
1,928 Commits over 913 Days - 0.09cph!

8 Months Ago
Add loading spinner and no completions note
8 Months Ago
Add leaderboards to map pages Add heaven difficulty
8 Months Ago
Restyle main menu
8 Months Ago
Add outdated tag
8 Months Ago
Clamp panel scroll so you can't hyperscroll into oblivion
8 Months Ago
Don't let mousewheel up/down execute double clicks
8 Months Ago
Add support for word-spacing css property
9 Months Ago
Improve edge fill
9 Months Ago
Cache and optimize material lookup
9 Months Ago
Basic denoise & experiments
9 Months Ago
Adjust unwrap parameter
9 Months Ago
HDR supported format Light/shadow adjustments Basic indirect lighting
9 Months Ago
Linear color space Support point lights
9 Months Ago
Pause replay bot when before it starts/finishes Update ReplayEntity.cs Merge pull request #19 from Nukoooo/replay-bot Pause replay bot when before it starts/finishes
9 Months Ago
Add the project
9 Months Ago
Initial commit
9 Months Ago
Fix possible nre Disable these, we don't want to download all that content in the menu Update .sbproj
9 Months Ago
Update .sbproj
9 Months Ago
Remove random tilt, fixes player crashing while in safe zone
9 Months Ago
Create game page Fix missing bind errors, don't need this anymore Navigate to current game page when joining a game Add button to leave the game
9 Months Ago
Add loading screen Update menu file list
9 Months Ago
Games list/join game page
9 Months Ago
Add hotload support for svgs
9 Months Ago
Bit of ui cleanup Stats tab -> Current game, only available in game
9 Months Ago
Fix lcd shader Recompile everything
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Join game when lobby is active
9 Months Ago
Actually fix changing team in lobby
9 Months Ago
Fix joining team as member of lobby
9 Months Ago
Automatically refresh the game list every few seconds
9 Months Ago
Leave game button Loading screen
9 Months Ago
Leaderboard & fetch scores from it
9 Months Ago
Stylesheet cleanup Pre-game ui that waits for both players to join Create AI for teams without a player
9 Months Ago
Remove invalid css property Remove in-game team selection, create players based on teams from menu
9 Months Ago
Editorconfig, cleanup and format everything Reduce possible AI turn delay
9 Months Ago
Fix wrong input name
9 Months Ago
Fix possible NRE
9 Months Ago
Add a keybind setting for noclip
9 Months Ago
Add simple endpoint to fetch a players last known name
9 Months Ago
Fix [unknown] replay bot name
9 Months Ago
Add difficulties for bhop_easy & bhop_hot Fix ladder movement
9 Months Ago
Create/leave lobby, launch, and team choosing Lobby chatbox Styles & cleanup
9 Months Ago
Wip lobby system
9 Months Ago
Fixes & recompile everything Start of game menu
9 Months Ago
sbproj Fix error spam Fix stylesheet and get rid of all obsoletes
9 Months Ago
gitignore logs folder
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Support bodygroups for citizen skins
10 Months Ago
Base font size, remove unused texture from menu
10 Months Ago
Pass server title to server login