557 Commits over 759 Days - 0.03cph!
USP + SD fire rate increase
added money burst fx
added money particles
map updates - figuring out catwalk
scene updates
added text in-map for callouts
map updates
A site developments
use core land sound, we'll layer gear audio later
New headshot sounds
headshots + helmet hits
updated map
merged industrial wip
adjusted spawns
map updates - mid rework
added extra deathmatch spawns
industrial lightmap update
map wip speculative theme pass
decoy_grenade vfx updates
added @benobox 's new scorchmark
added small explosion on death state (needs audio)
added decoy_grenade_active vfx
added vfx to decoy prefab
adjusted muzzle on usp-sd
minimap contrast adjustment
another minimap update
Updated minimap visuals
updated impact_blood_mist fx
adjust player post-processing
added ejectionport_gas fx
added suppressed muzzleflash
hooked up more muzzle flashes
added shotgun muzzleflash
we love a lil tasteful bloom
added rifle_muzzleflash vfx
handgun muzzleflare vfx update
reworked c4 + frag explosions
PackedMaskBlend shader updates
forest scene updates
moved things over to new terrain systems
added floor_dirt_d mat