
1,928 Commits over 913 Days - 0.09cph!

2 Years Ago
Initial support for reverse rail slides
2 Years Ago
More cleanup
2 Years Ago
Ctrl + home/end support for multiline inputs
2 Years Ago
Grapheme support for TextEntry's ctrl + left/right navigation, and a bit of cleanup Update SelectWord to work with word boundaries Double click and dragging will select whole words Cleanup
2 Years Ago
Fix out of range exception, cleanup
2 Years Ago
Fix restart sometimes putting you outside of start zone Add command to go back to start of current stage Fix timer starting sometimes when leaving noclip Don't submit stages to leaderboard
2 Years Ago
Add mechanic that lets platforms and things push you Improve movement w/ moving platforms, guess velocity instead of fixing position
2 Years Ago
Stop timer if noclipping, don't complete if timer state isn't live Submit to leaderboard, print rank/improvement to chat Simple leaderboard ui Update .addon Update Leaderboard.cs
2 Years Ago
Improve position when teleporting to a start zone
2 Years Ago
Fix caret and selection ruined from certain emojis like 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Fix caret position when doing realtime emoji replace Fix potential out of range exception Fix realtime emoji replacement not working if a grapheme exists in string already
2 Years Ago
Fix caret position when pasted text contains emojis Add a emoji replacement to textentry tests Fix caret position when clicking and navigating with up/down arrows
2 Years Ago
Fix asset absolute path getting stomped by Path.Combine Fix assets from other gamemodes getting uploaded when paths are similar, i.e. c:\addon and c:\addon-two
2 Years Ago
Fix camera getting wonky when you'r getting pushed by a moving wall Adjust camera znear
2 Years Ago
Try to avoid getting stuck in prop shortly after throwing it
2 Years Ago
Don't let props kill players Fix ground slam affecting players
2 Years Ago
Count strafes
2 Years Ago
Count jumps during run
2 Years Ago
Print linear checkpoint time
2 Years Ago
Timer refactor Completion message
2 Years Ago
Update FloatExtensions.cs
2 Years Ago
Simplify adding hud elements Move styles to single file Center hud shows time Linear timer doesn't run until you leave start zone
2 Years Ago
Ground slam is more explosive
2 Years Ago
Ground slam clears velocity at start
2 Years Ago
Air dash cancels ground slam
2 Years Ago
Add back ground slam freeze time AirDash bumps you up if ground slamming too
2 Years Ago
Improve carriable's hold position Set holdtype when carrying something
2 Years Ago
Left click to throw, right click to drop
2 Years Ago
Log activated move mechanic with debug Don't activate ducker in air Fix up ground slam, keep it in simulate Find ents to damage with Entity.FindInSphere
2 Years Ago
Fix coyote time, should fix super jump bug
2 Years Ago
Adjust sensitivity slider's range and format
2 Years Ago
Fix chat commands Predict restart command, lag free
2 Years Ago
Predict trigger_teleport
2 Years Ago
Don't draw trigger
2 Years Ago
Predictable triggers Movement improvements
2 Years Ago
Push trigger adjustments
2 Years Ago
Delete facepunch.strafe.fgd Add strafe_trigger_push Update test map Add /r chat command
2 Years Ago
Fix error creating lobby when gamemode's maplist is not null but empty
2 Years Ago
Delete facepunch.unicycle_frenzy.fgd Show players needed to start/starting in x seconds
2 Years Ago
Grant top 3 players exp at end of match
2 Years Ago
+iv_score (tab) now opens game-end podiums and map vote, +iv_menu (q) opens game menu InputBuilder extensions for game actions If listen server host votes during free play state just go to that map If at least half players vote a map before match beings force change it Chat messages that tell you a new level is about to be loaded
2 Years Ago
Fix authority exception
2 Years Ago
Fix up key pickups a bit Reset pickups when timer resets Can't double jump shortly after becoming ungrounded Coyote time
2 Years Ago
Bit of cleanup Course timer w/ elapsed time in top left hud Fix annoying double jump w/ high ping
2 Years Ago
Update StrafePlayer.Timer.cs
2 Years Ago
Adjust movement settings Update trigger names Update test maps Game -> StrafeGame Improved chatbox
2 Years Ago
Initial gamemode
2 Years Ago
Forget base velocity for now
2 Years Ago
Move with rotating platforms
2 Years Ago
Assets Carriable prop Update test map Press E to carry around and throw props
2 Years Ago
Sound effects for chat message, player join, player leave, course completed