
21,418 Commits over 1,552 Days - 0.58cph!

2 Months Ago
More docstring elements Courtesy of bringing my laptop on some long train journeys this weekend
2 Months Ago
▆▋▌ ▌█▇▊▉.▊▌▍▄ ▌▉▍ ▌▋▍▊▄ ▌▉▇▊▌ ▅▋▅▌▅▍▋▋ ▄▇███▋▅▉▊ ▍▆█▆▆▄▊▆▅▋▊▄▄▋▇▅ ▍▆▊ ▉▋█▍▆ ▆▌▆▉ █▇▅ █▉▆ ▉▅▆ ▉▍▊█▉ ▍▅▅▊▍▊▅ ▇██▉▍ ▍█▇▆ ▍█▌▅▌▌, ▉▅▉▌▅▅▍ █▇▄▄▅ █▋▅▊ ▍▊▇ ▅▌▊▍ ▉▆▅▌▍▉ ▉▋▇ ▋▅▊▍▅▄█▍█▍ ▅▉▍▋ ▍▉ ▅▇█▆ ▋▋▍▌▅, ▍▊▍▆ ▍▍ ▌▆▊█▇ ▄▅█▌▅▇▋ ▌▉█▊▉▆▆▋▅▄▉▊▄ ▆▋ ▋▅██ ▋█▄▇▆▆▆ ▊▉▄▍▊▄ ▇▍▄▇▋▇▅ ▋▍▆ ▌▋▋▄█▄ ▆▇▆█▊▊▆▌▅ ▅▇▆▉ ▋▋ ▅██▆ ▄▅█▄▋▇▋▌ ▆▆▉ ▉▆▋ ▉▆▊▊▅▇▋▊▆▆ ▉▄▌▅ ▅█▊ ▇▆▋█ ▌ ▌▇█▅▍▌ ▄▉▉▊ ▄█▍█▄▉▆▅ ▉▇▌▆█▋█ ▉▊ ▋▊▅▇▉▇ ▊█▇ ▅▄▇▌▉▊▊▍.▍█▅▋█▅▅▅▅ ▅▄▉ ▌▋▊█▆ ▇▍ █▆▉▅▇▍▊▇▆▋::▊▋▅▉█▋▄▇ ▌▇█▄ ▆█▆▊▌'█ █▇ ▍▊▆▋▆▊█▆ ▌▋▋▋▌▇█▇▌.. ▍█▍▊▅▇ ▄█▇, ▄▅▍ ▊▅▅▌▌▌▄██ ▇▋▇▋█▅ ▉▋▅▌ ▍▌ ▌▌ ▄▉▋▋▇▆ ▆▌ ▉▇▇▆ ▊▉▍▍▉█▌▇▊▊▊▌▋▅▉▋ ▅▆▅ ▄▋▆▅▇▅▄▊▆▆█▅▍█▅▉▍ ▋▆▇▉▍▉▆ ▇ ▌▍▄▅ ▋█▋▇ ▅▇▉▇█▉ ▌█▋▊▄ ▅█▊▇ ▉▊▉▄▍▍ ▊▄ ▅▍▌█▅▄█ ▉▌▊▌▌▅▊ ▅▉▅ ▇▌▌▇▉ ▄▌ ▆▉▉▉ ▅█▌█ ▉▆▇█▊▅▋ ▇▆▅▆█▊▌▆▌ █▄▌▊ ▄▋▊▊▌▍ ▆▊▉▍▇█▌█ ▆▌▇▋ ▍▄▊█▉▆ ▇▊▆▇▆▊▅▅▉▆ ▇▋▉▊▉▊▌ ▄▌'▇ ▋▋▊▅▊█▉▋▅ ▋▍▉ ▆█▇▆▊▌▇ ▍▌▆▌▊▄█▆ ▊▆▆ ▆▉▊▆█ ▉▍▄▋▌ ▄█▍▌▆▌▉ ▅▆▆▍▄ ▊▍▉▉ ▍▍ ▅▅▅▍█▍▉█ ▍▄▍▌▆▊ ▄▉▌▇▆ ▍▇▆▍ ▅▇▍▆▆▌▊▊ ▍▉▄▍▊▋ ▅▍▄▇ ▌▍▉▆█ ▍▇▍▅▄ ▅▇▍ ▊▍▆▍▉█▊ ▆▉▆▇▍▆▆▋ █▌▋█▅▊ ▉▇▇ ▌▌▄▍▆ ▊▊▉▊▊ █▍█ ▋▉██▄▆ ▋▆▆▆▊▉█▇▆▊▅ ▇▄▊▌▅▊, █▋▍▌ ▉▋▇▊ ▌ ▋▄▄ ▆▄▋▉, ▇▊ ▅▊▊▇ ▇▌▇▇▍▉▆▇▇▉▊▌ ▍▋▄ ▇▅▉▍▊▌▌█▆▄ ▊▇▌▋▍▋█ ▄▅▇▅ ▉▆▌▌▇ ▉▇ ██▇▄ ▄█▍! █▊▋-▄█▉▇▄▆▇▅█▉▇▌▅▌▌ ▇▌▋▍ ▊▄▆▇ █▄▋▋▉.▆▇▋▉▄▋▍▊ ▌▌█▍▉▊▌ ▍▍ ▉▇█▆▊ ▉▅▉ / ▍▊▋▅▄▆▇ ▉▋▌ ▄▌▌▋█▌ ▅▉▄ ▇▍▅▇▇█▉██▆▆▉▌▊▍.▅▄▆▉▋▉▅▇, ▋▌▌▅▄▋▍ ▊▅▅ ▉▌▉▋▇▇ ▋▉▌▍▇▉▆▆▅. ▍▊▇▊▊▌█▆▊, █▉▉▇█▋█▊: ▄█▆▋▇▇▋▍ ▋▅▋ ▆▍▅▉▊▍▅▅▉▍█ ▆▄▊ ▍▆▌▋▇▅ ▅█▋█▌ ▍▇▊▆▊ ▋▌▊▊▄▋▇▍▍ ▇▆▉▍▊▊▅▆▅█ ▅▍▅▇▄▊▌▅▊▋, ▊▉▉▍▍ ▆▊ ▊▇▊▆▍ ▌▌▄▌▉█ ▅▌▊▋▅ ▆▅▋ ▊█▊▄▅▉▊ ▆▆▌▋▊▍█ ▍▉▌ ▉▅▅▄▆▇▅▅ ▇▄▌▄ ▍▇▇▋▆▉▅▍ ▇█ ▋▆▉▉▅▅▌▉▊, ▌▄▌▊ ▄▍▊▇▄▉▍▌ █▌▆▇█ █▌▋ ▌▋▉█▅█▍▉▋▅▍ ▆▋█▍▍ ▄▋▆▌ ▊▆ ▅█ █▉▆▇▇ ▆▋ ▋▄▋▋ ▄█▇█ ▉▄▄▉ ▌ ▉▊▄▄▍▆▆▋▅ ▄▅ ▊▊▅▄▊ ▆▉▅██ ▆▆▍▊▌█ ▊▆ ▋,▌ ▉▊▆▍▋ █▆ █▅▄▄ / ▊▍▊ ▅█▇▇ ▌▇▉▌▅ █▆ █▅▇▅ ▋▉█ ▇▆▊▍█▅ ▇▅▍ ▄▄█▇▊▆.▇██▅▇█▇▆▊▉.▋▋▆▇▍▆██▊▆▋▄▆▍▅ ▄▊██▌▊▄ ▉▆▋▌▋▉▅▍▄ ▍▍█▋█▄▌▄▌ ▊▍▋██ ▆ ▆█▍▇▋▍ ▌▌▍▊▅▄▉▄▉▌ ▇▊▅▌▄▌ ▅▊▍▌▇▊ ▅▊▇▅▋▉▉▆ ▉▌ ▆▄▄▅ █▄▇▄▆▍▆▋▊ (▅▆▊▆█▇ ▇▇ ▍▉▆▊▆ ▇▄▆▄ ▉▆▆██▅▋▌▇▄ ▇▍ ▉█▇▇▍▅ ▌▅ ▆▅▍▆▉▆?) ▉▌▉▆▋▇ ▋▆█▄▉ ▆▊▅ ▌▇▅▆▍ ▇█▅▍▆▆▅▅ ▅▋ ▇▇▍▍▅▉ ! ▍▆▄▇▍▅ ▆▍▇▌▋▉▊▆▌.▍▋▆▅▌█▌▇▍▉.▆▊█▄▊▉▆.