3,525 Commits over 1,402 Days - 0.10cph!
Get most distant spawn point
Added bullet trail
Changed hit sound pitch if headshot
scoreboard ui tweaks
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight
Updated HUD
Updated Hit sound
testmap + compiled assets
Swapped flag material shader as we no longer have the tarp shader
Attachment point + animgraph update for grenade
Updated Test map to use tilemap
removed test mat
Slightly better grenade anim
Fixed fire extinguisher rotations
Remove random rogue mesh breaking vis compile
Use new model for grenade
Grenade viewmodel
Grenade worldmodel
Added music box
ent that plays music
tweaked hit sound
Compiled files
Set Particle data in Info_Particle_System
Random player outfits
Added flashlight effect
viewmodel tilt when ducking
walking sounds
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hidden
updated particles
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hidden
Added Knife and updated weapon pos
Lazer particle and attachments
Updated sense particle
update laser dot particle
Player ragdoll physics
fixed flag
Added Russian Language for when its supported in game (Thanks lyrica)
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer
Fixed Precache json not being found
Added [HammerEntity] to missing ents
Assets + cleanup
Fixed Compile Errors (Reupload)
Added French Language for when its supported in game (Thanks KAYA & Del Tremblay)
Ajout de la langue française pour quand cela sera supporté in-game