4,794 Commits over 1,371 Days - 0.15cph!
Heatmap support, fix potential exception with HTTP timeout.
Increase re-connection timer. Decrease initial connection time.
Revert AttachSteamAuthTicket
Auth ticket
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-pixels
Style update
Authorization option for WebSocket, remove SetRequestHeader (duplicate functionality)
Make Most Pixels Placed a little easier to read
Default the brush color to white
Receive color list from the server
Revert DisposeAsync, it actually isn't needed. Only dispatch Disconnect if we're connected. Add EnableCompression to set deflate options if their socket server supports.
Attempt to fix double pixel placer avatar. Dispose socket immediately on reconnect?
Increase reconnection timer
Use DisplayName on Leaderboard
Auto reconnection timer. Increased bitmap segment count. Extra logging. Re-use socket.
Hover, don't flush every inc ;)
WebSocket implements IAsyncDisposable. When disposing websocket because of TaskSource cancellation, do so async and complete the WS close handshake if we can. If we receive a ConnectionClosedPrematurely message, only actually disconnect + dispose if the connection is no longer open. Call TaskSource.OnSessionEnded in GameMenuDll when resetting environment.
Remove sgrph, add grid to shader
Fix lobby display but still doesn't launch other members into the game yet
Fix up Elo, lobby screen, fix match summary progress delta
Let's just update the leaderboard every 30 seconds now
Re-apply Bak's changes because I overwrote 'em during rebase soz
Fix command box blocking input
Mod + server-side login + mod commands