
4,794 Commits over 1,371 Days - 0.15cph!

3 Months Ago
Added AbilityType, IAbilityUser, BaseAbility and AbilityResource. Foundations for abilities/skills Add HealAbility and able to use abilities in slot by Q,W,E,R. Still need to do target / AoE ability (selection).
3 Months Ago
Interpolate pan, move center on hero logic to camera
3 Months Ago
Add basic edge panning to the camera. Need to add a way to detect if mouse is outside of the game view when in editor
3 Months Ago
ToArray() for GetAll<> so can destroy components inside the loop Add OutlineWhenHovered and OutlineWhenSelected components
3 Months Ago
Change ISelectable to a Component - auto create the trigger if none specified. Add Selectable.ISelectionListener Auto find Selectable if not specified I think this is a better system - added listeners for Hover/Unhover for selectables as well. Sync player's AimRay. Now can have components that show an outline or something when item is hovered
3 Months Ago
Added ISelectableEvent Add CameraController, add IHeroEvent. Center on Hero when first spawned.
3 Months Ago
Oops Hero prefab selector needs selectable tag
3 Months Ago
Some cleanup. Auto select Hero on start. Don't love this first iteration of selection
3 Months Ago
Add ISelectable and basic selection Improvements to selection stuff - add Deselect and pass PlayerState into selection callbacks
3 Months Ago
Add Input settings Add PlayerState system. Simplify some stuff on GameManager for static access
3 Months Ago
Navigator docs Add HeroResource. Add generichero.hero. Hero resource loading, Host-only team/loading and change callback setup
3 Months Ago
[Hide] IsValid on Resource so that it doesn't show Is Valid tickbox in inspector for game resources
3 Months Ago
Fix obsoletes Add DrawPath property to Navigator for debugging nav path. Set CharacterController radius to half of NavMesh agent radius
3 Months Ago
Restructure - DestroyAfterGame actually destroys the GameObject not the component
3 Months Ago
Fix Close On Launch not being saved properly in Startup Window (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5718)
3 Months Ago
Fix logs being cleared too late when Clear Console On Play is checked (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6103)
3 Months Ago
Some improvements
3 Months Ago
Use scene events Some basic movement
3 Months Ago
The very basics
3 Months Ago
Initial commit
3 Months Ago
Use safe scale in Transform.ToLocal and Transform.PointToLocal so that it cannot produce NaN or infinity values. This fixes a bug where a child of a parent with a scale of 0,0,0 cannot set position programatically without the position being infinity. It should also fix any other issues with NaN values where ToLocal is concerned (such as GameTransform) in cases where any component of scale was 0.
3 Months Ago
Change notif colors
3 Months Ago
Add notifications to all players for pickups
3 Months Ago
Added player nameplates
3 Months Ago
Don't invoke change callback when loading or deserializing (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6406)
3 Months Ago
Fix other tests
3 Months Ago
Make sure CodeGen is using global:: for everything - add a unit test to confirm
3 Months Ago
Put LONG obsolete method back again so tests pass because someone is still using it (grr)
3 Months Ago
Restore functionality to clear interpolation over the network with new system
3 Months Ago
Re-instate these long-obsolete methods for now because something is still using one of them :(
3 Months Ago
Ensure last update is sent properly when ownership changes (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6394)
3 Months Ago
Implement blocks_exploded stat
3 Months Ago
Fix spread disease - disable spreader during teleportation disease
3 Months Ago
Implement disease achievement - can pass disease onto other players by touching them
3 Months Ago
Move ChangeAttribute back to Sandbox.System but put the callback in Sandbox.Game so we don't break anything.
3 Months Ago
Update docs
3 Months Ago
Upgrade ChangeAttribute to support any property not just for [ConVar], so it now works with [Sync], too. Move ChangeAttribute to Sandbox.Game so it can use TypeLibrary for CodeGenerator wrapped property stuff. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6386
3 Months Ago
More accurately synchronize Time.Now between clients. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6326 (at least with the repro they attached.)
3 Months Ago
Fixed Sync attribute / CodeGenerator wrapped properties ignoring existing modifiers (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5867)
3 Months Ago
Implement Pooper achievement / stat Implement Go Faster Stripes achievement Implement consecutive win / Winning Streak achievement Implement Ace! achievement
4 Months Ago
Delta Snapshot Slots (#1660)
4 Months Ago
Bettter explanation
4 Months Ago
Test fix for "Unknown Player" has left the game
4 Months Ago
Put this warning behind a network debug check
4 Months Ago
Testing disable Nagle's algorithm on snapshots - it may caused delayed snapshots
4 Months Ago
Some final refactoring of DeltaSnapshot/DeltaSnapshotContainer
4 Months Ago
Further optimization - this is quicker than WriteArray/ReadArray
4 Months Ago
Optimization here to only re-serialize changes for snapshots
4 Months Ago
Optimize lookups - fix bug with reconnecting clients not processing snapshot
4 Months Ago
Clean up - make things more explicit in seperation of snapshot supported network table entries