
4,794 Commits over 1,371 Days - 0.15cph!

2 Years Ago
Some alternative styling to tooltips, draggables and inventory slots to better match the theme Added TimeGradient<T>, ColorGradient and FloatGradient to TimeController and added TimeSystem.Temperature Remove unused properties from MoveController Added networked temperature to the player (for now this just gets set to the ambient temperature) Added a simple (temporary) vitals display to show health, stamina and temperature Merge branch 'main' of sbox-forsaken
2 Years Ago
Update InventorySlot styling
2 Years Ago
Added campfire model and Vollkorn font and resource paths
2 Years Ago
Added a command to throw an item from a container Add `item` tag to ItemEntity entities and show stack size in the context name PickupAction now works with ItemEntity entities as well as storage crates Reverse FindDroppable loop in Draggable class Make Backpack and Storage panels droppable and, when items are dropped onto the background, throw the items out of the container in that direction
2 Years Ago
Ensure that stack sizes of given items (from command, or by cancelling a crafting entry) properly respect an item's max stack size value
2 Years Ago
Added CraftingTime to RecipeResource (the amount of time it takes to craft in seconds) Added CraftingQueueEntry networkable type Added a networked crafting queue (CraftingQueueEntry) and various methods to add or cancel entries for crafting Updated bolt recipe to have a crafting time of 2 seconds
2 Years Ago
Use Color cast for hex colors in ItemColors class
2 Years Ago
Add an intro transition to the custom tooltips
2 Years Ago
Make sure custom tooltip uses correct styling for Core Wars
2 Years Ago
Various compile fixes for Core Wars and bring it up to date
2 Years Ago
Update voxels submodule
2 Years Ago
Remove unused semi-colon
2 Years Ago
Use new FinalLayoutChildren overload Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
2 Years Ago
Use new FinalLayoutChildren overload
2 Years Ago
Add some placeholder resource icons Remove unused baseball cap icon Increase draggable icon size Fix radial menu and custom tooltip to use new FinalLayoutChildren overload Add some fundamental material item types Add methods for getting total item count in inventory (sum of stack sizes) and HasItems and TakeItems these will be used for crafting
2 Years Ago
Added guard for ResourceLibrary being null (seems to happen sometimes in menu, even with a Host.IsMenu check?) Added StackSize and some documentation to RecipeResource
2 Years Ago
Clear background image if setting to a missing/invalid image Add Package.FindAsync (new api) replaces Package.Query Only compile runtime local addons if they need compiling Load runtime addon resources on activate (so sounds work etc) Add active property to button Don't render game ui in VR, it showing was a regression from render hooks. We can revisit this if we end up doing a separate desktop view for VR games Added PhysicsBody.SurfaceMaterial, deprecated SetSurface/GetDominantSurface Obsolete Entity.IsFollowingEntity & FollowedEntity Documentation & cleanups Launcher: when adding local game config, append game ident with #local, fixes not loading into the correct games ScenePortal docs Entity bone methods throw on out of bounds input Updated the Project Page to use game selectors for Game Support, Parent Game and Target Game instead of having to manually enter semi-colon separated values Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Ensure custom selector properties are reset when new project is selected + fix for QWidget error if Update is called at end of async FetchPackages method but widget is no longer valid Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Menu is allowed to access engine convars - unfucks all the settings menus Use TryGetMeta instead of being a nob Merge branch 'master' of Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
2 Years Ago
Use TryGetMeta instead of being a nob Merge branch 'master' of
2 Years Ago
Ensure custom selector properties are reset when new project is selected + fix for QWidget error if Update is called at end of async FetchPackages method but widget is no longer valid
2 Years Ago
Updated the Project Page to use game selectors for Game Support, Parent Game and Target Game instead of having to manually enter semi-colon separated values
2 Years Ago
