
557 Commits over 759 Days - 0.03cph!

6 Months Ago
wood_a material
6 Months Ago
more map changes
6 Months Ago
added toothpicks + map updates
6 Months Ago
adjusted dead citizen placement
6 Months Ago
lighting updates
6 Months Ago
acoustic foam material + asset + detail normal
6 Months Ago
map updates
6 Months Ago
cardboard blend material
6 Months Ago
cinderblock scale updates
6 Months Ago
Added cinderblock
6 Months Ago
nah but actually add the washer tho
6 Months Ago
Relocated assets + added bolts/screws/washer/bracket
6 Months Ago
added metal platforms
7 Months Ago
debris kit final updates
7 Months Ago
added corner + edge pieces to debris kit
7 Months Ago
decal_brick_damage_a meta
7 Months Ago
debris_a_pile + mat updates
7 Months Ago
debris_a_pile_01 + 02 vmdls
7 Months Ago
wip debris_kit_a + debris_a assets
7 Months Ago
updated assetzoo removed errors from first lookdev scene
7 Months Ago
added rural_a building kit
7 Months Ago
added foundation meshes
7 Months Ago
addad flattenground comp to farmhouse_01 prefab
7 Months Ago
replace vmdl with node prefab in farmhouse_01
7 Months Ago
update farmhouse_01 prefab
7 Months Ago
add farmhouse_01 landmark prefab
7 Months Ago
added assetzoo.scene
7 Months Ago
added lightpost assets
7 Months Ago
added watertank_02
7 Months Ago
corrected robot_shell_a colors + scale
7 Months Ago
added watertank
7 Months Ago
updated cobblestone wall
7 Months Ago
update signal_pylon colors
7 Months Ago
added signal_pylon asset
7 Months Ago
added rock_scatter meshes
7 Months Ago
switched to cubemap fog
7 Months Ago
added ambient_ash fx
7 Months Ago
add rolling fog & metal impact vfx
7 Months Ago
remove temporary mesh assets
7 Months Ago
lookdev-v2 scene
7 Months Ago
cobblestone_wall vox won't import
7 Months Ago
added robot_shell_a updated terrain_lookdev
7 Months Ago
terrain heightmap+splat
7 Months Ago
terrain lookdev scene
7 Months Ago
refinery map updates
7 Months Ago
added brick_debris_a material
7 Months Ago
spraynet camo updates
7 Months Ago
more spraynet camo adjustments
7 Months Ago
spraynet color update + RGB mask
7 Months Ago
spraynet camo