userLouie Turnercancel

3,545 Commits over 1,433 Days - 0.10cph!

3 Months Ago
Respawnables When you respawn, we reset certain platforms
3 Months Ago
Clothing pickup ui
3 Months Ago
Playground update
3 Months Ago
Switch to interaction
3 Months Ago
Clothing ui adjustment + camera
3 Months Ago
Clothing Wip
3 Months Ago
Finish up 2d stage
3 Months Ago
update some particles new drowning mask small adjustments
3 Months Ago
Basic Checkpoint system Basic ui for checkpoint Clean up
3 Months Ago
dev_grid material
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
2d update and sounds
3 Months Ago
Updates to stage 2d
3 Months Ago
Expose zfar on game prefab
3 Months Ago
Water shader supports foam tint and emissive
3 Months Ago
Fix climbing - jumpoff
3 Months Ago
Platform sounds
3 Months Ago
Update Model Viewer to use Features
3 Months Ago
Small adjustment
3 Months Ago
Modify Camera Zone Stage 2c updates
3 Months Ago
Stage 2c progress boost speed with shift on freecam
3 Months Ago
Hide more gizmos
3 Months Ago
Check if we are on platform and don't save that pos Sounds stage 2c
3 Months Ago
Remove old platform code from player
3 Months Ago
level 2c Update
3 Months Ago
Push trigger wip WorldMap wip
3 Months Ago
World Map wip
3 Months Ago
Double up kill plane
3 Months Ago
Kill old bird fix platform rotation Revert swing
4 Months Ago
Move on edge Updated scenes
4 Months Ago
Camera zone changes Camera only moves when the player is at the edge region
4 Months Ago
Apply gameobject rotation add camera zones to playground
4 Months Ago
Updated test scene
4 Months Ago
Camera zone stuff
4 Months Ago
add vertex paint to edge
4 Months Ago
Toggle Time action Camera ignore swingable Tongue ui Test level
4 Months Ago
stage 1c - tongue test
4 Months Ago
Gib Unicycle
4 Months Ago
Better ragdoll
4 Months Ago
Add vpk
4 Months Ago
Hammer GameObject Scene (You'll need to compile)
4 Months Ago
more art test
4 Months Ago
Stages box project materials Material changes Test stage Clean up Fix spam hopefully Merge branch 'main' of sbox-piecrumb
4 Months Ago
updated .proj + inputs
4 Months Ago
Shader Support a hotspot layer on projection
4 Months Ago
freecam move to
4 Months Ago
Shader supports texture scrolling
4 Months Ago
Remove / clean up old assets and poorly named stuff
4 Months Ago
Lets try making the player face correctly again Sub intro cutscene text Swap to models of platforms
4 Months Ago
Fixed rotate Phys trace Rotate player onstart to face correct direction