3,045 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.03cph!
fix player shadow
vector upgrade icons
early boss upgrade
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-sausagesurvivors2
always pierce before bounce
bloodlust upgrade
healthy unit dmg upgrade
backstab upgrade
wraparound unique -> legendary
timer progress bar
upgrade tooltip info text
ammo upgrades
dodge upgrade
dodge reload upgrade
dodge aoe upgrade
dodge heal upgrade
dodge clip bonus upgrade
more upgrade display texts
reduce rad delay upgrade
radiation heal upgrade
radiation repel upgrade
radius multiplier upgrade
xp gain upgrade
bullet streak upgrade
upgrade display text
shield slam upgrade
shield heal upgrade
radiation upgrade
dmg number tweaks and outlines
floater tweaks
splash upgrade
fix chat
damage number particles wip
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-sausagesurvivors2
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-sausagesurvivors2
reduce side icon size
fix cursor
mostly fixed ui
shock status wip
bullet chance upgrades
tweak nametag
tweak upgrade choice ui
shrunk upgrade hud more
remove debug
switch hitboxes to cylinders
use dt for enemy acceleration
fix hitbox scale
boss jumping
repel things
tweaked boss charge
boss healthbar
lerp enemy bullet shadows
player bullet colors
bullet impact particle color
elite spitter bullet
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-sausagesurvivors2
bullet zpos
elite spitter aim tweak
death particles in unitdef
unit spawn tweaks, runner retreat, etc
elite spitter movement
spitter, runner movement tweaks
elite runner behaviour
elite charger throwing
throw tweaks
wip performance stuff
touch instead of colliding
more FindInSphere
remove gridpos
removed IntVector
refactor unit collision more
elite zapper
tweak zapper
explosion uses FindInSphere
queue dmg floater
zapper unit
zapper sfx
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-sausagesurvivors2
coin model
xp floaters
tweak xp coin sizes/colors
spawn starting things
spawn healthpacks, magnet, initial spawns, etc
unit shadows fade in
trying out some ai upgrade icons https://files.facepunch.com/ryleigh/230508-xAnNeU/hurt_shoot.png
clamp camera bounds
clamp enemy bullets to bounds, etc
simpler emerge/blood particles, etc
testing diff blood particles
tweak item choice row
show banished upgrades
highlight recent upgrades
refactored req upgrades
existing upgrade chance
rare stuff upgrade
only multiplayer upgrade param, rarity changes over time
unit xp values
upgrade rarity wip
upgrade avail at start param
fade out gibs
spitter sfx
fix shooting anim after flinching
view upgrade
spike sfx
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-sausagesurvivors2
barrel and other _c
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-sausagesurvivors2
spiker head damages
dont give more rerolls until choice is made