Sound effect
37 Days Ago
Flashbang Effect component stub Basic overlay + bloom effect Extra effects Dsp (use weird.4 for now?) Only apply flashbang effects if we see the flashbang
37 Days Ago
Initial flashbang prefabs
37 Days Ago
Fix most of the UI
37 Days Ago
Call TransformChanged() once again in InterpolateFixedUpdate Clear pending updates in SceneNetworkUpdate too Make sure we use TargetLocal in any transform changed callbacks called from within interpolation phase to fix physics bodies using wrong values. Add internal InterpolationWorld getter in GameTransform and use that in ModelRenderer OnTransformChanged for updating scene object position (fixes broken interp.)
37 Days Ago
PhysicsWorld.CollisionRules Refactor - Project Settings Small Network Files Support (#1604) * Add PhysicsWorld.CollisionRules getter. Delete ServerConfig. Update collision rules json on world if hash changes before physics step. Project Settings (.config) are networked via Small Network Files - can react to changes * Do GetHashCode this way * Initialize CollisionRules * Handle small network files from different file systems this way? * Fix * Fix documentation * Reset config files * Kind of genericize SmallNetworkFiles - push / add / remove files from it externally - mount its MemoryFileSystem externally as well to desired file system * Fix - but obviously it can't be done this way it's absolutely awful * Add all files from network when mounting on client side * Method name update * Remove some duplication * Cleanup * Fix inverted condition * Unnecessary arg * ToHashCode * ReadWithFallback will return new T() if package is null too * Store CollisionRules from Project Settings in ProjectSettings static class - update it when project settings change. Physics worlds using this reference should update automatically * Call ProjectSettings.Reset in ResetEnvironment * Clean up * Swap these
42 Days Ago
Swap these
42 Days Ago
Clean up
42 Days Ago
Call ProjectSettings.Reset in ResetEnvironment
42 Days Ago
Store CollisionRules from Project Settings in ProjectSettings static class - update it when project settings change. Physics worlds using this reference should update automatically
43 Days Ago
ReadWithFallback will return new T() if package is null too
43 Days Ago
43 Days Ago
Unnecessary arg
43 Days Ago
Fix inverted condition
43 Days Ago
43 Days Ago
Remove some duplication