3,136 Commits over 3,987 Days - 0.03cph!
mananger CollisionType
thing Touching list; remove gridsquare stuff
player bounds
enemy bounds
more player.Damage stuff
enemy target
enemy IsAttacking
thing Position2D
gridsquare stuff wip
more collision rework
enemy timeSinceDamagePlayer
stats/perks wip
material shit
player shooting
player attack/reload anim
bullet model
rpc player attack anims
added some old model files to project
dmg floater
player dash wip
dash skid
prevent charge station from healing above 100 hp
zombie walk anim
enemy SetAnim
damage flash material
enemy health
player damage etc
initial commit
player input/rotation
player walk anim
networked player prefab
player dresser
trigger overlapping
repel flag
thing class
thing pushstrength
zombie prefab
zombie movement
don't add shoot delay if shotgun right click fails
shotgun left click without ammo does auto reload
shotgun right click with only 1 ammo does single shot instead of doing nothing
change pitch of shotgun right click sound
show notice when getting a weapon pickup
prevent redundant weapon pickup notices, eg. showing both "Hand Grenade" & "grenade x 1"
change grenade/satchel StartingAmmo from 2 to 1
refresh open inventory UI when getting new weapon
fix hud gameobject typo
prevent triggering long jump in air
prevent long jump input making bots jump too
rename tripwire ammo display name to tripmine
coffins can have LongJumpModule
pickup notice for long jump module
fix missing long jump sound
coffins contain ammo
don't show notice when gaining ammo if we already had max amount
check active inventory item instead of "held"
since player's active weapon can be set in other places besides inventory input
prevent number keys from selecting 2nd weapon in other slot
rename currentSlot to currentIndex to remove ambiguity with weapon slot
set up tripmine kill icon
flip icons horizontally for shotgun/gauss/rat so killfeed icon points right
kill icons for grenade/rpg/rat
set thrown satchel Player property, so kills are credited
glock/mp5 aim cone matches crosshair
restore crossbow bolt svg icon
straighten crossbow bolt prefab model
more ui changes
tweak shop item ui
tooltip ui changes
rename new ui files
gluon/gauss give ammo on pickup if you didn't have the weapon, defined in StartingAmmo field
fix floater particle spawn pos
same perk curse changed to % of max hp
lava blob distance nerfed, some +5 difficulty scaling removed
update sprite tools
fix boss hp on diff 6
wipe diff 6 leaderboard
increase xpdamage radius
simplified health regen/drain
nerf some curses a bit
wip ui changes
spawn menu cards higher
fix fence model, levelgen fences
zombies can spawn with ammo
person chat wip
soldier pic
day survivor spawn
rescuable map vision
a starting survivor spawns with ammo
survivor hover outline
box select detection improvement
day soldier spawn
survivor outline fade
fade out person lights on death
highlight current build structure type
rescuable survivor wip
rescuable contact
reload button color/hotkey
survivors can melee
soldier lights
survivor lights
survivor light lerping
fade minimap pixels at night
light flash
move pos target
shoot/impact particles
blood spurt
blood decal
blood drop
directional fov
person isvisible
toggle vis stuff off
soldier grenade
remove deleted clothing
grenade launcher
turret fixes etc
building indicator
build command indicator
turret build - choose direction after choosing position
fix PlayerSquish collision
show more leaderboard entries
transform api changes
music stuff and curse stuff
updated spritetools
music misc
curse difficulties
more difficulty player sprites
crate day spawn
can right click minimap, etc
day night light color
day night light movement
zombie night spawn
fix fear pain %
music wip
camera rotated offset
grid line of sight
minimap texture
minimap rotation
minimap hover gridpos
minimap pixel flashing
minimap frustum wip
can move cam with minimap
fire stack perk
tweak frozen shard perk
more balancing
diff 5
balance tweaks
fear sfx fix
more balance tweaks
more diff 3 balancing
diff 4
reroll pickup
particle floater text
diff 3 balancing
runner special
difficulty 2 balance
spawn less enemies after boss arrives
max difficulty status attribute