Add Client.IsFriend Fix compiler not finding runtime game dll when compiling runtime addon Can get TypeDescription by fullname (namespace.typename) Runtime addons can define their primary class Fixed codegen removing all namespaces in generated files This is primarily for property initializers Properly fix codegen removing all namespaces Load System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.dll, System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.dll - and whitelist System.Security.Cryptography System.Net.WebSockets for tool addons Greatly increase depth precision for world, fix decals in VR, don't do viewmodel offsetting at all on VR Fix Undefined Behaviour In Tiled Rendering vr: make debugoverlay work on right-eye again, don't constantly change render target to swapchain vr: debugoverlay behaves properly for multiview instancing now too Outfit Reskins Variations + LODs Update shaders with adjustments for tiled rendering projected decal shader: adjust the instance id under multiview instancing so it actually appears in the right eye - decal space position still seems off though Release shader for projected decals Get rid of anaglyph and parallel stereo rendering modes r_stereo_multiview_instancing: default 1, same as VR Add Debug menu options for stereo rendering to the editor ( easy way to see if your game renders properly in VR ) Local packages untangled from remote packages Local packages now end in #local and are completely separate from remote packages. This means you don't have to disable your game project to test the published version. It also means your launch configs are now broken. To fix just go in the config for each one and set them back up. I've updated the Game list page to razor so we could have the local game tab. Don't bother with multiview instancing unless we explicitely want it, previous behaviour was to always ignore it even when we wanted it, fixes decals and other stuff in VR Fix r_stereo_multiview_instancing affecting non stereo rendering projected decals: small compile fix for shader Clothing Texture Variations + Makeup Merge branch 'master' of sbox release shaders for projected decals - should fully behave in VR now Update sentry-native 0.5.2, add Crashpad WER handler which bypasses SEH to handle __fastfail and stack buffer overrun crashes vr: particle renderer don't initialize 4x vbos for instancing, only need 2x vr: fix cables renderer adjusting the transform id the wrong way, cables will render in right eye again Launcher: first draft for selecting addons for game configurations Less debug spam Switch to new find/get api endpoints Don't use localhost api - I knew I was gonna do this eventually Unfuck VR culling frustum which was causing scene objects to get rejected thinking they were only visible on 0.1% of the screen vr: don't transform hand's angular velocity to anchored pose, it's not something you want or expect to be affected by it Fix Panel.OnParametersSet getting called twice Hammer: Try to guess static overlay projection distance from scaling more crash fix for when m_pInterpolatedBoneTransformWeights is nullptr, missed checking the src vr: controller poses scale properly with VR.Scale now, so your hands are where you expect them Add GetName & Count to MorphCollection Extra info for ModelEntity.SetMaterialOverride overlaods Fix incorrect blending on spritecard, makes render scene test pass Fix tags not going to the datatable on client only entities, stopping collisions and traces working properly adjusted bird_spikes size to be grid size+ LOD tweak tweaked bird_spikes LOD2 tweak ad board to have the glass on the grid and reduce z-fight on LODs Sprite card compiled shader with fixes Revert "Sprite card compiled shader with fixes" This reverts commit ed5cfdcc2bd94d525dc48e55373bad7f0889747f. Fix typo on spritecard We only need to rebuild the panel's box if yoga or our parent position changed Add checker for HasNewLayout Don't try to cache null packages Fix transitions causing recursive selector checks Speed up HasClasses Refactor Panel system so PreLayout only recurses when it really really needs to Only call FinalLayout if we need to Fix backwards compatibility Fix exception with "say" on dedicated servers vr: controllers linear velocity affected by VR.Scale too RenderHook works in VR as you'd expect without needing to do anything, passing the multiview instancing combo as expected ( doesn't fuck up through monitors either too ) Viewmodels can multiview instance, not really useful but less annoying in debug Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
2 Years Ago
Immediately set the viewer's container when Storage.Open is called server-side
2 Years Ago
Added InventoryViewer component. Add this component to Client when they join. Add InventoryContainer.GetRecipients to concatenate the connections list with any explicit viewers. Update viewer based on currently open storage input from client.
