3,524 Commits over 1,402 Days - 0.10cph!
Unlimited ammo option in starting weapon + remove crowbar from starting weapon
Remove wall climbing we have nail climbing now
Made the nail climbing less like rocket jumping
Only allow headshots with railgun
Only give headshot award on rail gun kills
Do fixed damage with rail gun
80 body, 100 headshot
Increased bullet size on Lightning gun
Increase damage and bullet size on shotgun
Nerf Lightning gun range
Dmg number particles
Fixed colliding with collectables
Fixed issue with turns
disable fast forward
Update .addon
Stopped balls from flying away
spawn 2 armour drops on player death + starting armour 50
Start players with 100 armour
Slower rocket rate of fire
Made Nail climbing better
Rail fire rate .6 > .55
Rocket damage increase 30 > 80
Additional Announcer lines for Time
Updated Lightning Gun Particle
Slower Rate of fire on the rail gun
Reduced damage on the rocket launcher
Removed tiny spread from GL too
Rockets should feel a little better
Fixed Last Damage not showing on the Hud
Reduced Grenade launcher splash
Balances to GL
Decreased the Lifetime of grenade
Increased the Speed on the grenade
Faster fire rate
Shoot up a bit more
Thanks, Fortune and Quacky for feedback <3
Balances to LG
More knockback
Thanks, Fortune and Quacky for feedback <3
Balances to Rail Gun
Increased Rate of Fire
Bigger Bullets
Dot Crosshair
Thanks, Fortune and Quacky for feedback <3
Decrease the GL Max ammo
Increased ammo pickups volume
Update .addon
Added voicespeaker to hud
Balanced shotgun
More bullets at less damage
Nerf RocketLauncher
Reduced speed + Reduced Splash Radius + Increased rate of fire
Slighting decreased dashing speed
Slight buff to nail gun + projectile trail
Update .addon
Wip Leaderboard
Updated Main shader
Decrease effect on fall camera
Fixed armour shoes
.Addon + reupload + compiled assets
Reuploaded to backend + compiled assets + .addon update
replaced armour pickup sound
toned down fall camera
Reduced max buckshot ammo and increased grenades
Animated hud on damage
Icons for grenade and rocket projectile
Compiled files excluding vtex_c
Fixed players have 2 sets of guns
Animate ammo count on shooting
Fixed Precache not working correctly
Set round timer to 10mins
Increase collision boxes on ammo making easier to pickup
Precache particles
Enable shadows in fp for armour
Updated UI
Removed saturation on low health
Dont overheal on health and armour on on mega health/armour
buff lightning gun
Removed DebugOverlays and Logs
Show damage dealt on hud
Better looking damage indicator
Playsound on get a kill
Stop ledge grabbing on other players
ui tweaks
Damage Numbers
Shooting anim on lightning gun
Set players colour on spawn
Hold space to vault
Reduce the amount of rockets the player can hold
Keyframed animations for hud elements
Rocket launcher shoot animation
Rail gun shoot animation
can switch sooner after switching weapon
Mega Armour (Gives player 200 armour(
Fixed eyes not using custom shader
Added rail sliding from super tumble
Give player a jump back when leaving the rail
Award styling
Updated test map
Additional Sounds
Nametag style tweak
Added Body Armour clothing (Thanks ShadowBrain)
Updated coffin model
Rocket trail
Reduced Healthkit to 15
Mega Health model
Better armour pickup model
Exploded on impact Grenades
Rocket Launcher in killfeed
Adjusted Railgun knockback
Nail climbing
Updated armour material