▉▉▍▄▄▌ ▄▆▅ ▅▉█▉▊█ ▌▌█▊ ▊▌▇ ▅▄▍▅▌▋ █▋ ▍▊▆█▍▄▆▋▌ ▌▆▍▊▆▇▌ █▌ ▋▋▊▊▄▌ █▆ █▌▅▍▍▇ ▋▇▅▍▅▄▋ ▇▊▄▉ ▋█▍ ▊▌▋▄ ▊▍: ▍▋▅ ▇▉▇▍▋▊█ ▊▍▍▍▅▇▅▇ ▋▇▅ █▅▉/▄▇, █▉▊▉▅▄▆▍ ▇▄▆▌ ▇▋ ▅▍▊▅▇▊▋ █▋ ▇▋▇▇ ▇▌▉▉▉▆ ▆▌▇▅ ▅▇▊▊▍▊▅▄▆▄ ▍▆: ▅▋▍▅ █▉▄▌▆▋▋ ▊▍▅▋█▊▉▄, ▌▋▌▉▌▋▍▌ ▌▉ ▆▉▆█▅▊ ▌▉█▌▊▌ ▉▌ ▇▉▍▋▋ ▌▊ ▇▊▍ ▄▉▇▅▅ ▇█▋▅-▆▄▆█▆▋/▉▍▍▆▋█/▄▅▍ ▆▇▋▆ ▄▄▍▌▌ ▇█▊▆▊█▄ ▇▍▋▆▌▄▄▋▍ ▆▌▋▅▍, ▉▄ ▇█ ▍▌▊▅▊'▅ ▇▅█▅▌, ▅▆▇ ▉ ▆▇█▆▌▅▆ ▆▄▇▋▆▅▋ ▍▋ ▇▆▌▋▊█▅ ▇▊▍▊▊▍▍▋ ▄▉▆▍▉▅▋█▆▊ ▉▉▌▌▌▅██ ██▍▇▉ ▌▋▅▅▊ ▍▉ ▉▆▅▉ ▋▋▍▌ (▇.▊. ▊▋▊▄▄▌▇█▋▋, ▆▅▉, ▉▌▊▍▇▅█ ▍▄▉▋▅), ▆█▇▅▅ ▆▊▄▋▋▅ + ▋▉▌▍▌▊▍▅▇▇▋ ▉▊ ▄▋▉ ▊▍▊▊▆▌ ▍▋█ ▍▆▉▉▊ ▅▋▋▋▌█▉▆▉ ▆▄▇ █▋▉▌▋▄▇▊▍▄▅ ▅▌▌▉ ▄▉▍██▊▊▆ ▄▌▍▆ ▇▄█ ██▉▌█▅▆▉▆▆▅▌▊▄▊▊▌▍▌█.▋▊▌▊▋▋▉█▄▌▌▄▉█▊▋▉▍██▋▍▋▅▆▋▄▅ █▅ ▄▆▉ ▉▋▋ ▉▌▅▋▊▌▉█▇▅ ▇▅█▌ ▄▍▉▇▋▋▍▊█ ▍▋▇▍▌ ▋▊█▄▋▌▅▊▋ ▊▋▍ █▆▌▅█▌ ▋▉▄▅▊▅▌ ▄▌▌ █▆▄▇▌▊▊▊▊▇ █▉▋▇▅ ▌▊▋ ▇▊▌▆▉ ▌▉█▋▊▍▆▅▋▄-▇▆▉▊█ ▅▋▊▅█ ▅▇▆ ▌▊ ▍▌▉▅ ▋▅▄▅▋▅▌ ▇▌ ▍▋ █▅▋█ █▅▉▆▅▊▉ - ▍▊▌▇▉▆▊ ▄▋▅▊▄ ▍▍ ▆▄▌█▊ ▋▍▋█▍▍ ▉▌▇ ▉█▉▇ █▆▅▇▆ ▇▊ ▉▋▋▆▉ ▋▅▋▉▅▄▋ ▋▉ ▌▉▆▆▌ (█▍█▆▉▇▉▆▉▋-▋▍▋▉▌ ▄▍▅▉▌▆▌'▌ ▇▆█▊ ▋▌▊▊ ▍▅█▌▊▅▉ ▆▍▍█▉) ▍▌▆ ▆▅▍▉ ▍█ ▋▇▊▉▅▅ ▍▄▊▌█▍ ▅▋ ▋▇▊▅▍▇▍▉ ▍▋▇▌█▍▆, █▌▆▊ ▆▆ ▌ ▋▇▉▄▊▅ ▆▅▍▊▌▄ █▍▉▌▉▊ █▅ █▌▆▆ ▊▍ ▌▅▄ ▆▆▍▉▍▊▆ ▉▍▋▋▆▋ ▋▋▄ ██▆▍▍▊▄ ▋▄▇ ▌▅▆▇▊▇▅▅▋ ▇▍█▉▇▆▆ ▊▌▋▌▊▄ █▆▅▉▉▆ ▄▉▆▅ ▉▉▋▅ ▆▉▅▇▅▊▄▇ ▄▄▍▍▊▋▄ ▅▄▆▋▋▊▄ ▆▅ ▋▍▅▆▅▋▍ ▍▉▅▄▅ ▋▇ ▋▍▄▅'▆▅ ▉▉▉▆ █▄ ▅▇▌▍ █▆▆▍ ▉▆▉▋▆▆ ▄▍█▉ ▊▌█▊▉▋ ▋▉ ▌▄▉▆█▌▋▅ ▊▊▅▊▊▋▌ ▋▋█ █▇▌▍▄▉▅ ▄▊▊▉ █▌▄▆ ▍█▅█▇▌▋▍▅▉ █▌▋ ▌▌▍▊▍ ▄▇▇ - ▊▌▍▍ ▄▇▆▅ ▉▆ ▌▅█▋ ▇▋▇█▊▋▇ ▋▇ ▊▋█▅ ▋▊▍▉▋▊ ▌▇▉▅█ ▆█ █▌ ▊▇▉▊▇▅▉ ▆▇ █▇▊ ▄▌ ▉▇▅▊▆▉ █▊▊▄█ ▊█▌▉▌▅ ▆▆█▅▍▄▅▄ ▄▅█▉▄█▄/▌█▄▌▇▉▅▍█: ▍▋▉▅ ▋▊▋▋█_▇▄▇▉▋▉ ▆▄▉ ▅▇▍▄▊▊ █▋▄▋▊▉▉ ▄▆▄▅▆▉▄▇▇█▋▅▋▇▊▆▋▉▊ ▆▍▍▊█▍▅ ▍▊ ▍▊▍▄ ▌▌ ▍▅█▉▆▊▄▆▋ ▌▆▌▍▆▌ ▉▆▆ ▍▆▉▄▉ ▊▅▅▊ ▇█▋█▊▆ ▌▇▉▋▆▆▍ ▆▋ ▅▌▅▅▆▋▌▇▇▋▄▊▆▌▉ ▌▇▅▄▊▋▄▇▊▊▄, ▌▆▋▄▍ ▄▍▋▍▋ █▄▍▍█▄▇ ▊▉▊ ▊█▄▍▌▅▍ ▉▄ ▅ █▉█▆▌▉ ▊▇▌ ▄▊█▍▋▇▆▅ ▅▆▊▋ ▋▄▄ ▇▇ ▆▋ ▆▋ ▄█▋▋ ▇▍▉▋▄▌ █▄▌█▍▅▉ ▆▉▉▍▋ ▇▇▇▋ ██▌▉▇▌▄▄ ▍▆▋▆▇█▋ █▄█▆ ▋▌▉▄▆ ▌▄▅▊▋▆▅▇ ▇▊▉▅▍://▉▉▊▍▋.▉▋█▇▌▅▌▉▋.▌▅▊/▌▌█▊▊/▇▊█▇▊▅▇▌/▋▌▊▉-▉▍▉_▌▅▄▆▋▉▅▍▌▆.▉▆▆ ▋▌▊ ▊▇▌▆▍██▌ ▊▅█▅▇▆▄▅▍ ▉▌▋▋▅ ▌▅▅▊▉▄, ▅▍▄'▅ ▌▆▍▆ ▊▊▊▇ ▊▆ ▉▊ ▄▍▊'▊ ▆▇▆▊ ▌▅▌▉█▊▄ ▆▍▇▋▋, ▄▇▇▄▆▋▉▇ ▍▉ ▄▉▉ ▅▅▆ ▍▍▌▋▊█▆ ▋▇ █▋▍▊▇▇▇█▌▊▊▊▊▇ █▌▍ ▋▆▅▇▍▇▉ ▋▇ ▄▉▄▄▉.▅▉▋▌.▄▉▊▉▅▊▄▋ ██▊▇▉▇▌▋▊▍▊▄█▇█▍▄▇▋█ ▋▄▉▄▌ ▉█ ▇▆ ▅▅█▆▆▌▄▅▍█▅▅▆▍▅▍ ▊▇ ▊▄▋▉ ▌▍▊▍▇ ▍▉█▄ ▍█▉▉ ▌▆▌▆█▇ ▋▄▌ ▊▆█▅ ▇▅▆▅▋▇▉▉▆ ▉▊ ▆▉▄▊██▅▋▋█▆.▋▌▄▅▊▍ █▍▆▇ ▉▆▉▇▆ ▌▆▅▍▍▉ ▊▆▄▍ ▇▅▊██▉▊▋ ▄██▅▉ ▊▊▄▇▆▇▋▆, █▆▆▊▍▉▌█ ▊▄▊▍▅▇▌▌▉/▌▋▌▉-▉▍▌▊▊▉#▇▌▆█, ▍▇▋▌▍█▋▉▍/▌▆▇█-▋▅▇▆▋▅#▋▇▉▌ "▋▍▆▇▄▆▄ ▉▊█▉▋▊█" ▉▍ █▌▆▌▍ ▆▅▉▄▉▆▆ ▉▊ █▄▇█▍▌▊▄ ▋▇▌ ▇▊▍▌▄▉▍ ▋▌▋▍▅▋▍, █▌▋▇▉▍ ▌▍▍▍ █▇ ▅█▋▇█▄▍▍ ▊▊▅▊▍▍▇ ▉▋▍▉▍ ▊▉ █▍▍ ▋▆▇ ▄▇▊▄▇ ▋▇█▄▉▇▌ ▅▌▆▌▊▄▇▉ ▊▇▆▄█▉▊▊▍/▋█▊▌-▉▌▆▄▅▇#▅▊▌█ ▆▊▊▋▌▆▊▇▌ █▋▋▋▅▉.