
17,500 Commits over 1,338 Days - 0.54cph!

9 Months Ago
Add WarningsAsErrors support for projects Supports a list of errors (e.g. `CS8613;CS8601;CS8625`). Does not support the `nullable` shorthand yet because of a .NET issue (would need to expand manually, which is messy)
9 Months Ago
Add rich presence system class which is polled every so often, instead of updating presence from 7 different classes
9 Months Ago
/addons/citizen/ content recompile
9 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: add eyebrows & beard to the graph list of bone merge models, for morph testing
9 Months Ago
Add MusicPlayer.Spectrum and MusicPlayer.Amplitude for visualization purposes
9 Months Ago
▇█▌'▉ ▇▋▄▆ ▆█▌▅▉█▇▍█▆▅█▌▅█▋▊ ▅▊ ▍▊▉▇▇▇▆▇, ▆▋▄▇▇▇▆'▇ ▌▊ ▆▊▌▆█▌/▌▄▅▌▅▍▅▍▆
9 Months Ago
█▊▍▍▇▋ ▅▅▇▋█▍ ▄▊▇ ▍▊█▄▍ ▉▇▊▋▊▇ ▆▅▊▇▊▋ ▆▆▇█ ▉▌█▊▊▄█▇, ▉▍▍▆ ▆▆▆▌ ▍▍▌▄▍▅▇▍ ▉▍▉ ▍▅▊▊ ▋▆▍▇▋▍▇
9 Months Ago
Animgraph tutorials: update the interface tutorial with the new model picker
9 Months Ago
Added some extra logging and safety in reading inputs to try investigate sboxgames/issues#3886
9 Months Ago
vfx_vulkan: compile rtx shaders as lib_6_4 targeting vulkan 1.2 environment Enable DirectXShaderCompiler validation for raytracing shaders Shader defines for VFX_PROGRAM_RTX IMaterialMode::GetRayTraceShader vfx support RaytracingAccelerationStructure Fix SamplerComparisonState not mapping to the right enum Can create RENDER_RAYTRACING_SHADER Setup "RayTrace" mode when the render hardware supports it
9 Months Ago
Add RootPanel.RenderManual, this gives more flexibility to where UI is rendered, to texture for example Seal up ScenePanelObject
9 Months Ago
Ditch all previous water code, continue fresh from water-shadingmodel branch but without inline tracing for reflections
9 Months Ago
Fix NRE in ServerDll.UpdateServerDetails if playing locally, my bad
9 Months Ago
Pass gamemode version tag to ServerList so games can decide what to do with servers that are out of date
9 Months Ago
Add Vector2.Abs, to be consistent with Vector3
9 Months Ago
Rubikon: LoadUnaligned3SIMD_UnsafeRequiresMemoryPadding -> LoadUnaligned3SIMD in mesh CastRay
9 Months Ago
Add SoundStream.SampleRate
9 Months Ago
Removed missing models from avatar map
9 Months Ago
Start off SceneCustomObject with infinite bounds, users expect something to draw if they forget/don't need bounds
9 Months Ago
Add skeleton and attachment groups to model inspector
9 Months Ago
Add Model.AnimGraph getter Display animations and parameters in model inspector
9 Months Ago
Scifi Trooper Helmet First version of the Scifi Trooper Helmet, completing the scifi trooper outfit. LODs and a skinning pass coming ASAP.
