3,577 Commits over 1,461 Days - 0.10cph!
Support different tilemaps
Fix particles no using model
Fixed sound in scene
Track birds scared
Update .gitignore
Update player particles
pitch music on death
adjust stages
Split up scene more
Update SpriteTool
Camerbounds can controll ortho height
Room switch gizmo and icon
additional room
Clean up
Better restart
Basic leaderboard + reset button
Restore minimal scene
Improve death effect
Gizmo icon
Player can die
Handle respawning with chain better, respawn checkpoint
Camera bounds not following player correctly + icon
Some better controller support
Unground the player just before we are too far away
Falling platform
If we grab a crumbling platform and it breaks detach the grab
Remove logs
Crumbling platform
update spritetool
Temp hack for the moment
Camera bounds
Initial commit
rebalance 2b + checkpoints
When you respawn, we reset certain platforms
Clothing ui adjustment + camera
update some particles
new drowning mask
small adjustments
Basic Checkpoint system
Basic ui for checkpoint
Clean up
Expose zfar on game prefab
Water shader supports foam tint and emissive
Update Model Viewer to use Features