▊▌▅▊█▇ ▅▊▍▉-▍▄▌▉▊▅/▌▋▌▄█▋/▋▌█▇ █▉▆▅▌▄▄█▉ █▄▄▇▅▄▍▊▅▌▆▌▋->▅▆▌▄▍▅▅ ▌▄ ▆▆▅, ▌ ▊▇▋'▋ ▌▍▇▍ ▆▄ ▌▇▊▍'█ ▄▉▍▆▉▊▇▄ ▇▌▅ ▍▇▊█▋▋▆▆█.▊▌█▄▆█▌▍ - ▅▍▊▇▆ ▊▌▉▇▄▊▆ ▆ ▇█▍▋ ▄▄ ▆▋▆▄▅▇█▌ ▅▅▌▍ ▄▌'▇ ▌▇▆▋▊▊▌▌█ ▋▉▄▆▆█▉▆ ▆▇▉▅▍▍█ ▄▋▌▊██▄ ▉█▌▉▅▊▍▇ █▇▍▌▇ ▉▆▆▉ ▋▉▊ ▋▊▆▆ ▍█▋▋▌▋▆█ ▍▊▄▉▇▋▆▌▆ - ▌ ▍▅▆'▄ ▉▍▋▉▇ ▍▌▌ ▇▌▅▊▊▋ ▍▆ █▊▅█▍▊▉▋▍▌ █▋▇▍ ▋▅▍▌ ▌▌▄▇ █▆▊▄▇▅▇ ▊▅▉▌▄▇▇▍▌▄▍█▄▉▉█▅██▅▄▋▋ ▌▅ ▆▅▅▌▋▌▆ ▇▇▆▊▌ ▌▇▉▇▅▅▌▍▇▍▋▍, ▌▉▊▍▄ "▆▍█▊ ▋▋▆▅▅▄▆▊▄.▊▇▌▊▆▄▌.▋▍", ▊▍▍▋▆▇▅▄ ▆▆▇▆▄▇▆▆▅/▉▆▅▍-▄▊▆▆▇█#▅▆▆▉ ▄▆▆▆█▊ ▍▉▍▄▄▌▍▇▌▉▍.▉▇▅█▉, ▊▍▉▇▋█▌▌ ▄▌▄▋▆▄▋▅▌/▉▅▄▇-▅▍▆▊▍█#▋▉▊▌ ▄▄▉ ▊▆▊▅▍█▊.▄▍▆▌▆▄▋▋▌▋▌ ▄█▆ █▄▇▊▋▄▅▇.█▄▍▊▋█▉█▊▉▊█▆▅▊█( █ ) ▌▊▍▋ ▌▍▄▊ ▆▅▆▇█ ▅█▉ ▋▉▆▌ ▉▇▇▆▇▄▇ ▇▄▍▇█▍, ▆▍▇▅▉▉▄▌▄ █▆: ▆▅▅█ ▆▍▉▉ █▉▌█▇▋ ▇▋▊▋▊▇▌ ▋▇▆▆▅▇▅▍ ▅▍▉▍▅ ▍▆▍ ▍▄▄█▋▄█▇ █▄▇▆▋█▅█▄ █▉▋▍▅ ▅▉▇▉▆▉▇▉▅▋▅ ▌▊ ▊▉▍▄▋▍ ▌▋▅▍ & ▍▆▋▌▅ ▌▊██▄ ▋▍▉▄▅▋ ▌▄▌▌▊ ▄▍▋▉▌▅▇ ▋▌▄█▍ ▉█ ▇▉▋ ▆▊█▇▋ ▋▍ ▊▍▍▍▍ ▄▋▍ ▆▇ ▌▆▍▆▆ ▋▇ ▋▉▍▇▄ ▍▊▋▆▅▌▅▇ ▇▇▅▌▍://▌▅▇▋▋.▆▉▋▆▉▅▉█▍.▍▅▊/▅▌▊▊▍▇▆▋▍▍▋/▌▄▉▄▅▇▇▉/▍▍▌▋-▌▆▋_▄▉▊▊▍▆▆▋▅▇.▅▇▌ ▌▅▄ ▌▇▋▌▅▍▅ █▅ ▉▇▅▊▇ ▄▌▇▅▆▊▄▆▄ █▊▇▇ ▊▍▄ █▊▌▍▄▇ ▄█▊▄█▆▉▇▌▅, ▄▌▆ ▇▍▋▊ (█▍▉▇+▇▅▌▊█+█), ▅▅▊▇▋▇▊▌ ▌▉▅▆▌▋▊▉▉/▆▉▇▊-▄▋▄▇▍█#▄▊▆▋ █▄▋▇▆ ▅▋▇▉▉█▅▅█ ▆▅▌▊▋▊▉▄ ▄▌▅ ▇▊▍▋▌ ▊▅▉▌▋▆▄▇ ██▋▍▍▌ ▅▌▊▊▄ ▌▊ █▍▊▅▇▍▍▆▌▉▌▉▊▍▇▉ (▇▋▄▄█▅▇▍ ▊▅▆▊ ▆▋▄▌ ▌▅▅▅▍▊▇▆▅▄) ▊▌▍ "▇▆▌▌▇▇▌▄ ▌▆▇▊▋▉▆▋" ▆▄ ▅█▍▊▉▌▅▉▊▇ ▋▌▇█ █▍▆▌▇▌▌▇ ▅▌▄▍▋▉▆▅▄▉▌▄ █▇▍▊ ▋▄▊▋▋█▆▍▌ (▌▆▋▆█▇█▅, ▋▇▅▊▉▄▉, ▆█▇▆▍▇ ▍▄▄▉▄▇▅, ▄▊▊▉▅▅) ▍▇▉▍▊▅ █▌▋▄▋▄▆▍ ▄▉▆ ▅▍▍█▌▅▋▊ ▇▍▆▄▄ ▊▊█▇▅ ▆▋▉ ▊▄▉▉▆▄▆ █▌█▄▉█, ▉▉▆▋▄▅▌▆ ▇▆▅▋▊█▅▊▍/▌▌▋▊-▉▍█▍▊▅#█▅▉▉ ▆▉▊▅▄▆▊▄▄▍▇ ▇▌▇▋▊▊ ▄▌▌▉▆▌▌: ▍▊▌▋█▄▇ ▄▋▋▍▆▍ ▆▄█▆▋▋▌▇▆▄ ▄▅▍▉█ ▇▊▍▍▊▌▅█▇/▌▉▄▉-▆▉▅▇█▊#▇▍█▊ ▋█▄ █▋▉▋▉██▍▋▅▌ ▍▉ ▅▄▊▄█▅▊▆ ▄▊▍▋▋▇▅ █▌▄▅█▊▇ █▌▊▆▅▉ ▊▉█▆▇▌_█▆▇█_▅▉▌ ▋█▄▊. ▄▌▅▆▉▌▄▋ █▍▌▉▋▇▅▄▅▊█ ▆ ▊▇▌▌▍ ▄█ ▌▉▊▌▍ █▆▊█▍▆ ▅▋▇▉ ▌▍▊▊▊▄▄▉ ▋ ▅▍▋ ▍▊▄▇▇█▇ (▆▅▌▄ ▍▅ █▋▋_▅) ▌█▋ ▌_▄█▌▅▆█▇▌▄▍ ▋▍▊▆▍▇▊▌ ▊▇▅█ ▄▍▋▉▅▇▇ ▇▌▊ ▆▌▍▆▅▅▅ ▍▍█▅▌▆ ▍█▆▌▇ ▉▍▋▇▋▊▇▍▇▊ ▆▄▉▊▄▄▋▌▇ ▊▅█▋▋▇▋▆▅▊ ▌▅▍█-▍▌▍▍▌▅/▆▌▆▌█▊/▍▍▉▋ ▆▆▊▌▅▅▄ ▆▄▄ ▍▇▅▆▉▉▇ ▊▉▋▅▅ ▌▊▄▌▍▊▆ ▄█▌▊ ██▉█▄▆ ▋▌▋▌▌▅▌▊ ▍▆▍▇▆ ▇▌▊▄▇▍▌▇▆ █▍▄▉▅▋ ▋▌▍▄▇▇▌ ▍█▇▄ ▉▅ ▅▍▇▇'▊ ▅▉▌▋ ▇▅ ▉▅▍█▇▋▋▆▍▅▌▅ ▆▌▄▍▉▍▅▋▇▇ ▋▅▇▅ ▊▇█▊▌▄ (▉▌ ▉▅█▇▉ ▊▉ ▌▉▍ ▇▌▄▉▊▆▄ ▌▊▉▌▅) █▋▅▆ ▅▇▌▇▆ ▌▉█▆▌█▅██▆█ ▌▋▌█▄▄▊▆▊▍ ▇▄▍ █▋▋▅▆▉▅▍ ▆▊█▆ ▉▆▌▋▌█ ▅▆▇▇▊ ▌▋▅▄▊▊▋▇█▉▉▌ ▅▋ ▄▅▍▄▉▉ ▅█▆▉▌▌ █▋█▆▋ ▉▄▄▌█▅██▇/▉▇▄▊-▄▇▊▍▌▇#▆▆▌▋ ▉██▊▆▌ ▅▍▌▅▌▍▋.