2 Years Ago
Don't do anything in ItemResource.PostLoad or PostReload if we're in the menu Added Equipment to the Storage UI so players can drag items in and out of their equipment from/to the storage container
2 Years Ago
Fixed usage of TypeLibrary.Create being wrong
2 Years Ago
Removed ResourceItem.FromResource because now it can just be done by unique id with item definitions
2 Years Ago
Crate ->StorageCrate Remove redundant BaseballCapItem definition Added InventorySystem.ReloadDefinitions, Initialize, AddDefinition and GetDefinition Remove ClassName in favor of UniqueId Move resource items to inventory folder and add ItemClassAttribute. Have ResourceItem implement IResourceItem Initialize InventorySystem in game class Send unique id instead of class name Added RecipeResource (game resource) Set ItemClass attributes on each of the current 3 item game resources (ammo, armor, weapon) Properly load game resources when creating items from a unique id. Whether item is a game resource or a class Update all existing items and add first recipe: bolt
2 Years Ago
Added InventoryItem.IsCraftable / RequiredItems Added support to ItemResource for a dictionary of required items (id=> quantity) Have the bolt require 10 wood and 5 stone to craft this will be the first craftable item to test
2 Years Ago
Added icons for open + pickup and show a plus icon when there are available secondary actions
2 Years Ago
Added InventoryContainer.IsEmpty and only allowing pickup on storage crates if they're empty
2 Years Ago
StructureSelector -> ToolboxMenu Grey out any unavailable context actions from the menu
2 Years Ago
Order structures in radial menu by title Some refactoring to have GetSecondaryActions return IEnumerable<ContextAction>
2 Years Ago
Add Dialog separate to IDialog Update to use Dialog + add Storage.Network for simple opening API Some tidy up and add client input for currently open storage. Use this add/remove connections during simulate
2 Years Ago
Support extra types
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
Some cleanup. Implement test pickup/open actions. For now check if dialog is open before simulating context actions.
2 Years Ago
Added support for secondary actions (hold down to open)
2 Years Ago
Moved title to Cursor instead of action panel
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
If no world model specified for an item, default to a burger box
2 Years Ago
Only display context action UI when in range and increase range for Storage Crate and Item Entity
2 Years Ago
Remove SelectContextActionsCmd and add ContextActionId client input. Set it when selecting a context action in build input Add IContextActionProvider.MaxInteractRange and GetAllActions Properly set selected context action in cursor
2 Years Ago
Add SelectContextActionCmd Abstract ContextAction and add OpenAction and PickupAction Update to use new actions Add context name to CursorPrimaryAction
2 Years Ago
Added CursorPrimaryAction and update it accordingly as player hovers over entity wity context actions. Add styling
2 Years Ago
Started working on IContextActionProvider and setting up UI for it
2 Years Ago
Removed RenderHud style in-game cursor and fixed controller not being reset when a player dies Move in-game cursor to panels so can make use of SCSS properly
2 Years Ago
Have IDialog and RadialMenu prevent input where appropriate Only move the in-game cursor if the native mouse cursor is not visible Start fleshing out contextual actions
2 Years Ago
Make sure StopProcessing is reset in Input.Process so that it isn't remembered next time Ensure InputDirection client input is consistently set to Input.AnalogMove for parity with old system
2 Years Ago
Citizen: dynamically adjust position of lower leg helpers Fixed Hammer inputs missing descriptions in Hammer Added TimeUntil.Passed & feature parity for RealTimeUntil Added TimerEntity Citizen: dynamically adjust position of lower arm helpers + improved behaviour The constraint... or rather, its result... is now biased towards staying closer to the end of the limb, which preserves the natural curve better. Citizen/animgraph: scale_height (hack week!) now scales the position of IK feet as well (stride length, poses...) Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
2 Years Ago
