
4,119 Commits over 1,127 Days - 0.15cph!

3 Months Ago
Attempt to make sounds better until get some new ones
3 Months Ago
Deploy starting weapon when respawning. Don't increase ammo count forever each respawn
3 Months Ago
Added basic lobby menu to create or join servers
3 Months Ago
Add temporary kill notification in chat until I sort a killfeed Respawn
3 Months Ago
Actually show Kills and Deaths
3 Months Ago
Add scoreboard with kills/deaths, add ragdoll controller and ragdoll on death. add HUD with ammo count. Add rudimentary crosshair with hitmarker anim.
3 Months Ago
Add nametag. Configure chat. Add PickupSpawner gizmo stuff
3 Months Ago
Added pickup system - change the way deploying and holstering works
3 Months Ago
Add SpawnPointStripper component for when you want to remove all spawnpoints that come with a map
3 Months Ago
Add crouch support but disable for now. Ensure head doesn't clip through stuff when jumping
3 Months Ago
Lower sprint speed. Use Killhouse as test map.
3 Months Ago
Less silly API for one shot particle
3 Months Ago
Don't always play hitmarker
3 Months Ago
Add smoke puffs when firing. IHealthComponent. Implement health / damage for players. Network damage. Blood effect
3 Months Ago
Add ClothingContainer.ApplyWithComponent extension. PlayerDresser uses ApplyWithComponent Add WeaponComponent.Initialized - set ModelRenderer OnAwake Add ClothingComponent - update visibility for head clothing depending on if proxy, set to cast shadows only if not
3 Months Ago
Add Facepunch.Arena.ChangeAttribute Remove old WasDeployed OnUpdate check - use ChangeCallback
3 Months Ago
Be able to get object from CodeGen wrapped prop/method
3 Months Ago
Added AmmoContainer, ammo system and reload
3 Months Ago
Added muzzle flash
3 Months Ago
Cheeky business to hide player's head for owner so it will never clip, but still render full shadow with head
3 Months Ago
Can use GetAttachment and use muzzle for shoot pos now (thanks layla!)
3 Months Ago
Added SoundSequenceData resource and SoundSequence class. Add reload sound sequences to USP and MP5.
3 Months Ago
Add FireSound and DeploySound to WeaponComponent
3 Months Ago
Footstep aounds
3 Months Ago
Add Extensions.GetTemplate for PrefabScene
3 Months Ago
Add WeaponContainer
3 Months Ago
Remove redundant param
3 Months Ago
Kind of better handling of switching weapons on network / mp5 test Basic spread and recoil, auto fire
3 Months Ago
Dress player
3 Months Ago
Fire Rate, Deploy Time, GiveWeapon, SelectNextWeapon, SelectPreviousWeapon
3 Months Ago
OneShotParticle extension, WeaponManager to store prefabs
3 Months Ago
Check valid scene
3 Months Ago
Test weapon networked tracer
3 Months Ago
Use NetworkSpawn - players now have their own pistol
3 Months Ago
Add GameObject.NetworkSpawn, obsolete Network.Spawn (redirect)
3 Months Ago
Fix issues with loading compiled resource json in editor space
3 Months Ago
Update to give org
3 Months Ago
Fix documentation
3 Months Ago
Load/reload prefabs with SmallNetworkFiles. Read compiled json with c# fs instead of using native (#1440)
3 Months Ago
Load/reload prefabs with SmallNetworkFiles. Read compiled json with c# fs instead of using native
3 Months Ago
Try to give a starting weapon to test
3 Months Ago
FOV change
3 Months Ago
Test weapon / better camera
3 Months Ago
Add IsValidType and use that for now instead of IsValueType on the property. Support using `string` for Sync
3 Months Ago
StyleSheet String Table (#1437) * Initial commit * Make it better * Clear entries in StringTable.Reset * Remove unused method * Remove unused using statement * .scss and .prefab both valid small network files * Send .prefab_c instead of .prefab
3 Months Ago
Send .prefab_c instead of .prefab
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Fixed nodes calling methods returning Task<T> Enable laughter detection on lipsync, add laughter score property Add Material.RepresentativeTexture, some tools want to know the main color texture of a material Get rid of this, I hate it actually, should have a better way Codegen Engine assemblies (#1438) Remove unused codegen units Update CodeGen.Targets Don't report shutdown exceptions (proper) New native sentry dsn so we don't get entity branch errors Fix CodeGen attributes missing in CodeGen Updated DecalRenderer to use MakeDirty Fix decals being recreated every frame, scale properly with transform, light origin is projection point Use MakeDirty in a bunch of places, now we can Remove CreateWrappedMethod bs. Have VoiceComponent use [Broadcast] now. Remove manual RPC stuff from GameObject.Network. Set map physics shapes collider to map collider component so they get collision events Fix collider overriding shape surface with default surface when model has already set it PhysicsShape.SurfaceMaterial updates the cached surface so it doesn't get into a situation where native and managed surface is out of sync Play impact sound from the impact surface, not the shape surface (they can be different on meshes!) Initialize native physics shape material to default so there's always a valid surface Initialize material.. but properly this time Fix BoxCollider not positioning properly Fix BoxCollider not positioning correctly Fix Sphere Collider fuck up Fix GameObject.Clone not setting parent Merge branch 'master' into stylesheet-stringtable
3 Months Ago
.scss and .prefab both valid small network files
3 Months Ago
Remove CreateWrappedMethod bs. Have VoiceComponent use [Broadcast] now. Remove manual RPC stuff from GameObject.Network.
3 Months Ago
Remove unused using statement