9 Months Ago
Add UtlVector::ByteCount(), UtlVector::EnsureCountZeroed( int num ) rendersystemvulkan: backport VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline features vfx: add RTX shaders
9 Months Ago
GameMenu: load FileSystem.Data/OrganizationData immediately, not just server join
9 Months Ago
Remove reference type check from NetWrite.Write<T>( T[] ), we handle it in the call to NetWrite.Write<T>( T ) whilst handling strings and shit
9 Months Ago
Fix error in VROverlay dispose Fix FGDCurve with ToType
9 Months Ago
Turn BaseStyles members into a table containing type, default value, and inheritance state, generate BaseStyles.Defaults Auto-generate layout cascading based on inheritance state Use BaseStyles.Default instead of hardcoding defaults Similar to `css-defaults` branch but this does it better - so I'm deleting that in favour of this. Rather than hard-coding the default value every time we fetch it: ```cs var value = Styles.BackgroundColor ?? Color.White; ``` We should be doing something like: ```cs var value = Styles.BackgroundColor ?? Default.BackgroundColor; ``` Provide default values as fallbacks for style transitions, use LerpProperty inside BaseStyles.FromLerp In FromLerp, check if the property we're trying to change is actually changing Prevents us from stomping property changes when a transition is running with `transition: all` if you have an animation running simulataneously Move default styles into `DefaultStyles`, make everything readonly VirtualScrollPanel uses DefaultStyles Only use fallback inside Lerp functions if from/to are null Move null checks into Lerp functions, remove logs Tidy up, use same code path for lerps Refer to default values in docstrings, inherited/cascading values lerp to their initial `from` values if `to` is unset Merge fixes, Name -> TypeName
9 Months Ago
Refer to default values in docstrings, inherited/cascading values lerp to their initial `from` values if `to` is unset
9 Months Ago
Tidy up, use same code path for lerps
9 Months Ago
Missed material to move
9 Months Ago
Only use fallback inside Lerp functions if from/to are null Move null checks into Lerp functions, remove logs
9 Months Ago
Hammer: move particle drop target to C# support cloud particles too Don't use partial package for map view drops, unreliable package type
9 Months Ago
Moved the rest of the assets to Asset Party -This should be all the assets moved over now, I may have missed a few uploads Minimal Template pawn use Cloud.Model Watermelon
9 Months Ago
FPArms: shadow-blocker mesh prototype (kept disabled for now)
9 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: bits of layout cleanup & rewrote some comment boxes
9 Months Ago
Animgraph: Default fov back to 60
9 Months Ago
Remove use of CancelWebAuthTicket in WebSocket.Connect, was crashing dedicated servers
9 Months Ago
Animgraph: Save and restore camera settings
9 Months Ago
▅▅▆ ▄▆█▇▉▉▆▌▄▊▅█▍▄▄▄▋▇▊▅▉██▅▍██▄▇█▍ ▅█ ▅▊▅▉▊▇▋█ █▅ ▅ █▅▇▆▄▄ ▉▋▉▍ ▋▉▌▆█▅
9 Months Ago
Animgraph: Enable settings button for scene widget to control lighting rigs etc
9 Months Ago
Animgraph: Hide gizmo and ground plane when locked onto bone. Default fov to 90 (max requested)
9 Months Ago
▇▌▉ ▊▇▋█▄▅ ▆▋█▄█▋▄ █▅ ▋█▍▍▆▊▇▇.▊▅▇▉▍<█>( ▄▊▇▍<▍> ) ▅▆▇ ▅▆█▅▊█▇▆.▄▌▍▅▄▇▉█▉▍▇▍▅▇▊▊▆▆█<▇>
9 Months Ago
Clamp panel scroll so you can't hyperscroll into oblivion
9 Months Ago
Add Editor.MapDoc.MapStaticOverlay RenderAttributes.GetInt return type should be int not float Hammer material drop target can do static overlays, rework so you don't need explicit tags on Dragged static overlays use material mapping size Fix crap overlay angles from normal
9 Months Ago
Don't let mousewheel up/down execute double clicks
9 Months Ago
Hammer: Add extended box gizmo handles as a saved option
9 Months Ago
Fix (Rotation / Vector2 / Vector3).Random Also add Vector2.RandomCircle, Vector2.RandomDisk, Vector3.RandomSphere, Vector3.RandomBall, Random.Gaussian Obsolete old VectorX.Random properties, add extensions to System.Random
9 Months Ago
▆▄▍▉▆▋ ▊██▄█▄▆ █▄▊▊▅▌▍▉█ ▆▌▇▊▊▅▋▇▋▋▉ ▍▉ ▌▅▋▄▍▊▉▌▅▆▍▆▅▅█▋▅█▌▆▋▋▄.▅▉▅▉▊▄, ▇▊▉▇▍ ▅▉ ▌▄▌▆▍▊▅▊ ███ ▍▇▊▊▆▊▊ ▋▅▄▊█▌ ▅▌ ▋▌▉▇▌▆▄▍
9 Months Ago
▋▋▆▇▌▌▅▍▆▊▊ ▆▉ ▍▇▄ ▅▉▋▉▇▆ ▅▉▆▄▋▉▉ ▉▇█▅ ▌▅▌▇▅▍ █▍▆ ▆▄ ▋▄▌▅▄▇▊ ( ▊▋▊▄▉▊▋/▄▋▄▊█▋▇▆ ▅▋▋█▋▄▊ ▇▊ ▅▍▄-▌▆▅▊█▅▍ ▊▋█▋▊▆▊▄▅▇ )
9 Months Ago
VirtualScrollPanel uses DefaultStyles