
108 Commits over 151 Days - 0.03cph!

2 Years Ago
Remove fgd and use Display attribute
2 Years Ago
Removed redundant fields on data DirectDamage -> InstantEffect Add hud background to egg group hud (for now) Damage balances
2 Years Ago
Updated with various different spawn delay values
2 Years Ago
Fix gate hud and show right hand again
2 Years Ago
Tidy up egg selection / hover Improve formation movement to avoid jitter
2 Years Ago
Egg Group Hud will use average position and interpolate appropriately
2 Years Ago
Fix various null reference exceptions
2 Years Ago
Various sound changes + weapon balance attempts
2 Years Ago
Change sound distances to be a little better...
2 Years Ago
Added placeholder sounds for weapons of all units and egg types
2 Years Ago
Remove unused namespaces
2 Years Ago
Update gamelib
2 Years Ago
Fix setting chaperone to NULL causing an error Add Archers to list properly for Watch Tower + update process methods Ensure trebuchet does not attack own units Pass owning player into trebuchet projectile Fix orientation of bomb model Simplify IDamageable Units will no longer change formation during attacks. Units will not move or attack for 0.5 seconds on spawn. Units will not move toward any kind of formation if it would be outside of the range of attack. Added EggFlags.Invulnverable. Gate archers are invulnerable.
2 Years Ago
Added WaitingForOpponent stub display
2 Years Ago
Temporary hack around positioning of VR Overlay Panel until fixes are made
2 Years Ago
Auto upgraded .addon Stub match summary VR overlay panel Show Match Summary on game initial load for testing Automatically hide Slingshot if SteamVR is rendering controllers Fix error with Player constructor Re-compiled materials / models Test VR controller input on Match Summary panel
2 Years Ago
Move render entities and remove clothing code. Update to use player customized clothing assets.
2 Years Ago
Update .addon
2 Years Ago
Change egg hud name text green and add a render entity circle beneath the eggs to show when they are hovered
2 Years Ago
Added Egg.IsReady and make all eggs start ready at the beginning of the game
2 Years Ago
Added some placeholder sounds for egg pickup, egg ready, egg return, egg break, slingshot pull and slingshot release
2 Years Ago
Create EggLibrary attribute derived from Library with a Weight property. Use that to avoid creating instances unnecessarily. Fix not being able to pickup any eggs if at least one is unavailable
2 Years Ago
Updated gamelib Update fgd Added Egg.CanPickup and Egg.TimeSinceSpawn Added EggItemData.SpawnDelay Implement spawn delay display into EggHud Show a red outline and prevent pickup if an egg spawn delay has not elapsed yet Fixed NRE in ProcessAttack when called from EggGroup if an attacking unit is trying to attack something that is already dead Added a probability / spawn chance system for eggs with different weightings to be selected
2 Years Ago
Increase the size of the font used to display the enemy player and health
2 Years Ago
Tweaked weapon fire rates for each type of unit Added support for archers to sit on each gate and attack enemies that are dangerously close
2 Years Ago
Added GateArcherSpawnpoint (Hammer: slingshot_gate_archer_spawnpoint)
2 Years Ago
If a unit has a target to attack before it has reached formation, try to reach formation during the attack at half the speed whilst also steering towards range
2 Years Ago
Add Player.GiveEggsToEnemy server var for testing Implement GiveEggsToEnemy support for Stationary eggs Try to automatically switch to a closer target but only if we're attacking a gate Ceil health display for egg group hud
2 Years Ago
Add sling attachment to the Trebuchet Added TrebuchetProjectile class using simple bezier curve Add Position to DamageInfo for Plague Barrel Increase damage for TrebuchetData and remove EggFlags.Mobile from valid target Allow Bombs to attack any IDamageable not just EggGroup types Add TrebuchetData to test egg set Add Trebuchet entity and fire a projectile every 5 seconds (test)
2 Years Ago
Add a higher mass for bomb so it can't be slung as far down the battlefield
2 Years Ago
Make the bombs attack radius much smaller and have them only attack stationary units Remove redundant weapon code from DirectDamage Add IDamageable.TakeDamage Add EggGroup.SetChaperone to properly clean up any previous chaperone Add Unit.ProcessWeapon virtual method Implement bomb damage and particle effects Merge branch 'main' of sbox-slingshotsiege
2 Years Ago
Added EggFlags.RadiationSlows and update units to have that flag Added EggGroup.OnItemDamaged Give player a test Plague Barrel Rename OnEggLanded/OnEggThrown to OnThrown/OnLanded Add Radiation damage support to slow groups and implement Plague Barrel blast damage, radiation and kill time
2 Years Ago
Temporarily disable hand IK - it looks like ass at the moment because I'm not doing it right
2 Years Ago
Display the ⚔️ emoji in a group's name if they are engaged in combat
2 Years Ago
Don't destroy the gate target on death just set its life state
2 Years Ago
Use client name for each player
2 Years Ago
Set the player for each gate target properly on initialize
2 Years Ago
Add world hud with player name and health to each gate
2 Years Ago
Have debug lines for weapon attacks show for a random period of time
2 Years Ago
Give archers a large attack radius but a lower aggro radius so they don't need to move so much when they aggro
2 Years Ago
Use > instead of < (idiot)
2 Years Ago
Add OnItemKilled and call it when the item dies storing its last damage info. Automatically re-assign targets as they die. Move towards targets out of range. Rename AttackRadius to AggroRadius and add AttackRadius for actual combat per unit. Merge branch 'main' of sbox-slingshotsiege
2 Years Ago
The target position of a commandeered group will be copied from the group that stole it
2 Years Ago
Add .enemy class to Egg Group Hud and display red if its an enemy group Remove RequiresChaperone and add EggFlags.NeedsPush Add EggItemData.Is and update to use in place of Data.Flags.HasFlag for ease
2 Years Ago
Have eggs rotate more naturally based on their velocity when slung
2 Years Ago
Increased Battering Ram and Bomb Speed slightly Automatically hide Egg Group Hud when a Chaperone is present. Show the group that is currently being Chaperoned on the Chaperone's Group Hud.
2 Years Ago
Adjust unit animation speed when moving based on velocity
2 Years Ago
Added BombData and RequiresChaperone for config Add bomb to test egg set Added stub Bomb entity and fixed unit rotations when chaperoning
2 Years Ago
Update all damage resistances Add Cavalry and Spearman stubs Adjusted unit speeds to make more sense Added additional watch tower attachments for archers Added custom entity type for Watch Tower which spawns its own archers at attachments Check IsValid on egg group in ProcessIdle to support items with no group Added EggFlags.Chaperone and have Archer, Cavalry and Spearman set chaperone capability Added TickAttack and set Target properly for each group when one is found. Added Escorting system (initial basic impl) which will keep formation relative to the escortee. Units inherit velocity of their group. Chaperones inherit velocity of their escortee.
2 Years Ago
Set rotation of stationary items to face their target on spawn Update rotation of Trebuchet model so that it faces forward Add EggFlags Add target / process stubs to Stationary egg entity Add flags and move conditions for attacking and attack priority to egg classes Update trebuchet to only attack stationary or mobile item types (it should ignore escort only items)