tweak glass materials and advertising_board texture, adding LOD to railing set and tweak lod distances Merge branch 'master' of sbox Removed warning for when a map has non default nav agent settings better default settings for nav agent in hammer Fix Apply Changes not working on Settings menu where it was using old onclick syntax Allow nav agent max distance to go up to 2048 Whitelist more of System.Threading.Tasks.Task: Task.FromCanceled, Task.FromException, Task.FromResult, Task.WhenAll, Task.WhenAny, Task.CompletedTask Games targeting <empty> map don't show map selection Implement "This List Only" map selection Add a cookie on project list's show disabled option Un-whitelist Task.WhenAll/Task.WhenAny, implement them on GameTask and TaskSource instead Fixes transitions not working when no easing function is provided Update style test to reflect CSS spec Testing more performance metrics Add UI tests for transitions Menu: center the avatar panel again, by accounting for the left vertical bar (It also looks nicer with 21:9 now.) Menu: more adjustments to avatar panel + tweaked eye look Add menu option to create multiple sound events from selection Remove useless line of code Change model thumbnail rendering back to an animated pose, forgot I had changed this Fix strange bug accessing DragData.Url if it wasn't set, checking for null would somehow fail? Hammer: Support drag drop from entity tree view because I keep finding myself trying to drag them in adding lit version material to advertising board, adjusted LOD geometry Merge branch 'master' of sbox more glass material adjustment adjust advertising material (compile fix?) PhysicsBody.GetDominantSurface returns 'default' when no shapes Give summaries to BaseNetworkable, INetworkSerializer, INetworkTable Throw error in vfxc if we fail to mask a section instead of failing silently Obsoleting GameCategoryTypes Just ignore GameCategory Fix streamdeck popup Documentation pass Hammer API: Add Selection.PivotPosition Add GameSetting.Step for Float types Game Settings: Fix float value sliders being integer only GameSettings: Fix string type settings not displaying Send fonts over network for local games Define default shader parameters for raw materials( Material.FromShader ) This fixes methods like Material.OverrideTexture from not working with procedural textures Fatter menu Strip unused WorldGroupWorldInfo Introduce Material.Set so you can change all attributes within a material or shader This allows you to create materials completely in C# Fix worldgroup crash on server shutdown, see comment in CWorldGameSystem::LoadWorldGroupInfo Add Color Fix crash when compiling material New Outfit Piece! - Puffer Jacket LODs and skinning adjustments coming ASAP. + Some texture adjustments to jumpsuits. Fix crash when changing maps PerformanceTrace Physics World Step Add perf trace for EvaluatePose Add perf trace on trace + prediction Implement PhysicsShape.RemoveTag Only change datatable tags on the server (suspect this will fix Implemented usage of ValidationAttributes to PropertySheet Any of System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.* attributes work, including custom ones. There are helper functions for this on TypeLibrary and PropertyDescription classes as well. Use validation attributes on Asset publish inspector Try to generate a better default value for asset identifier Citizen/clothing: minor jumpsuit tweaks Fix crash when shutting down during a level transition Update comments Merge pull request #606 from Facepunch/proceedural-materials ```cs public static void SetupCustomMaterial(ModelEntity myModel) { Material m = Material.Create( "my_cool_material", "simple" ); m.Set( "g_vColorTint", Color.Red ); m.Set( "g_flMetalness", 1.0f ); m.Set( "Color", Texture.White ); m.Set( "Roughness", Texture.White ); m.Set( "Normal", Texture.Transparent ); myModel.SetMaterialOverride( m ); } ``` Fixed getters for Widget.Max/MinimumHeight returning width Default ZNear to 4, not 10 if its not set Fixes ultrawide aspects being able to see through walls in Sandbox, etc. Fixed description of SceneCamera.BackgroundColor Fixed Entity.AddOutputEvent setting times to fire to 0 Now is infinite like expected. Citizen/animgraph: first draft of scale_height feature Citizen: adjusted how limbs scale with height Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input