▅▌▉▍█▊▅▄▋▇▉ ▉█ ▅▉▍▄▄█▊▇██▍ / ▉▆▊▆▊▉▌▌▄▉▉ ▅▆█▋▊ ▋▊▋▄▍▄▌▊▊/▍▋▅▇-▆█▊▇▊█#▆▍▍█ ▅▉▊▉▌ ▊█▊▊▇▌▍▊▊█▍██▄▉▊▌▊▉ ▋▅ ▍▋▉▄█▊▌▆ ▊█▇▉▍ ▄▆▆▄▌█ ▇▌▍▍▋ ▍▌▍▇▌▇▍▅▋▋▊▊ ▅▊ ▌▅▅ ▇▄▍▊ ▌█▄▇▇▋▌▄▇ ▆▄▋▌▄▊▋██.▆▉▅▌▆▇▉▅█▄▆▅█▌▄▄▅▇▍▍█▉▄▅▇█▊▍ ▆▉ ▅█▊▍▌▇█▄ ▆▊ ▌▅▇▌▋▆▌ ▅▊▌▍▇▌▉▍▊ █▄█▋▋▉▍▌▌▌ ▉▉▄▊▊▄ ▅▆▄▇▆://▆▇▅▊█.▆▇▊▌▉▅▄▅▌.█▊█/▍▆▅█/▍▍▋▇-▅▄-▆▍/▅▉█▉-█▆▊_▆▅▆▆▉▆▄▆▇█.▌▋▅ ▇▊▇▌▅▋ ▆█ █▇▆▆▅▊▊ ▄▊█▋▊▋█▇ ▊▄▊▆ ▍▊▇▌▇▆▄ ▉▉▆▊█▊ ▄▆▋▋▍▍█▉ ▇▆▊▄▄▅█▍▆▋ ▋▉▉ ▆▋▅█▍▄▅▅▅▋▄▍.▄▉█▊▉▊▄▆▊▊▇▊▌▆▄ ▉▉▆ █▌▍▅▌█▊▇.▄▍▆▇▆█▊▄▍▊▄▇▋▄▋ - ▇▌▊▇ █▊▊ ▍▉▊▌▆ ▆▄▍▋▍▍▆▊ ▄▍ ▆▇▍ ▄▋▆█▉▅▉ █▄ ▊▆▅▄▅▊ ▇▍▋ ▋█▅█▍ ▍▌▄██ ▇▊, ▇▊▇█ █ ▍█▉▄█▇▌▅ █▋▊▌ ▋▊▇▅▆://▉▍▋▉▋.▆▉▉▋▄▄▇▆▉.▌▊▊/▋▍▇▋▆/▄▇▆▉▆▆▅▊/▌▄▉▅-▄▇▋_▌▅▅▄█▊▆▋▋▅.▅▋▆ ▄▍█ ▋▉▆▌▇ ▆▅▄ ▆▇ ▅▅▄▌▅ ██ ▌▌▉▌▇▆▊▋▊.▉▇▄▉▌▉▍▊▋▊▌█▇▉▍ ▄▋▅▉▅ ▋▌▄▊▇▇ '▆▇▊█▇▊' ▄▋▋▋ ▄▋█▊▆-█▅▉▊▍█▆-▉
2 Months Ago
Fix index out of range in HashSetEx.EnumerateLocked
2 Months Ago
Clean up Entity tool as you can no longer add/target games this way Kill Hammer EntityIO buttons (unusable) CMapGameObject overrides child selection
2 Months Ago
Factor in surface velocity when solving linear friction constraint Add PhysicsShape.SurfaceVelocity Add Collider.SurfaceVelocity - Sets the local velocity of the surface so things can slide along it, like a conveyor belt
2 Months Ago
Remove mock GameObject/Prefab code from managed MapEntity Add CMapGameObject map node with managed counter part that wraps a GameObject Hammer world's Scene uses HammerSceneEditorSession Add HammerManagedInspector that can take over if it likes the MapNode. We only like MapGameObject for now Run Scene.EditorDraw() on MapView for gizmos, remove old Entity.DrawGizmos Hammer: Create GameObject Test option More explicit HammerEvents Managed map node callback interface, a little convoluted because of mapdoclib <-> hammer <-> managed. But this is easier to do callbacks and can return values And the managed side Serialize/deserialize CMapGameObject CMapGameObject::GeneratesEntityModelGeometry() Expose CMapGameObject JSON to MapBuilder via IHammerMapLoader Collect CMapGameObjects, compile