415 Commits over 1,096 Days - 0.02cph!
New Outfit Piece! - Bandana Mask
LODs coming asap
beard adjustments / fixes
New Clothing Piece! - Cowboy Hat and Sleeveless Jacket
First passes of the cowboy and sleeveless jacket assets
LODs and further skinning adjustments coming ASAP.
winter coat and trapper hat LODs
New Clothing! - Winter Coat
LODs coming up next for this + any skinning adjustments.
New Hat - Trapper Hat
Cosy winter hat, LODs coming asap
New Hair + Space Suit LODs
Pigtail Hair + Eyelashes Update + Fixes to .clothing files
Tattoo and Makeup Variations
Makeup has colour selector options available. + small fixes to hair cap material files.
New Hair - Medium Beard
New Hair - Braided beard and patchy beard
big scruffy beard adjustment
hair texture adjustments for colour wheel
space outfit texture fixes
New Outfit! - Space Suit
LODs and small skinning adjustments coming ASAP.
new shirt and bodygroups sorted on npc vmdl
npc block animation and run adjustment
NPC test Clothing and Idle Animation
studdle colour adjustments
handlebar_moustache small adjustments
slicked_back_balding lods
Leotard Model + Hair Adjustments
handlebar_moustache fbx test
Adjustment to muscle skin and zombie skin + new balding hair
Citizen - Mascot Skin
New Mascot Skin with colour variations
quick fix to skeleton gib vmdl
Human Citizen Rough outfit initial set up
New Hair - Long Dreadlocks + LODs for Fisherman Jumpsuit
Hair Dreadlocks - Quick Adjustments
Quick fix to Hair cap textures
New Black Frizzy Hair + Adjustments to Hair Textures
New Hair Remade - Curly Long Hair
LODs coming asap for the hair, plus some slight adjustments to the hair textures.
New Outfit Piece - Raincoat
Raincoat asset added! Lods and skinning adjustments coming shortly.