4,794 Commits over 1,371 Days - 0.15cph!
Give vehicles some bullet resistance. Some refactoring to Weapon to reduce some repetition. Added the Marksman with the Killshot ability.
Centered the icons and text in tooltips properly. Added the Adrenaline ability for Assault units usable after learning Syringes, this gives the Boost Status to the unit for 15 seconds making it move 40% faster
Added proper effects for the Heal Ability and added the Healing Status
Serialized status data experiments
Change BaseStatusData to StatusData as it isn't abstract and can actually be used
Merge branch 'serialized-statuses'
Change BaseStatusData to StatusData as it isn't abstract and can actually be used
Add [Predicted] to AimDir and ShotPower
Serialized status data experiments
Fixed not being able to start a game that is installed locally
Implemented new missile effect and the Tesla Coil now deals 80 damage split between all targets - i.e: a single target will 80 damage but 2 targets will take 40 each and so on
Airstrike requires Pyrotechnics and Tesla Coil requires Overvoltage
Added the Airstrike ability to Headquarters https://files.facepunch.com/conna/1b2111b1/ibfkjzzZ2M.mp4
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
Added Tesla Coil pulse effect
Added Tesla Coil base and units will now reach their destination before trying to interact with targets
Far simpler approach to fetching and interfacing with particle system scene objects
Getting somewhere
Done properly and remove old attempt at wrapping IParticleCollection
Make SceneObject.All a read only list
Instead of SceneObject.All, add GetAllSceneObjects to SceneWorld
Merge branch 'master' into particle-scene-obj
Merge branch 'master' into particle-scene-obj
Don't query engine for all scene objects, instead add GetWorld binding and keep managed list of scene objects on worlds
Fixed wrong order
Store SceneWorld in OnNativeInit
Merge pull request #19 from Facepunch/particle-scene-obj
Far simpler approach to fetching and interfacing with particle system…
Store SceneWorld in OnNativeInit
First implementation of aircraft dust particles
Inline Fog calculations and reduced fire rate of the SMG
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
Implemented the Apache attack helicopter (occupy it with a ranged unit)
Added Chinook animgraph, AgentRadiusScale, implemented Chinook model and fixed flocking not working for units that don't use pathfinding
Updated Airfield model to the placeholder
Added Air Superiority technology researchable from the Advanced Research Lab
Added Airfield stub and Air Superiority technology
Superior method for having units occupy aircraft (lower it to the ground, duh)
Added support for aircraft
Fixed BaseFileSystem adding renamed files twice to the changed list
Fixes unwanted temp files from VStudio being added to the changed file list
Hacky fix for Visual Studio not triggering recompile consistently
Obsolete Hammer.RenderFields enableAlpha argument
Mesh.CreateVertexBuffer now requires a vertex layout to avoid silently having an incorrect layout
Added AnimEntity.OnAnimEventGeneric (called as a result of AE_GENERIC_EVENT)
Revert "Hacky fix for Visual Studio not triggering recompile consistently"
This reverts commit 1ea321174b0384dbc0e39ae03b84809f4b986a9e.
Destroy client side children on non client only entities
Only delete children if they're client only
Add BlendIndices and BlendWeights vertex attribute type
Finalize modelbuilder properly
Forgot about this
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add ModelBuilder.AddBone
Vertex size mismatch with vertex layout ArgumentException includes the sizes
Merge branch 'master' into particle-scene-obj
Don't query engine for all scene objects, instead add GetWorld binding and keep managed list of scene objects on worlds
Grenadier requires Pyrotechnics research to train
Re-compiled all .sound files
Changed unit sound volume to 0.5 for each one. Added the BaseGrenadeAbility and MolotivAbility and updated Grenadier to have it. Fixed namespace issues. Fixed issues with units not interacting with target buildings due to collision size changes.
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
Added the Grenade entity (throwable with callback for hit), added Grenadier (basic) unit, implemented particles for trail + explosion on grenade, and added Bezier.Calculate to Gamelib
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
Commented out code to cull particle effects
Added an upgrade system. You can now add different types of building and unit upgrades which can optionally change the entire definition.
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
Fixed asserts with Path Tool's Rope particle effect
Makes node colors affect the rope
ColorHsv Fixes
Add ColorHsv.WithHue etc
Property.SetValue tries to use implicit converter (although I don't think this does shit)
Add Panel.ScreenPositionToPanelPosition( pos ), Panel.ScreenPositionToPanelDelta( pos )
Data Binding use PropertyAttribute.SetValue
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Remove borders from box panel drawing routine
Trace.Ignore can optionally ignore hierarchy or not
Add [Property] to some of the panel properties
Added LibraryMethodAttribute
Fix exception in Color.TryParse
Add phys2_world_bounds convar (off by default) to stop objects being kept inside network bounds so we can see what issues come from that
Panel derives from PropertyClass
Fixed NRE in Property.SetValue
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed NetworkEntityList changed callback being called every time even when it isn't dirty
Calculate vertex attribute color formats a bit better for procedural meshes, fixes vertex colors using Color32
Mesh.CreateBuffers can optionally calculate bounds for you
Added Hammer.Path
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Oops, actually make it calculate the bounds
Add BBox.ToString
Read only Entity.All (#20)
Fixed Layer error when panel width is 0
Special cache for textures loaded from web, so we don't keep downloading the same shit
Package Query API
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Update Sandbox.Engine.csproj
Merge branch 'master' into particle-scene-obj
Instead of SceneObject.All, add GetAllSceneObjects to SceneWorld
Read only Entity.All (#20)
Update CollisionSize for all vehicles not just the tank
Added death particles (an explosion) for vehicles. And... FINALLY, I've figured out why vehicles didn't behave with flow fields properly. Added seperate CollisionSize property and hash CollisionSize with NodeSize to create unique pathfinders.
Fixed various issues with sizing in the Resource and Population display. Fixed Turret not rotating properly.
Implemented new bullet tracer and muzzle flash effects. Added display on buildings to show the current queue item.
Default Unit Group item health to 0%
Added Unit Groups (Shift + Number) to add selected units to a group, pressing the number on its own will select that group. Added Unit Group UI lists to the top middle.
Tidy ups, refactors and moved more junk out of the Game class
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
Fixed health displaying as a float. Fixed tag names (apparently you can't use periods?) Changed AreaOfEffect to AreaOfEffectRadius for clarity
Also update unit static tags
Two seperate flowfield entity tags: flowfield.ground and flowfield.ignore to distinguish between units and the ground
Removed old Placeholder render entity and added a custom render entity for ability target selection. Use Input.Down instead of Pressed or Released for selecting ability targets to guarantee selection.
Fixed flamethrower particles not displaying and fixed a compile error in Ragdoll