them into scene.json inside the vpk and let MapInstance load them (Very hacky code needs cleaning up) MapWorld.Scene sets a Scene.Source in an attempt to make AG happy Tie Meshes to GameObject button Add def for CMapNode.GetRootDocument() ActionGraph source location refactor Add MapSourceLocation, fix editing action graphs in .vmap files Check for MapSourceLocation in ActionGraphView Open source map when inspecting graph from .vmap Parent action graph editor to hammer window if editing map graph Push AG serialization options when saving map game object Makes sure we replace any cached versions of graphs Implement setting HammerSceneEditorSession.HasUnsavedChanges Fix action graphs from maps not caching correctly Only OpenContainingResource if not already open Fix action graphs in unsaved hammer maps Associate graphs with a HammerSceneEditorSession if open in hammer, which is resilient to renaming etc Normalize map path name Can tie map meshes to GameObjects, these get built into models and any components on the GameObject with a Model property get populated by it Trim world builder Implement CMapGameObject::Copy Sync native transforms to managed Scene changes (new component, prop edits, etc.) mark Hammer map as having unsaved changes (otherwise it refuses to save) Several assumptions of SceneEditorSession.Active.Scene should be GameObject.Scene
2 Months Ago
Reference formatting tweaks
2 Months Ago
RigidBody.CollisionUpdateEventsEnabled is disabled by default
2 Months Ago
Apply EnableTouchPersists on collider shape create Tweak MassOverride to not call MakeDirty
2 Months Ago
Some nicer description formatting for tooltips Show return value descriptions in action graphs Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6636 Expose Sandbox.Achievement to TypeLibrary / ActionGraph Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6637
2 Months Ago
Dynamic and managed scene objects draw bounds properly Fixed TextBlock adding margins when it didn't need to TextRenderer GameObject gets bounds (so draws in the correct order)
