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powerup calls Fsm.FixedUpdate even when deactivated, if needed
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
cleaned up powerup
player sprite with quad rather than tris
crosshair uses quad
removed triangle
removed diamond lines
player body params in json
powerup issue
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
unit laser controlling methods
player death effects in config
fixed a bug with bullet size multiplier
changed octopus laser angle
playerShoot powerup uses bullet angle for aiming
renamed frameNum to spriteNum
removed stage_bulletreactions
powerup onAcquire callback
renamed powerup iconFrame to iconSpriteNum
PlayerData, initialize player movement from json
player core specified in config
stage config species which player config to use
laser data
laser set in json turns on
redirect powerup, removing more bullet reactions
removing some bullet_reaction stuff
slow motion powerup, fixed bullet hotloading
fixed bullets not ignoring collision with source pxc
BulletRecipe is now HotloadedData
removed Custom stage and Custom unit
PatternRecipe is now HotloadedData
stop caching bullet recipes for now
SpriteAnimRecipe is now HotloadedData
tweaked snake pattern
circle skew is now based on distance not velocity
make sure bullets referencing other bullets in the same volley arent gettin a reused pool bullet instead
bullet onHitPlayer callback
renamed some bullet properties (pxc -> pixel)
transform pixel effect when bullet hits pixel
pixel splash damage effect from json
Spark pixel effect from json
bullet lifetime finished callback; bullets with 0 lifetime never expire
player shoot pattern with json powerup
powerup can remove effect bullets when finished
bullet onKeyframe action
bullet hurtPlayer func
stage SpawnPowerup method for bullets to call
bullet trying to call player method
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
powerup charge decay
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
powerup effect bullet
removed some bullet vars
removed bullet blinking when despawning
bullet target pos func, simplified bullet Init params
bullet targetDirection func
bullet targetDirection -> targetAngle, simplified some bullet code
powerup levels, powerup player hit callback
removed vignette again
debug drawing methods called from json
powerup callbacks
pattern property funcs
bullet uses parametercollection
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
bullet pattern properties (w/ issue)
removed debugs
more bullet property reworks, fixed pixelchunk not having velocity
reworked bullet color lerping
lots more bullet property funcs
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
more bullet property funcs
replacing bullet recipe properties with funcs
unit disconnect pixel chunk method
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
powerup v2, powerupdata
powerup properties
powerup fsm
unit respawn function, can respawn only pixels of a certain category
hide vignette on menu stage
tweaked hurt vignette, fixed timescale init bug
fixed camera shake position accumulating
first volley of pattern has no delay again
rename upate to update
screenShake unit event
player hurt state & vignette again
laser is owned by pixelgroup - reworked how lasers are added to units
stage SpawnUnit
powerup level limit to 3
pxc anim waits until end of current loop to switch to diff anim
unit PlayAnim func
removed some bullet modifiers
reset Unit.IsHidden on setup
bullets can follow enemies instead of player
bullet can collide with source pxc
got rid of some redundant unit spawning options
removed pxc children
test unit
test pattern stuff
renamed arbitrary pattern to Custom
cluster patterns, some tweaking with params
rotating star cluster pattern
icicle pattern
removed bullet damage multiplier
only graze push when not braking
removed forwardSpreadFunc
removed some more pattern modifiers
pixelgroup death bullet pattern
pixeldata death bullet pattern
renamed Quad to FreeformQuad
reworked Circle into Quad
renamed Circle shader etc to Quad
Rectangle shape for bullet
some more rectangle bullet stuff
rectangle bullet collision
fsm state debug colors
stage_text handles debug text, deleted stage_debugtext
removed playmaker files
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
tweaked sweat drop
removed bullet powerups
error message if fsm state actions null
fixed bug with bullet spawner powerup causing screen to go black
remove boosting stuff again
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
stage Player property, distSqr helper func
fixed braking
spawner bullets despawn properly when powerup is deactivated
removed armor stuff
dont scale units while player is dying
some fixes for player death visual bugs
tweaked some player properties
fixed timer not being visible
UnitConfig folder
plant boss
plant guard
plant guard
plant guard mouth
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
removed stage fsm prefabs
unit prefabs no longer created
deleted unit prefabs from resources
unit FSM loads again
got rid of folder structure for unit FSM
fixed bullet color flashing, freeze/redirect bullets powerups
fixed bullet redirection angle
redirect target direction powerup
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
removed some of the bullet requesting stuff
rotating gun powerup
powerup level starts at 0 instead of 1; rotating gun powerup gets stronger each level
fixed bullet spawner collision issue
bullet spawner polish
repel bullets powerup
passive repel powerup visuals
passive repel
tempEffectSlow reduces player speed, not timescale
slow timescale pickup
temp effect floater text
bullet spawner powerup
disperse pickups instead of old powerup bullets
got rid of all old powerup stuff
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
fixed invasion boss spawning
invasion boss spawns ships
invasion boss pixels
invasion transform explosive ring bullet
pooling in stage_timescale
speed up time pickup
border warning in-bounds range is smaller
invasion ships check lower bounds
tweaked invasion ship2 movement
invasion ship 3
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
invasion boss
fixed some pxc animation bugs
fixed another pxc anim bug
fix player gun length
reworked unit bounds checking
unit disable callback; invasion ship respawn when one disables
invasion ship stays in bounds horizontally but leaves vertically
tweaked invasion ship spawning, speed in
tweaked invasion ship colors, border warning
check to make sure bullet length/width doesnt lead to divide-by-zero on first frame
null check and delete enrageTimer, should stop Fuse enemy from crashing on death
fixed unit bounds checking
ship1 rotation when shot
fixed powerup collection affecting player bullets
repel bullets correctly slows more at center of radius
invasion stage
fixed pixel reflection size issue
ribs stage
ribs boss switches between 2 anims
keep assignments aligned
updated build
not sure. some confusion and resets
updated build
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/PxcEditor
changed tube wall shape
tube filling base class
spawn both kinds of filling
dont erode or have recentlly-disconnected effects for pixel chunks after enemy is destroyed
tube only rotates diagonally
filling2 pixelgroups
other filling pxcs
tube wall bg opacity correctly set to 0
player bullets reflect off tube walls
pixelgroups can scale more properly
fixing some pixelgroup/pxc RenderPosition stuff
reworked camera shaking
filling speeds in
fixed filling pixel groups
disconnected pixels are separated into multiple chunks if they arent connected to eachother
filling brake flipped correctly
brakes affect movespeed
touching a pixel doesnt kill you immediately
mostly failed attempts to solve some collision issues
fix unit scale
player gun disabled while touching pixels
filling spawns from all tube angles
check if filling has reached end of tube
filling brakes
updated incontrol (with issues)
player hitbox shadow tweak
misc changes
refined camera control for gamepad; create tube stage
tube walls
tube filling
pixel chunk pixels fade out properly now, calls SetPixels only once per frame
bullet impact reflected across normal; tube filling movement tweak
player hitbox shadow dot product
player hitbox shadow hidden while colliding
asteroid rotation when hit
pixel chunk pixels fade out; limit pixel chunk debris amount
bunch of small changes with pixel chunks
fixed screen fading bug, tweaked player core
player core looks where aiming
fixed die-on-restart bug, pixels wont move right after killing player
fade out thing player hits and dies to so can see player body through it
bullet only despawns if player hits but doesnt die