
3,308 Commits over 944 Days - 0.15cph!

8 Years Ago
Added Replicates property to BaseEntity to disable collision capsule replication (they are spawned locally)
8 Years Ago
Network bullet forces
8 Years Ago
Update bindinggen to fix broken weak handles
8 Years Ago
Update bindinggen, update binds to use unreal modifier and objectmap Change how HitResult is used, gotta fix unresolved external Update bindinggen, implicitly initialize managed classes Update bindinggen, move some variables into native, doesn't work yet fuck knows why Update bindinggen, make UWorld singular again Add mutex to objectmap methods Merge branch 'binding-objectmap' # Conflicts: # Sandbox.Unreal/Generated/Sandbox.Unreal.Bindings.cs # UnrealProject/Source/SandboxGame/Generated/Sandbox.Unreal.Bindings.cpp
8 Years Ago
Fixed player eye angles and velocity replication
8 Years Ago
Fixed eye angles replication to server. Fixed clients player models not rotating on server. Fixed player movement ground detection with low fps.
8 Years Ago
Add mutex to objectmap methods
8 Years Ago
Update bindinggen, update binds to use unreal modifier and objectmap Change how HitResult is used, gotta fix unresolved external Update bindinggen, implicitly initialize managed classes Update bindinggen, move some variables into native, doesn't work yet fuck knows why Update bindinggen, make UWorld singular again
8 Years Ago
Networking client side player movement by relaying it to server
8 Years Ago
Network hit dings
8 Years Ago
Playing player model skeletal anim nodes on both client and server
8 Years Ago
Update bindinggen, make UWorld singular again
8 Years Ago
Using OnChanged event for swapping viewmodel and thirdperson camera setup. Fixed PlayerTick exception. Temp fix for OnPossess.
8 Years Ago
Move NetworkEntityReference
8 Years Ago
OnChange works better for replicated entities
8 Years Ago
Added OnChange to ReplicateAttribute. Temp fix for showing viewmodel on client spawn. Temp fix for thirdperson camera on clients.
8 Years Ago
Spawning viewmodel and cameras client side only. Fixed clients not attaching viewmodel to camera on possess.
8 Years Ago
Temp fix for RpcHandler (Sometimes ID is not unique between addons)
8 Years Ago
Entities can be replicated (no arrays) Merge branch 'master' of
8 Years Ago
Update bindinggen, move some variables into native, doesn't work yet fuck knows why
8 Years Ago
Update bindinggen, implicitly initialize managed classes
8 Years Ago
Player ignores weapon mesh pickup collision Queue up bullet damages and apply once. Shotgun spread. Hit dings
8 Years Ago
Bind collision profiles so weapon traces can ignore player capsule. Applying bullet forces to hitboxes
8 Years Ago
Added BaseEntity.IsChildOf and BaseEntity.GetOwnerOfType, useful for finding the first owner in the hierarchy of a specific type (trace hitting the mesh of the player)
8 Years Ago
Bind collision channels Fixed null pointer exceptions when killing a deathmatch controllable without a player Fix annoying no joint created warning when ragdolling Despawn uncontrolled corpses after delay
8 Years Ago
Shape sweeps ignore attached actors of ignored actor, fixes thirdperson camera.
8 Years Ago
Line trace ignores attached actors of specified ignore actor. Fixed health pickup mesh in wrong position.
8 Years Ago
Fix weapon and health pickups
8 Years Ago
Fix getting stuck in walls
8 Years Ago
Better solution for using collision entities for controllables movement
8 Years Ago
Fixed player movement getting stuck on walls Added HealthPickup Test gamemode cleanup Allow controllable to use separate entities for collision
8 Years Ago
Fixed weapon pickup weirdness when dropping on self. Weapon throwing inherits players velocity
8 Years Ago
Testing weapon drops/pickups, not perfect
8 Years Ago
Sphere, box, capsule collision shape entities used for triggers
8 Years Ago
Change how HitResult is used, gotta fix unresolved external
8 Years Ago
Click to respawn, added get first and random spawn point
8 Years Ago
Update bindinggen, update binds to use unreal modifier and objectmap
8 Years Ago
Controllables can change the size of their collision capsule
8 Years Ago
Added GetSocketPosition to BaseWorldEntity so both skeletal and static mesh entities can use it without casting
8 Years Ago
Fixed third person camera lagging a frame behind ragdoll
8 Years Ago
Forgot some new files
8 Years Ago
Fix crash in Canvas when UE GC runs
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Removed singular from anim nodes. Added UObject map to stop managed UObjects from getting GC'd
8 Years Ago
Update bindinggen
8 Years Ago
Add force to death controller ragdoll
8 Years Ago
Helps if i named the folder correctly
8 Years Ago
Updated ref binaries
8 Years Ago
Respawn timer, death camera
8 Years Ago
Oops compile error