2 Months Ago
Add multibounce ambient occlusion (but keep it disabled for now) Adjust AO intensity, separate passes, add spartial/temporal passes, adjust thin compensation to become thickness
2 Months Ago
Set D_WORLDPANEL properly when pushing and popping layers Fixes WorldPanel rendering regression sbox-issues/issues/6632
2 Months Ago
Removed unused avatar_menu_map vmap. Prevents downloading a bunch of cloud assets when creating a new project (such as USP_W)
2 Months Ago
Description attrib codegen: support method parameters Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6622 Fix description of expanded outputs
2 Months Ago
Better solution for ignoring empty files for project upload, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6608
2 Months Ago
Fixed blendmode multiply not alpha blending Remove nulls in updateComponents (prevents NREs when hotloading) Add "Position Absolute" to gameobject flag selector TextRenderer uses TextScope (outlines, shadows, letter spacing, italic)
2 Months Ago
Add ability to group selection into new parent GameObject, add bind (CTRL+SHIFT+G), resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6587
2 Months Ago
Normalize map path name
2 Months Ago
Fix action graphs in unsaved hammer maps Associate graphs with a HammerSceneEditorSession if open in hammer, which is resilient to renaming etc
2 Months Ago
SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer
2 Months Ago
Move & scale scene camera speed overlay based on DPI Fixes it being out of place on HiDPI monitors
2 Months Ago
SCSS calc tests for bare literal values, variables UI: Push root values between building style and cascaded PreLayout Treat worldpanels as layers
2 Months Ago
Add vector3.InverseLerp Add Collider.FindClosestPoint( p )
2 Months Ago
Expose Achievement.Score, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6585
2 Months Ago
Only provide SourceLocationAttribute on primary class declarations, fixes "Open Component.Partial.cs", resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6612
2 Months Ago
