4,794 Commits over 1,371 Days - 0.15cph!
Player counts for occupied block
Win sound + win summary UI integration
Fast forward lobby time if all players connected
Allow initial 30 secs for lobby for everyone to join
Desaturate + pause during summary
Randomize arena each time. Change bomb shader to show blinking as the player's team color.
No bomb sound + show actual bomb count in player card
Do a little scale on the pickups as well looks cool
Make round 3 minutes long
Adjust pickup icons and rotation in world + dont spawn pickups if space is occipied
Bombs explode other bombs but don't recurse infinitely.........................
Half pixelation / chromatic abberation
Post processing when hit by a bomb / losing a life
Some more post processing
Pixelation while screenshake is going off
Added screen shake when a bomb goes off with intensity by range
Added round display. Reset all resettables on round start
Can only walk thru your own bomb if you're stuck (this is so hacky)
Use tints, shuffle possible pickups, add GetTeamColor (fixed based on index)
Destroy pickups if in range
Sometimes spawn powerups at broken blocks
Implement speed boost + alter chances
Implement pickup spawn chance and algorithm to pick one
Use walk cloud as placeholder for ragdoll blast off trail effect. Add placeholder icons for pickups