
3,308 Commits over 944 Days - 0.15cph!

5 Years Ago
PrimitiveTool Icons tooltips Add World to HudComponent Entity List
5 Years Ago
Primitive Type Switch Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Added toolbar button for global axis setting
5 Years Ago
toolbutton cleanup
5 Years Ago
Status bar placeholder
5 Years Ago
Reusable tooltips
5 Years Ago
Remove "Selecting Tool" debug output Toolmenu placeholder
5 Years Ago
Fix components missing their namespaces
5 Years Ago
Add SetPositionAndRotation with optional collision correction stuff, BaseVehicle will disable physics and collision of the mounted entity
5 Years Ago
Editor styles to standalone less files Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Add toolbar button for angle snapping
5 Years Ago
Rotate selected entities with rotate widget
5 Years Ago
Add set entity rotation RPC
5 Years Ago
Make BaseShapeEntity abstract so it can't be spawned
5 Years Ago
Highlight selected entity, remove entity ownership on deselect.
5 Years Ago
Ownership and Delete RPC's work for any world entity, not just meshes. Allow selected entities to be deleted.
5 Years Ago
Handle Less file @imports Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Add super basic entity class list UI. Spawn entity with entity tool. Allow entities to be selected and translated with widget.
5 Years Ago
Runtime parsing of .less files
5 Years Ago
AHtmlHud: Ignore case in OnFileChanged compare Fixed hotreload not triggering for some web includes Vue componenets can define Stylesheets to include Ignore file changes in .vs folders
5 Years Ago
Build your own space ship
5 Years Ago
Add entity placer tool
5 Years Ago
Move all mesh selectable specific code out of selection tool so the tool can work with any kind of selectable
5 Years Ago
Add ColorSaturation to postprocess
5 Years Ago
Add GrainJitter and GrainIntensity to postprocess
5 Years Ago
Use additive material for additive blended decals
5 Years Ago
Fix decal scale being applied incorrectly. Convert more dds textures.
5 Years Ago
Cache layer property for props and decals
5 Years Ago
Rotate and scale decals using their float properties
5 Years Ago
Use decal size center as pivot point
5 Years Ago
Apply texture import settings before async loading so materials can cache them straight away
5 Years Ago
Add texture filter and tiling to import settings
5 Years Ago
Add texture tiling methods (wrap, clamp, mirror)
5 Years Ago
Use quads for sprites
5 Years Ago
Add TranslucencySortPriority Add ForcedLodModel
5 Years Ago
Facewound map loader Merge branch 'master' of
5 Years Ago
Gravity falloff, automatically disable ship gravity when influenced by planet gravity
5 Years Ago
Optionally support following surfaces by teleporting to the new position
5 Years Ago
Serialize editable mesh face texture mapping properties
5 Years Ago
Better ship movement
5 Years Ago
Auto refresh server browser if list hasn't been set yet
5 Years Ago
Change server browser font color so it can be seen
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Add player list UI to map builder
5 Years Ago
Update addon state on dedicated server before starting new game to see if it fixes unknown gamemode
5 Years Ago
Change CurveType enum from byte to int to see if it fixes error on dedicated server
5 Years Ago
Transform Mode Toolbar with grid snap
5 Years Ago
Add vertex selection. Offset vertices with translate widget. Add offset vertices RPC.
5 Years Ago
Fix camera rotation bug, make Controllable.EyeTrace use the actual camera position and orientation when possible
5 Years Ago
Spaceship flight controls