Remove mock GameObject/Prefab code from managed MapEntity Add CMapGameObject map node with managed counter part that wraps a GameObject Hammer world's Scene uses HammerSceneEditorSession Add HammerManagedInspector that can take over if it likes the MapNode. We only like MapGameObject for now Run Scene.EditorDraw() on MapView for gizmos, remove old Entity.DrawGizmos Hammer: Create GameObject Test option More explicit HammerEvents Managed map node callback interface, a little convoluted because of mapdoclib <-> hammer <-> managed. But this is easier to do callbacks and can return values And the managed side Serialize/deserialize CMapGameObject CMapGameObject::GeneratesEntityModelGeometry() Expose CMapGameObject JSON to MapBuilder via IHammerMapLoader Collect CMapGameObjects, compile them into scene.json inside the vpk and let MapInstance load them (Very hacky code needs cleaning up) MapWorld.Scene sets a Scene.Source in an attempt to make AG happy Tie Meshes to GameObject button Add def for CMapNode.GetRootDocument() ActionGraph source location refactor Add MapSourceLocation, fix editing action graphs in .vmap files Check for MapSourceLocation in ActionGraphView Open source map when inspecting graph from .vmap Parent action graph editor to hammer window if editing map graph Push AG serialization options when saving map game object Makes sure we replace any cached versions of graphs Implement setting HammerSceneEditorSession.HasUnsavedChanges Fix action graphs from maps not caching correctly Only OpenContainingResource if not already open
2 Months Ago
Sometimes ManifoldPoint->Impulse is nan, I don't know if that's expected Add Rigidbody.Touching - which returns a list of triggers that it's currently touching Prevent leaving triggers early when you have multiple colliders - I don't enjoy the amount of complexity this adds
2 Months Ago
Whitelist System.Int128 sbox-issues/issues/6627
2 Months Ago
Proper TAA, option for spartial or temporal blur
2 Months Ago
"Current Project" in Asset Browser is actually the current project, though this is probably already fixed in the new asset browser Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6614
