4,794 Commits over 1,371 Days - 0.15cph!
Update shader to support _hue mask atlas
Update materials to reduce atlas cell size to 32
Support a min/max hue shift between 0 and 64 (64 is 90 degree hue shift)
Update shader to support hue shift and new format. Update submodule. Add test Min/Max hue shift to grass block.
Added ExtraData support to VertexBlock. Added Min/MaxHueShift on BlockType.
Replace .jpg extension with .png for BlockResource icon (why?)
Make sure material override is done on the client
Add material override support to block model overrides
Potentially fixed preview on Editor Area Ghost for rotated voxel blocks
Update submodule
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
Create vertex buffer when mesh is created and only update size and data from then on
Don't forget other conflicting commands
Name cmd "cw_say" because calling it "say" conflicts with the base addon command when using s&works
Fix chatbox styling and if a player is on no team then send messages to the All channel
Added a block name label above the editor hotbar
Styling to toast list specific for the editor & autosave icon
Add ToastList to EditorHud. Automatically save a backup (world_backup.voxels) every 60 seconds.
Update shader + torch state
Delete nameplate on EditorPlayer when destroyed
Add nameplates to EditorPlayer and set font on EditorHotbarSlot
Send raw json via RPC for the client to load on spawn
Throw an exception if trying to initialize blocks with an invalid block id
Update to SetBlockOnServerKeepState
Update submodule. Update all editor tools to set state first, then block (without clearing state) when doing stuff like moving or duplicating blocks. Attempt to suss the best direction for a block when placing with the Place Blocks Tool.
HasTexture -> HideMesh. Add option to disable clearing state when setting a block on the server. Add ModelOverride and ModelFacesdirection to BlockResource. Add ModelBlockEntity and ModelBlockState.
Fix align to top on entities tool
Added Util.GetPositionMins and Util.GetPositionMaxs. Added support to rotate (R) a selection of blocks before pasting them with the Duplicate Blocks Tool (there's a slight half voxel offset on the preview atm when rotated 90 or 270 degrees...)
Add extra information to each editor tool (width, height, depth) and show axis on some
Remove DevShader from voxel shader
Make some additional changes to block updates per tick
Some changes around outgoing block updates to make sure only the latest update is sent
Fix tool positions in the selector radial menu (sort alphabetically by type name)
Do correct footstep sounds for the block the player is walking on
Added BlockSoundData to BlockResource and support in AssetBlock