userLouie Turnercancel

3,487 Commits over 1,371 Days - 0.11cph!

55 Days Ago
Basic Checkpoint system Basic ui for checkpoint Clean up
56 Days Ago
dev_grid material
56 Days Ago
56 Days Ago
2d update and sounds
56 Days Ago
Updates to stage 2d
56 Days Ago
Expose zfar on game prefab
56 Days Ago
Water shader supports foam tint and emissive
57 Days Ago
Fix climbing - jumpoff
57 Days Ago
Platform sounds
57 Days Ago
Update Model Viewer to use Features
57 Days Ago
Small adjustment
57 Days Ago
Modify Camera Zone Stage 2c updates
57 Days Ago
Stage 2c progress boost speed with shift on freecam
58 Days Ago
Hide more gizmos
58 Days Ago
Check if we are on platform and don't save that pos Sounds stage 2c
58 Days Ago
Remove old platform code from player
58 Days Ago
level 2c Update
58 Days Ago
Push trigger wip WorldMap wip
59 Days Ago
World Map wip
59 Days Ago
Double up kill plane
59 Days Ago
Kill old bird fix platform rotation Revert swing
2 Months Ago
Move on edge Updated scenes
2 Months Ago
Camera zone changes Camera only moves when the player is at the edge region
2 Months Ago
Apply gameobject rotation add camera zones to playground
2 Months Ago
Updated test scene
2 Months Ago
Camera zone stuff
2 Months Ago
add vertex paint to edge
2 Months Ago
Toggle Time action Camera ignore swingable Tongue ui Test level
2 Months Ago
stage 1c - tongue test
2 Months Ago
Gib Unicycle
2 Months Ago
Better ragdoll
2 Months Ago
Add vpk
2 Months Ago
Hammer GameObject Scene (You'll need to compile)
2 Months Ago
more art test
2 Months Ago
Stages box project materials Material changes Test stage Clean up Fix spam hopefully Merge branch 'main' of sbox-piecrumb
2 Months Ago
updated .proj + inputs
2 Months Ago
Shader Support a hotspot layer on projection
2 Months Ago
freecam move to
2 Months Ago
Shader supports texture scrolling
2 Months Ago
Remove / clean up old assets and poorly named stuff
2 Months Ago
Lets try making the player face correctly again Sub intro cutscene text Swap to models of platforms
2 Months Ago
Fixed rotate Phys trace Rotate player onstart to face correct direction
2 Months Ago
Move on Fixed
2 Months Ago
Remove tags for moving Phys character updates
2 Months Ago
Once touched check if we have touched the platform
2 Months Ago
Fix crumble platforms
2 Months Ago
adjust spacing again
2 Months Ago
More adjustments 1b
2 Months Ago
Adjust gap on stage 1b
2 Months Ago
We did need to switch this