900 Commits over 2,102 Days - 0.02cph!
User Icon Fixes
Post header tweaks
Fixed wrong title on blogs
Fixed missing alert icon
LegacyPost Redirect
Create Thread Page
Solvable Boilerplate
Moved ThreadClass to function
Show bounty
Changed order of reply buttons
Accept answer
Fixed clickable fileuploads
Added Upload Button
Fixed NewThread alerts showing up as Mentioned
Fixed OP too large bullshit
Update search entries when migrating user
Doubled max reply, OP can be 8x bigger
Extended editing
Show url for unknown embed
Show coin gives in event log
Quote post links
Spotify, Sketchfab embeds
Fixed missing prevent on forumsubscribe button
Fixed some old bbcode images not being embedded
Redirect to thread if legacythread passed
Fixed some images not embedding
Mention alert emails
Delete old alerts
Profiler Fixes
Updated Data
Try to automatically mark post based alerts as read, when viewing posts
Banned people can't post :D
Redirect on moved thread
Tab to choose mention
Quoted posts include spoilers, mentions, hotlinks
Don't show forum events if user can't see the forum
Fixed html entities in util/urldetail title
Logged In Header Cleanup
Search Fixes
Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Sites
Keyboard nav for mentions/autocomplete
User lookup util
Mentions blot
del, noparse legacy tags
Smart Links
Tougher link parsing
Show search filters
Changing search retains filters
Limit, sort date facets
Don't email unverified addresses
Fixed canReply
Email verification
Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Sites
search datetime facets work
only allow raw search results for local clients
sanitize type param in search query
Fixed showing hidden forums on forumview
Post/Reply permissions
Edit, Vote permissions
Fixed not logged in permission