
14 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Years Ago
asset system change update broken assets
3 Years Ago
Use AddAngularVelocity for ragdoll blast force
3 Years Ago
Smarter death camera collision to avoid clipping
3 Years Ago
Fade out ragdoll when death camera is close to it to avoid clipping
3 Years Ago
Apply explosion force to ragdoll without stretching the fuck out of it
3 Years Ago
Explosion screen shake
3 Years Ago
Apply explosion force to ragdoll
3 Years Ago
Compile testmap. Add explosive force to barrel model data
3 Years Ago
Player ragdoll, death camera, testmap
3 Years Ago
Change barrel surface property to metal sheet
3 Years Ago
Cleanup viewmodel code
3 Years Ago
Use barrel prop just for explosion effect and not for the actual player model
3 Years Ago
Initial commit
3 Years Ago
Initial commit