
57 Commits over 638 Days - 0.00cph!

9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Join game when lobby is active
9 Months Ago
Actually fix changing team in lobby
9 Months Ago
Fix joining team as member of lobby
9 Months Ago
Automatically refresh the game list every few seconds
9 Months Ago
Leave game button Loading screen
9 Months Ago
Leaderboard & fetch scores from it
9 Months Ago
Stylesheet cleanup Pre-game ui that waits for both players to join Create AI for teams without a player
9 Months Ago
Remove invalid css property Remove in-game team selection, create players based on teams from menu
9 Months Ago
Editorconfig, cleanup and format everything Reduce possible AI turn delay
9 Months Ago
Create/leave lobby, launch, and team choosing Lobby chatbox Styles & cleanup
9 Months Ago
Wip lobby system
9 Months Ago
Fixes & recompile everything Start of game menu
9 Months Ago
sbproj Fix error spam Fix stylesheet and get rid of all obsoletes
1 Year Ago
Remove debug code
1 Year Ago
Client input pain fixes
1 Year Ago
Update .addon
1 Year Ago
Assets compiled Convert ui to razor Fix bugs preventing the game loop from proceeding
1 Year Ago
Fix up pointer events
1 Year Ago
Pain day refactor Update .addon
2 Years Ago
Update .addon
2 Years Ago
Refactor fixes Asset compile
2 Years Ago
*.* not *
2 Years Ago
Update .addon
2 Years Ago
Fix compile error, replacce obsolete
2 Years Ago
Replace obsolete Update sbox-checkers.fgd Fix compile errors Fix cell WorldPanel hover
2 Years Ago
Predict drag position
2 Years Ago
Improve end game ui Improve team selection ui Glow hovered/selected piece Continue to show legal moves after picking up piece Improve legal move indicators Ai make its move faster
2 Years Ago
Don't score games vs bots Make ai not as dumb
2 Years Ago
Don't let pieces move before game starts Game state changed sound
2 Years Ago
Give bot a minor delay before making its move Piece move & eliminate sound effects
2 Years Ago
Don't consider non jumps legal moves if there's a jump Legal moves show green when its a jump Remove unused code Chatbox message when piece gets eliminated
2 Years Ago
Hide dev hud Minor ui adjustments
2 Years Ago
Add sharedassets
2 Years Ago
Make CheckersHud a HudEntity
2 Years Ago
Revert "Test" This reverts commit fc0d7bbbe00701a11807fd58c8c4d041a532708f.
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Game services + end game state End of game hud
2 Years Ago
Game events Eliminate/victory events & GameServices component
2 Years Ago
Fix ui pointer handling Mandatory jumps Don't end turn if the piece can make a 2nd jump
2 Years Ago
Bit of cleanup Progress bar for turn timer Show player's name whos turn it is Win conditions, bit of cleanup Restart game method, minor ui adjustments
2 Years Ago
Remove debug code Remove more debug Fix turn time
2 Years Ago
Add ident to .addon Basic checkers ai
2 Years Ago
Switch king to king model Can only select pieces you own Better legal move indicator Only show moves for chips you own Only show legal moves when its your turn
2 Years Ago
King chip when it reaches the end Fix king not able to jump chips backwards Disable cell debug text Player turns Player turns woops
2 Years Ago
More thorough legal move detection Process moves server side, eliminate jumped pieces
3 Years Ago
Drag/drop checkers pieces
3 Years Ago
Move around chips you own
3 Years Ago
World space panel to show hovered cell Use map spawn points Always show your own nametag Attach nametag to hat
3 Years Ago
Checker piece model, spawn dummies on board