
4,125 Commits over 1,127 Days - 0.15cph!

3 Years Ago
Fixed prediction on the Burst and use Simulate for bullets properly
3 Years Ago
It's an int, dummy
3 Years Ago
Experimental lower tick rate temp
3 Years Ago
Skid lerp tweaks
3 Years Ago
Some sound improvements
3 Years Ago
Implemented skid param for animator
3 Years Ago
Updated sideman icon
3 Years Ago
Added per particle float eval support for Speed Min and Speed Max on MoveBetweenPoints initializer
3 Years Ago
Some tweaks
3 Years Ago
Increase force output of Pulsar and Big Pulsar
3 Years Ago
Supply distance of trace as CP2 to muzzle tracers
3 Years Ago
Jetpack boost delta Improve performance with floating damage panels by pooling them. Fixed typo in method name. Moved jetpack and ski loop sounds to client for performance.
3 Years Ago
Test skin
3 Years Ago
Final move tweaks
3 Years Ago
Balance changes for all loadouts and stat bars are better displayed
3 Years Ago
Reduction in fall damage and improvements to the jetpack with max verticality
3 Years Ago
Burst changes
3 Years Ago
Fixed various issues
3 Years Ago
Fixed RTS
3 Years Ago
Better movement still - halved air control
3 Years Ago
Give 50% forward input when skiing or jetpacking to reduce instant strafe and make the experience smoother
3 Years Ago
Various UI improvements
3 Years Ago
Fusion + Shotblast buff
3 Years Ago
Add hv_deployable_blocker and implement better placement logic
3 Years Ago
Radar changes
3 Years Ago
Cooldown on secondary flag announcements
3 Years Ago
Improved all Entity Hud items by moving to World Panels which ZBufferMode none to improve appearance. Enemy nameplates and dots show through walls when they are detected by radar.
3 Years Ago
Decrease Destroyer linear drag to make it go farther but increase bounce time
3 Years Ago
Simple spawn protection for 3 seconds - UI later
3 Years Ago
Fixed successive kills
3 Years Ago
Fix claymore
3 Years Ago
Added new awards and revamped all award icons. Some weapon balancing. Deployables are auto removed when switching loadout.
3 Years Ago
Show ChatBox above everything
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Additional spectator stuff
3 Years Ago
Make sure the player is a spectator when choosing initial deployment
3 Years Ago
WorldPanel.SceneObject.IgnoreZ Added documentation Merge pull request #65 from Facepunch/worldpanelignorez World Panel Scene Object Ignore Z
3 Years Ago
Added Modes to the Station Screen. The Station Screen will popup in Deployment Mode when a player first joins. This way, they'll know about loadouts from the jump. It'll inform them to visit a Station in future to change their loadout. Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hover
3 Years Ago
Fix var name
3 Years Ago
Deployables don't carry over across rounds
3 Years Ago
Fix a couple of NREs but later investigate why that particle is null
3 Years Ago
Added documentation
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Fixed missing particle color + margin
3 Years Ago
Always hide Name Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hover
3 Years Ago
Revert "Merge branch 'master' of" This reverts commit 2a16402685c602d6f5eceb7689c9ed9e31ed142c, reversing changes made to 828d99697b9dc880a71dad8550d65bd782be537a.
3 Years Ago
Revert "Reliable network buffer supports split packets" This reverts commit 5ec342fd82c7a6d43b9e437a5d66275142a4861a. Merge branch 'master' of
3 Years Ago
Claymore laser Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hover
3 Years Ago
Fixed Longshot scope arbitrary size failure
3 Years Ago
Fixed infinite loop when the round ends