
4,125 Commits over 1,127 Days - 0.15cph!

2 Years Ago
Added crude Editor Save Dialog and Editor Load Dialog Increased default editor camera FOV Have loading screen properly re-appear when it should do Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
2 Years Ago
Properly clean up worlds and chunks when destroyed. Properly send and refresh worlds when changed on clients.
2 Years Ago
Make E snap instead of Shift
2 Years Ago
Some changes to the bounds
2 Years Ago
Automatically switch to editor mode if loading facepunch.cw_editor_map
2 Years Ago
Update sbox-voxels
2 Years Ago
Fix stupidity
2 Years Ago
Update sbox-voxels
2 Years Ago
Restore lost changes
2 Years Ago
Update sbox-voxels
2 Years Ago
Empty Biome
2 Years Ago
Added corewars_conna.voxels and vpk to test voxel world loader
2 Years Ago
Add a default biome for worlds loaded by Voxel World Loader
2 Years Ago
Added VoxelWorldLoader entity to Core Wars for Hammer If a Voxel World Loader entity is present when loading the map, use it to try and load the voxel world by file name
2 Years Ago
Added VoxelWorld.SaveToFile and VoxelWorld.LoadFromFile
2 Years Ago
Adjust zoom out for Area Blocks and Duplicate Blocks tools
2 Years Ago
Revert to Copy mode and reset start position as the secondary attack for the Duplicate Blocks tool
2 Years Ago
Added MoveStartBlock method to EditorAreaGhost Add GetAimVoxelPosition to EditorTool Added MVP version of the Duplicate Blocks Tool Added EditorCamera Fixed bug with EditorAreaGhost when using MoveStartBlock Set GlobalOpacity when using Area Blocks or Duplicate Blocks tool (not working in shader rn) Update sbox-voxels submodule
2 Years Ago
Added VoxelWorld.GlobalOpacity
2 Years Ago
Added ability to SetState and create a copy of a BlockState
2 Years Ago
Add VertexBufferExtension with methods to add a cube with repeating texture / UV scale settings Add a new place_block_color.png to more clearly define what a block is Pass a scale into AddCube so that blocks are properly displayed for the editor ghost
2 Years Ago
Implement diminishing returns for workers constructing a building Ensure that units are evicted from vehicles properly when they are destroyed Fixed the Tesla Coil Fixed the nuke ability and silo hatch animation Restored glow functionality using new Glow component
2 Years Ago
Don't use a thread for now
2 Years Ago
Fixed line of sight calculation
2 Years Ago
Add OccupiableSettings.MinLightOfSightAdd and MaxLightOfSightAdd
2 Years Ago
Use override
2 Years Ago
Grunts move faster and are cheaper Assault units now take 25s to build Medics have a larger heal range and heal faster and for longer Increased Heavy Health to 175 Increased attack and line of sight radius of Rocketman Increased DPS of Pyro/Cyro and decreased construction cost Decreased DPS of attack drones. Added medic heal ability to Bubble Drone Increased DPS of Hellfire and decreased construction costs Make it clearer what Apache and Buggy require Increase DPS of Tank and Plasma Tank and health of Buggy, speed of Buggy and APC Decreased Command Centre cost Adjusted upgrade costs for command centre and decreased upgrade time Vastly increased Watch Tower LOS Increased effective range of the Radar Jammer Added OccupantGrantsLineOfSight and have Watchtower and Pillbox use it Increased SAM site range and LOS Updated description of Basic Ballistics to emphasize that it affects ANY projectile type
2 Years Ago
Added Requires Occupant label for the Buggy and Apache Units with an occupant will display that occupant on the hud like buildings do (and will do so for other players too)
2 Years Ago
Added BaseBuilding.MaxConstructed and set MaxConstructed for Pub to be 15 (90 population) Scale the stock of all resource types by 1.5x (too much?) Doubled the time it takes for a worker to gather resources
2 Years Ago
Update sbox-voxels submodule
2 Years Ago
Ensure affected neighbours have a full update queued when updating lighting
2 Years Ago
Update sbox-voxels submodule
2 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to change blocks if they aren't air. Use GameTask.Yield.
2 Years Ago
Added GameTask.Yield Merge branch 'master' of
2 Years Ago
Update sbox-voxels submodule and use GetPositionsInBox
2 Years Ago
Rename to GetPositionsInBox
2 Years Ago
Update to use GetAimVoxelPosition
2 Years Ago
Added EditorAreaGhost render entity Update sbox-voxels submodule Added initial version of AreaBlocksTool
2 Years Ago
Added VoxelWorld.GetBlocksInBox
2 Years Ago
Update voxels submodule
2 Years Ago
Potential progress? Have the lightmap queue a full update when it becomes dirty Update mesh immediately when ready and perform initial torch/sunlight update in thread Stash A little better maybe but still screwed. May need a general re-think. Screw it, just do it all in another thread... slight visual glitch with this though when updating mesh in a thread (to investigate) Merge pull request #1 from Facepunch/light-fixes Light fixes
2 Years Ago
Screw it, just do it all in another thread... slight visual glitch with this though when updating mesh in a thread (to investigate)
2 Years Ago
A little better maybe but still screwed. May need a general re-think.
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Update sbox-voxels submodule
2 Years Ago
Have the lightmap queue a full update when it becomes dirty Update mesh immediately when ready and perform initial torch/sunlight update in thread
2 Years Ago
Potential progress?
2 Years Ago
Simplification test
2 Years Ago
Update sbox-voxels submodule
2 Years Ago
Added LiquidState. Have each queued tick have its own delay. Add queued ticks to a list(?) then process ready ones into a queue. Sort of kind of maybe somewhat happy with liquid for now.