
72 Commits over 181 Days - 0.02cph!

1 Year Ago
Fix compile errors
2 Years Ago
BaseEditor copy/paste options Implement copy/paste for graph nodes Copy/paste also copies node outputs
2 Years Ago
Continue button enters world with last played character
2 Years Ago
Working dialog ui
2 Years Ago
Dialog ui html & style Dialog menu closed by default, tab to toggle for now
2 Years Ago
Do templates and stylesheets the normal way
2 Years Ago
Remove unused Enter world automatically with newly created character Save last played time to character, initialize newly created characters Update .addon
2 Years Ago
Adjust menu camera position Update .addons
2 Years Ago
Main menu css tweaks Put main menu map in this repo for now main menu improvements
2 Years Ago
Create empty graph by default on startup
2 Years Ago
Don't let node connect to itself Can't connect to same input twice
2 Years Ago
Inputs only accept 1 connection by default, multiple if allowed
2 Years Ago
Use name from path if exists
2 Years Ago
Remove unused Automatically add existing node types Fix undo/redo when creating nodes from context menu Node takes a path to display in nested context menu
2 Years Ago
Clean up drop target and preview on rebuild Reopen currently open graph after hotload
2 Years Ago
Wrap around widget that makes it easy to do save/load/undo/redo/etc Note
2 Years Ago
Cleanup "Would you like to save" dialog before opening new, closing, etc
2 Years Ago
Show recently opened in file menu
2 Years Ago
Fixes, cleanup
2 Years Ago
Minor changes Can save and load graphs from file
2 Years Ago
Box select zindex greater than nodes Fix Rebuild graph when set Way to remember and restore input/output connections
2 Years Ago
Stick with this for now Only connect inputs/outputs of same type Don't select on mouse release Higher zindex for selected node Clicking selects node with highest zindex
2 Years Ago
Cleanup Working towards making graph suitable for dialogs
2 Years Ago
Menu bar, recreate ui on hotload
2 Years Ago
Update after box select destroyed Highlight nodes inside box rect select
2 Years Ago
Don't try to drag or box select when grabbing a connection
2 Years Ago
Can drag multiple nodes
2 Years Ago
Box select for nodes
2 Years Ago
Simple npc Start dialog tool, add GraphView Handle node selection manually Nodes can be deleted
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
GameMenu -> SurvivorMenu Add Lewis's grid system Main menu character selection, redirects to world
2 Years Ago
Camera sways a bit while idle
2 Years Ago
Adjust healthbar style
2 Years Ago
Movement accel, decel, and adjustments Head and viewmodel bob Crosshair Viewmodel adjustments Crosshair changes when you're looking at something usable
2 Years Ago
Display nearby props that can be looted
2 Years Ago
Can't loot something with empty stash
2 Years Ago
Hold use for a second before opening lootable ui
2 Years Ago
Stop collecting item if not hovered
2 Years Ago
Press and hold item icon to collect an item, don't show lootable ui if target stash is empty now
2 Years Ago
Bit of cleanup
2 Years Ago
Update .addon
2 Years Ago
Move ui images to resources folder
2 Years Ago
Spawn random loot props around map on load Stash/loot parents Drag, DragBegin, DragEnd overrides for panel Disable dragging items around in lootables Stay aware of this ever happening
2 Years Ago
LootProp Lootable ui Tint player arms
2 Years Ago
Save when changing character, ending game, and every x seconds Save character's position and rotation
2 Years Ago
Sun color adjustments Character can be saved to file
2 Years Ago
Minor tweaks Refactor fixes
2 Years Ago
Add standard post process
2 Years Ago
Night/day color adjustments
2 Years Ago
SunController, add it to EnvironmentLightEntity on spawn