
4,930 Commits over 1,461 Days - 0.14cph!

1 Year Ago
Tests build
1 Year Ago
Added first version of WrapSet/WrapGet Unit test stubs Don't pass value for get accessor.. Cast to original return type in get accessor when wrapping
1 Year Ago
Support CodeGenType.Instance with CodeGenType.WrapCall
1 Year Ago
Finally sort of got somewhere... bit of a nightmare to debug this right now. Allow multiple CodeGenAttribute. Remove from ClientRpc and add some tests locally instead
1 Year Ago
Initial tests for static call wrap
1 Year Ago
Fixed heavy walking sounds Just position crosshair at screen center instead of funny business Fix deployable hud labels having bg. Fixed claymore mine laser Reload indicator with help from css guru @xezno Typo
1 Year Ago
Add return button, when in-game use neutral colors because cant access actual team yet
1 Year Ago
Menu video + team tweaks
1 Year Ago
Fixed create game modal not using game filter Create a menu scene panel and add hovering player Tweak rotation on the menu - trail particles a bit odd Tweak menu style a bit for now Remove ActivePage and just use FrontPage, update it Loading panel style tweaks Backdrop filter Remove settings in-game + set random seed so team color is different Use different seed Oops need to add menu resources Add Game.InGame for buildhash so updates immediately
1 Year Ago
Don't use ReadByteArrayFromStream (it's gone), comment out RenderToTexture for now
1 Year Ago
Interpolate post processing effects. Add PP for stealth
1 Year Ago
Lower grav on sticky proj
1 Year Ago
Pattern matching
1 Year Ago
Play sound when picking up ammo and increase fade distance Added Suicide (hold) button for switching class mid-life. Can do this once every 30 seconds. Fixes #66 Upgrade Hud clarity changes Add test menu. Increase max sp[eed of all loadouts. Add special destroyer explosion sound. All bouncing projectiles use bounce sounds,. Remove melee functionality for now.
1 Year Ago
Light Turrets don't require power (engineer buff). Fixed Damage vs Heavy upgrade not actually working. Fixes #65
1 Year Ago
Use Frustum instead to ensure created
1 Year Ago
Increased dB scale of explosion sound (replace this sound later it sucks.) Boomer inherits velocity more. Barage, Cluster and Boomer all have increased projectile speeds. Fixes #67
1 Year Ago
Change ammo icon pulse speed and HUD offset
1 Year Ago
Add test generator destroyed sound Remove test sound Actually throw the flag instead of dropping it and use view angles. Fixes #76 Engineer generator repair rate is 5x faster. Fixes #72 Generator auto-repair timer reduced by half. Fixes #71 Added ammo pickup system. When players die they drop a percentage of the weapons ammo as a pickup.
1 Year Ago
Fix Vector3.ToScreen not working as it did before and breaking lots of stuff. Implement backwards compatibility and evaluate if this is the right solution later.
1 Year Ago
When showing generator under attack use infinity for MinMaxDistanceAlpha
1 Year Ago
When a generator is attacked, periodically show that team a notification and update its UI icon to pulse and change icon. Fixes #73
1 Year Ago
Allow local packages in game menu if we are not ourself a remote package. Fixes sboxgame/issues#3614
1 Year Ago
Update obsolete event attributes
1 Year Ago
Update obsolete event attributes
1 Year Ago
Update all obsoletes and run a trace to ensure dropped flag doesn't clip through anything
1 Year Ago
Make the award UI far less obnoxious and fit a little better with the general UI Fix vertical position of Station List Fix alignment of Station Hud markers Smaller flag indicator When flag is carried by a player, put it higher up so it doesn't obscure them as much. Make flag hit playerclip, solid, world when falling Reset death count on match end, fixes #62 Half the damage of the Longshot, headshot will do 700, anywhere else 350 Added a system where loadouts can determine availability in % based on players on the server. Players can't select a loadout if there's too many people with it. Fixes #63 Added proper binds for Melee, Spot, Drop, and Ability
1 Year Ago
Only add RoundScore is RootPanel is valid (something else must be up here...) Safety checks for ToastList instance Don't make newly joining players a spectator :sob: RespawnScreen safety Respawn player properly on join in PlayRound GiveLoadout<T> initializes the loadout properly Remove pending open mode
1 Year Ago
Only update team classes if the root panel has been created Check if Station Screen instance is null for RPCs it may have not been created yet Check if Post Processing has been created in frame event first - it seems this can be called before ClientSpawn
1 Year Ago
full Compiled Dune
1 Year Ago
Fully update Dune map
1 Year Ago
Fix icons, remove async walkability gen for now, nametags update on frame
1 Year Ago
Only try to spawn if Navigation is ready
1 Year Ago
Add watermelon to cloud asset so can use gib model.. Remove UseNavMesh from LimitedSpawner - use Navigation.FindNearestWalkable Fix particle missing models / materials
1 Year Ago
Fix name in season gallery
1 Year Ago
Fixed canvas not being same color as palette
1 Year Ago
Retro season output
1 Year Ago
Fix copy brush color
1 Year Ago
Obsolete fixes Add CloudAssets file to store Cloud.Model calls Fix plant fiber model path Fix mouse delta Fix inventory slot label Fix timed action transition Action cursor mouse delta fix Fix recursive recompile error on undead Copy over emerge stuff (though still missing one material or something) Only remove all ScreenEffects on ClientSpawn this prevents automatic render hooks being removed also (maybe a flag for also destroy auto hooks?) Update map
1 Year Ago
Update project settings
1 Year Ago
Update project settings
1 Year Ago
Update project settings
1 Year Ago
Update keyboard input actions Update to use new inputs Add ability to copy selected pixel color
1 Year Ago
Fix potential NRE when opening Station Screen
1 Year Ago
Fix NRE when trying to mount packages in game menu. Fixes sboxgame/issues#3806 Include token hash in log when unable to find string token
1 Year Ago
Added some extra logging and safety in reading inputs to try investigate sboxgames/issues#3886
1 Year Ago
Old class to old season
1 Year Ago
Season gallery + some refactor
1 Year Ago
1 minute per frame
1 Year Ago
Improved Timelapse generation