
17,154 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

10 Days Ago
ActionGraph: clear properties panel when selected node is deleted
10 Days Ago
Yield in RenderThumbnailAsync to avoid Qt errors/crashes Fix trying to create layout in MixerDetail when a layout already exists Remove unused args Create libraries folder Libraries basics
10 Days Ago
Scene ref gizmo: only use weak references to graph elements So references from deleted graphs will hide
10 Days Ago
Fix crash when drag-dropping .sbproj into launcher
10 Days Ago
Restore backward compat LerpTo
10 Days Ago
Use Time.Now
10 Days Ago
Some extra docs + let's call it Query to match the other class
10 Days Ago
Some cleanup
10 Days Ago
Test Clean up - use TransformInterpolate class Can't modify transform if we're a network object root and a proxy - we must stay true to network transform target Hook up Interpolation enable/disable from Inspector. When Owner calls ClearInterpolation, set a bit on the update msg to have other clients do so as well. Hook up Network.Interpolation and Enable/DisableInterpolation() on the accessor. Fix to allow interp property to be set by GameObjectHeader Serialize the interpolation bool with GameObject Combination of fixed update interpolator and networked interpolation buffer. Working nicely
10 Days Ago
Combination of fixed update interpolator and networked interpolation buffer. Working nicely
10 Days Ago
Expose game controller count to public API
10 Days Ago
Scene reference debug view (Facepunch/sbox-issues#5161) (#1508)
11 Days Ago
Fix shadergraph render option popup not constrained to screen
11 Days Ago
Cone intersection for tiled light culling Bloat cones a wee bit, still do sphere culling for point lights
11 Days Ago
enum support for VFX HLSL We dropped DX11 support so we can support it without a worry microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler/wiki/Language-Versions#hlsl-2017 r_gpu_shadow_culling cvar, parallelize static light visibility tests
12 Days Ago
Better metrics
13 Days Ago
Tattoo and Makeup Variations Makeup has colour selector options available. + small fixes to hair cap material files.
13 Days Ago
Update stereo-related camera properties explicitly, rather than bundling in with UpdateSceneCamera
13 Days Ago
Editor scene camera ignores VR settings, only blit for stereo cameras - prevents weird ghostly stereo blit
13 Days Ago
Scene reference debug view (Facepunch/sbox-issues#5161)
13 Days Ago
Don't stop shadow animations/transitions when building final style sbox-issues/issues/5122, sbox-issues/issues/4679 Clean up UI lerp functions
13 Days Ago
Render stats analytics, so we can work out whether our optimizations are working
14 Days Ago
Stats properly count shadowed lights again, add shadow map count too Expose scenesystem stats to c# Main stats we want
14 Days Ago
Put edge smoothing data in a new data stream to avoid old data not being able to load
14 Days Ago
Use buttons for edge smoothing like hammer, enum doesn't have multi edit support yet
14 Days Ago
Add smoothing angle to mesh component Edges can be hard, soft or default, smoothing angles are used for default
14 Days Ago
Smooth vertex normals based on edge smoothing
14 Days Ago
Fix CreateEditorFor throwing for array on some types, should be using EditorTypeLibrary
14 Days Ago
Simple edge bridge, connect a face from two open edges of the same mesh
14 Days Ago
Scene reference debug view (Facepunch/sbox-issues#5161)
14 Days Ago
Internal geometry helpers for #1508 * Line2D * Vector2.Remap(oldRange, newRange, clamp) * Line.Clip(plane) * SceneCamera.ToScreen(line) DrawText / DrawQuad / Gizmo.ScreenText overloads accepting an angle Make Gizmo.Input.CursorPosition relative to view widget Refactor ActionGraphDebugger
14 Days Ago
Add overloads accepting CancellationTokens to delay tasks Facepunch/sbox-issues#5131 Action Graph editor tweaks to streamline CancellationTokens Facepunch/sbox-issues#5131
14 Days Ago
Extra performance stats
15 Days Ago
15 Days Ago
Fix pivot point getting reset on edge extrude
15 Days Ago
Only select "full" edges, not each half edge
15 Days Ago
Add edge data for soft normals
15 Days Ago
Select all mesh vertices with double click
15 Days Ago
Add Gizmo.IsDoubleClicked Select all mesh faces with double click
15 Days Ago
Remove all atlas downsampling bullshit, not even being used Was accidentally creating new lightbinner (without light info I needed too) every frame :S CSceneSystem::GetLightBinnerStandard() is "FindOrCreate" while from CSceneView actually gets the actual one GPU Shadow Culling POC: Don't render shadows that are not visible by GPU depth bounds
15 Days Ago
Support [Property] attribute on event fields (Facepunch/sbox-issues#4372)
15 Days Ago
Typo in GetHandleNormalFunc
15 Days Ago
Serialize and Deserialize Scene properties such as Time Scale, Fixed Update Frequency, Threaded Animation... joining clients will now have correct values for the Scene. These don't replicate when changed after that though. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4483
15 Days Ago
When creating networked object from remote (networked), wrap Deserialize and NetworkSpawnRemote in CallbackBatch so that _net is initialized before OnAwake is called. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4950
15 Days Ago
Remove all atlas downsampling bullshit, not even being used Backport shadowcache from CS2
15 Days Ago
Make CTextureManagerVulkan::GetTextureResource warning only when passed handle isn't invalid, matches behaviour of similar methods BufferedDescriptorSetVulkan: Handle handles with no data properly, e.g 2 queued texture updates where the 2nd one is replaced data in the handle
15 Days Ago
Add batch publisher to asset browser context menus draw icons in the asset list name instead of the icon
15 Days Ago
Tools: Menu.ParentMenu, Menu.RootMenu So you can do stuff like menu.RootMenu.Close() Variable node editing (Facepunch/sbox-issues#5125)
15 Days Ago
Use StringTable.Remove instead of StringTable.Entries.Remove when removing Connection from ConnectionInfoManager. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4983
15 Days Ago
Flip controller contexts once a frame instead of multiple times, breaking Pressed/Released tests when scoping multiple times a frame