
4,907 Commits over 1,433 Days - 0.14cph!

4 Years Ago
Added spooky sounds that say "I see you" whenever The Hidden uses the Sense ability
4 Years Ago
Updated weapon code to remove redundant `owner` param from methods Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hidden into main
4 Years Ago
Use Task.NextPhysicsFrame() instead of a ms delay, and make sure the Deployment screen disappears when the Hide round is over
4 Years Ago
Skinned the voice list entry with new HUD asset and fixed Respawn not working in the Lobby
4 Years Ago
Fixed Vitals showing when the player was dead, properly swap between players when spectating instead of using a random player each time, and improved the kill command and allow rounds to specify if the player can suicide
4 Years Ago
Refactored how the flashlight works, it now stays around and just Enables or Disables to avoid re-recreating the entity a bunch of times
4 Years Ago
Added sounds for Flashlight On, Flashlight Off, and Flashlight Flicker
4 Years Ago
Lights will randomly flicker sometimes if The Hidden is around Added a Flashlight for I.R.I.S. which dims over time until it flickers and turns itself off Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hidden into main
4 Years Ago
Finished all screen implementations of the HUD mockups
4 Years Ago
Started updating the HUD to match the mockups that Lewis did
4 Years Ago
The laser dot is now an entity and updates a lot faster too
4 Years Ago
Added a laser dot particle for I.R.I.S. weapons instead of a crosshair like in the original mod
4 Years Ago
Added a custom VoiceList and VoiceEntry themed for the gamemode and don't show voice entries for The Hidden so they can whisper things to you
4 Years Ago
Accidentally made players the Brawler class by default
4 Years Ago
Added a loading screen for the brief team that a player has not spawned in or had a team set, tried to import the MP5 and SPAS-12 from Rust but had issues so that's on hold
4 Years Ago
Tweaked cooldowns of The Hidden's abilities, balanced damage of all I.R.I.S. weapons, and added a Deployment menu when the round starts so I.R.I.S. can select which "class" they want (currently Assault or Brawler)
4 Years Ago
Moved around the setting of a player's model and whether their inventory gets cleared to team classes
4 Years Ago
Added dry fire sounds
4 Years Ago
Fixed ServerVar usage I was accidentally changing the name at the end... implemented a Friendly Fire server option (on by default)
4 Years Ago
Don't play a sound when the player fails to use something Change the colors of the weapon selection UI until a custom one is implemented Parameterized stamina loss and gain
4 Years Ago
Give I.R.I.S. a pistol that has unlimited ammo, they can use this if they run out of their finite supply for other weapons
4 Years Ago
Updated the Stats screen to look less bad, but it still needs properly designing
4 Years Ago
Added pain sounds for I.R.I.S. and The Hidden and added Fall Damage for I.R.I.S.
4 Years Ago
Removed [Net] attribute from the Ragdoll property on Player
4 Years Ago
You now pickup and stick corpses with Use, added a dedicated PlayerCorpse entity (server-side), updated SpectateCamera to spectate a death position, copied and tidied up WalkController to CustomWalkController (for now) and The Hidden now leaps properly with stamina instead of using gravity, pressing Jump will remove you from a wall instead of Right-Click
4 Years Ago
Reduce the force that is applied to a player when attacked with a knife
4 Years Ago
Make ragdolls server-side and allow The Hidden to pickup dead players and stick them to things (experimental)
4 Years Ago
Implemented a placeholder for the Flashlight Battery HUD, and implemented Stamina and its HUD element. Stamina currently applied to I.R.I.S. sprinting but isn't implemented for The Hidden's jump yet
4 Years Ago
Fixed an issue where sometimes I.R.I.S. players would spawn naked
4 Years Ago
The radar and abilities HUDs will correctly hide and show themselves now, and The Hidden will fade out the further away they are from you but become much more visible if they are really close
4 Years Ago
Added a radar for I.R.I.S. with a placeholder radar texture and skeleton code for flashlight support
4 Years Ago
Added a statistics screen when the game is over and fixed a prediction issue with The Hidden clinging to walls
4 Years Ago
Ensure that players return to the lobby round when there aren't enough players, and increased visibility of The Hidden as a placeholder for a heatwave effect
4 Years Ago
Missed CSS for hiding vitals when dead
4 Years Ago
Updated to new StyleSheet load system, added GetTeamPlayers method, added Spectator mode when players have died, hide vitals when dead, added test sliding code (experimental)
4 Years Ago
Teams no longer need to be networked as entities and new players receive other players teams correctly. This uses a temporarily hacky method for detecting when a player's team index has changed
4 Years Ago
Added HUD changing dynamically based on team, fixed various UI issues, added custom nameplate code, tidied up some round flow and allow movement in the lobby
4 Years Ago
Temporarily re-enabled suicide and fixed an NRE in OnPlayerStart
4 Years Ago
Oops, fixed the knife sound not playing when swiping
4 Years Ago
Added an ability system and Sense and Scream abilities for The Hidden with UI
4 Years Ago
Added some knife sounds, made The Hidden... hidden, just using RenderAlpha for now and hide ammo display when using a melee weapon
4 Years Ago
Fixed Bone Knife world model and use TimeSpan now that I can
4 Years Ago
Added melee weapon support and imported Bone Knife viewmodel
4 Years Ago
The Hidden can stick to walls with right-click and jump from them with the same button, prevented noclip and kill commands during gameplay, and optimized the interval task
4 Years Ago
Added `hdn_min_players` server variable, properly assign a single Hidden player when the game starts, and named the combat team authentically
4 Years Ago
Refactored the round system to use NetworkClass as a base so that it can be easily replicated to clients
4 Years Ago
Fixed exception and added README description
4 Years Ago
Added placeholder UI components and fixed issues with round end times
4 Years Ago
First pass at a timed round system with placeholder rounds for game flow
4 Years Ago
Added a rudimentary team system