3,560 Commits over 1,461 Days - 0.10cph!
Initial commit (Lots of rubbish in here from when I was messing around)
Better player rotation
Smooth out camera a little
Camera 2
Better roll controls
Steal movement code from Gun Fight
Thanks Tony
More transform options
Updated CitizenAnimHelper
render shadows in firstperson
Noclip control
Toggle with "B"
Clothing Dresser Widget
Added Searching
Better Filtering
Show Enabled Clothing
Reset Clothing
Cleaned Up Clothing List
SpecialMoveStyle (special_movement_states) on animator
Better interaction
Removed logs
PhysicsComponent => Rigidbody
Dev Cam + Improved Ducking and Interaction
object > prefab
correct footstep sound
Add some lights to the map
Character scene updates + footstep sounds
Improved interaction (Thanks Layla)
Fixed Telegraph pole collision
Basic Interactions - ModelViewer
Additional Gizmo Controls
Add skin changer component - ModelViewer
Add more options for editing particle control points (#1379)
Updated modelviewer model