2 Months Ago
Read input config when changing input settings, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6590, Facepunch/sbox-issues#6599
2 Months Ago
Fix null exception in PlayerStats.TryGet
2 Months Ago
WorldTextSceneObject needs to be OverlayWithDepth to have depth with draw solids
2 Months Ago
Fix winding in Gizmo.Draw.SolidBox
2 Months Ago
Add impulse to PhysicsContact
2 Months Ago
Fix dragging installed cloud assets, don't just bail if it can't find primary asset, fallback to url
2 Months Ago
Support drags from resource control into scene viewport
2 Months Ago
Create and cache line shader outside of SceneLineObject constructor, these scene objects are created on a thread and material load has to be on main thread
2 Months Ago
EnableTouchPersists default to true on Rigidbody
2 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: make scale_height not bouncy anymore
2 Months Ago
Second pass at grid-aligned connection style Simple solver for default connection offsets Tweak ZIndex of connections when hovering / selecting Some final tweaking of default offsets for connections
2 Months Ago
Update services
2 Months Ago
Fix command line args preference not being set - line edit is auto focused so bind system needs to be flushed to set it before focus
2 Months Ago
Revert edit button on resource control
2 Months Ago
Only show resource control buttons on control hover so they're less in your face
2 Months Ago
Set tooltip for component control picker button
2 Months Ago
Add open in editor button to resource control, this is a common enough action to have on the control widget
2 Months Ago
Fix Video background-image going out of sync causing it to stop looping - disable audio on video player and sync clock to video instead of audio (background-image shouldn't have been playing audio)
2 Months Ago
Add SkinnedModelRenderer.TryGetBoneTransformAnimation to get the worldspace bone transform after animation but before physics and procedural bones