
4,119 Commits over 1,127 Days - 0.15cph!

3 Years Ago
Fixed particles only being able to follow attachments on AnimEntity types when using SetEntityAttachment (can now follow attachments on any ModelEntity) Merge branch 'master' of
3 Years Ago
Fixed bots not copying a player's cursor direction and origin Merge branch 'master' of
3 Years Ago
Removed team system - just use a simple networked enum. Made Loadout system (use Entity Components) for them. Players can return flags to bases (return home, or score point). Various fixes to move controller + additional configuration properties
3 Years Ago
Added spherical triggers to flags. Tidy up MoveController and add variables. Respawn flags when returned to a base.
3 Years Ago
Players can pickup enemy flags, moved spawnpoint logic to Game, added FlagEntity
3 Years Ago
Friction + JP tweaks Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hover into main Lose less velocity when skiing flat
3 Years Ago
Added PlayerSpawnpoint, FlagSpawnpoint and updated to use them - reorganized project a little
3 Years Ago
Cutout leaning and fixed camera setup reference
3 Years Ago
Added HoverCamera, remember last ski time and adjust post ski friction accordingly, ensure FOV changes with speed
3 Years Ago
Tweak some values, remove walk speed, move ski to separate method from friction (don't apply when skiing)
3 Years Ago
Improved velocity add calculation
3 Years Ago
Slightly better configuration - gain some speed on downward slopes - lose speed uphill
3 Years Ago
Simple JP control
3 Years Ago
Just reset to base move controller but copy/paste it over and clean it up a little / attempt #2 tomorrow
3 Years Ago
Simple code base and experiments with moving
3 Years Ago
Initial commit
3 Years Ago
Fixed documentation error
3 Years Ago
Occupiable tooltip only shows when occupation possible + regex match for key bindings in description string
3 Years Ago
Fusion Reactor implementation
3 Years Ago
Added rudimentary tooltip for buildings that can occupy units to instruct players how to do it
3 Years Ago
Added UIUtility to Gamelib
3 Years Ago
Let's just try moving Transmit = Always to the constructor instead of Spawn() - I don't know why else these map entities wouldn't show on the client sometimes
3 Years Ago
Remove Cooldown Label and Build Time Label. Added IconWithLabel. Added icons for Kills, Damage and Health.
3 Years Ago
Removed Spotlight from the game - it's actually pretty annoying
3 Years Ago
Added black blurred shadow behind tooltip titles to make some colored ones more readable
3 Years Ago
Added Cooldown Label and Build Time Label and support in the tooltips to display that information
3 Years Ago
Typo: Transform -> Transport
3 Years Ago
Added Item Label system + UI. Added labels to existing units: Support, Attacks Aircraft, Gatherer, Builder
3 Years Ago
Added a win condition check (no workers / command centres) and game summary screen showing winning team group list
3 Years Ago
Group similar resources that are clustered together into a single minimap icon
3 Years Ago
Renamed Name properties to something else on entities. Explicit interface implementation for Tags on ISelectable types.
3 Years Ago
Move coordinate system rotation from CSS to C# and add resource icon entity support
3 Years Ago
Refresh selection after an instantaneous upgrade
3 Years Ago
Use particles/explosion_nuke/ instead to see if it forces any change
3 Years Ago
Set RenderColor of Nuke but still can't figure out why the Nuke particles won't play
3 Years Ago
Use the world space bounds center of the target entity to determine where path particles end
3 Years Ago
Don't create path particles for units that have just spawned (if they're not selected, like normal)
3 Years Ago
Don't show alerts if that position is on the screen
3 Years Ago
Don't have a square border on alerts it looks rubbish
3 Years Ago
Added an attack warning system to alert on the minimap when an area that wasn't recently under attack becomes under fire
3 Years Ago
Added minimap pinging (in your team color) and it will network to your alliance (hold Ctrl and click to ping) Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
3 Years Ago
Replace .jpg with .png because for some reason Hammer makes it a jpg
3 Years Ago
Make MiniMapEntity partial - I'm tired
3 Years Ago
Only update minimap texture if it hasn't been set already + make TexturePath networked Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
3 Years Ago
Always transmit the mini map entity
3 Years Ago
Fixed obsolete FGDType property
3 Years Ago
Some tweaks to FGD stuff and fixed Mini Map Entity
3 Years Ago
Added MiniMapEntity for configuring the map background texture Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
3 Years Ago
Medevac uses a new sound for the healing beam instead of the flamethrower sound Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
3 Years Ago
Added a box to represent the camera on the minimap atm it's a fixed size - proper representation soon(TM)