
453 Commits over 883 Days - 0.02cph!

3 Years Ago
toggle lamp flicker
3 Years Ago
Active drop throw
3 Years Ago
Fix ragdoll collision not excluding player Don't allow toolgun or physgun to be dropped Discharge gun on physics impact
3 Years Ago
Don't add duplicate items to inventory
3 Years Ago
Clothes with hidden body groups
3 Years Ago
Allow some tools to interact with debris
3 Years Ago
Allow resizer tool to trace hitboxes
3 Years Ago
Break gravgun joint when there's too much linear impulse
3 Years Ago
Block player use when physgunning or gravgunning
3 Years Ago
Allow thrusters to be toggled with +use for now
3 Years Ago
body grab check uses physics group, should handle ragdolls
3 Years Ago
Gravgun throws ragdolls better
3 Years Ago
Also make sure entity has physics group
3 Years Ago
Gravgun picks up ragdolls using their main physics body
3 Years Ago
API changes
3 Years Ago
Rebuild mass of every body in physics group after resize
3 Years Ago
Copy world scale to ragdoll
3 Years Ago
Add simple resizer tool
3 Years Ago
Balloon tool can spawn balloon without a rope with attack2
3 Years Ago
Make wheel entities indestructible even though the prop model may not be
3 Years Ago
Balloon entity keeps maintaining gravity scale incase something external messes with it
3 Years Ago
Don't allow multiple people to physgun or gravgun the same body (although it technically works)
3 Years Ago
Use Sandbox.Joints
3 Years Ago
Add back unweld with attack2 and unweld all with reload
3 Years Ago
Reset weld target on deactivation of tool
3 Years Ago
Ignore inventory slot switching if physgun is active
3 Years Ago
ConsoleSystem.FindValue -> ConsoleSystem.GetValue
3 Years Ago
Switch inventory bar client side so switching slots always corresponds to what you selected
3 Years Ago
Fix potential NRE
3 Years Ago
Fixed WorldPos/WorldRot Merge branch 'master' of sandbox Fixed WorldPos
3 Years Ago
Fix light pivot point
3 Years Ago
Lights can be attached with rope
3 Years Ago
Point light entity + tool
3 Years Ago
Tools can decide if a preview trace is valid
3 Years Ago
Fix player not switching to weapon_tool when selecting tool from menu
3 Years Ago
Make health UI functional
3 Years Ago
ClassLibrary -> Library
3 Years Ago
+Use toggles lamps on/off
3 Years Ago
Update materials
3 Years Ago
Add IRemovable to allow non props to be removed with remover tool
3 Years Ago
Add lamp tool
3 Years Ago
Remove redundant Player owner param on BaseWeapon
3 Years Ago
Wake all bodies when gravity changes
3 Years Ago
Scale gravity gun push force by distance
3 Years Ago
Add gravity gun push force
3 Years Ago
Add gravity gun
3 Years Ago
Directional gravity restores default gravity on destroy
3 Years Ago
Only allow one directional gravity to be spawned at a time
3 Years Ago
Add directional gravity entity
3 Years Ago
Create LICENSE Merge pull request #2 from Facepunch/add-license-1 Create LICENSE