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pixel chunk mass
can exit stage while on victory screen
pixel destroy vibration
improved bullet flash color opacity
better feedback when disconnecting pixel chunk
powerups leave stage bounds slowly
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
added some explosive pixels on robot level
have to hold buttons to leave stage
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
player locator lines
move faster while controls reversed
option to adjust relative mouse aiming radius
clamp mouse to screen bounds
destroy bullet effect
change despawn speed based on distance from bullet destroy effect
player hitbox uses circles
fixed player radius size
despawn line bullets when repelling bullets
tweaked how much players are pushed from bullets
bullet sprite blends into next frame
bullets can lerp between 2 frames, improved player aiming responsiveness
temp effect timers dynamic again
fixed temp effect divergences
reworked instanced shaders
fixed prereq rope starting node positions
tentacle prereq ropes
wheel prereq ropes
each pixelgroup have diff prereq rope properties
fixed chained gun ropes
tweaked rope visuals
fixed robot prereqs
fade ropes for hidden units
fade ropes in and out
rope start and end color
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
tweaked rope visuals
shield rope flows from prereq to dependant
can highlight ropes
fixed old pixel positions when restarting anim
refactored pixels/pixelgroup spawning
removed some comments
moved a couple classes into their own files
simplified unit spawning
refactored some unit form stuff for clarity
some more unit form refactoring
fixed moving wall level pixel connections
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
remove powerup behind player instead of in front
RopeNode class, fixed a bug when units Bounds isnt set properly
fix unit bulletPatternHandler null ref
hide cursor when switching to controller
made free mouse aiming the default
pause after victory to prevent sfx ear rape
fixed unit position divergence
reworked fuse boss/laser
laser wall power indicator
new attack for fuseenemy2, balance
tweaked fuseboss colors
added fuse stage to menu, changed some sfx
diff fuse enemy
fixed line particle jitter
score submitted and replay archived after fade to black
line particles from bullet patterns have their start times simulated like bullets
bullet patterns can specify a charging color
bullets define whether they are positive on each keyframe
pixelgroups glow a lot as they are charging patterns
fixed freezing bug when getting max powerups
fixed a pxc background opacity issue
fuse enemy spawning positions
fix pxc background tint
units can set custom bounds
unit went out of bounds callback
simplified changing sfx pitch based on remaining health
slow down unit spawn, dont animate unit pxcs when destroyed
cached some pixeldata properties
effect on pxc background for recently disconnected pixels
vibrate when starting/ending reversecontrols effect
tweaked some vibration values
properly find pixelgroup center offset even with irregular shapes
fixed a position issue when pixelgroups are scaling; fixed a renderposition issue
reduced pixelgroup jitter further with scaling tweak
reduced some redundant pixelgroup calculations
change player trail widths over time
reworked pixelgroup position code
fixed lasers hitting inactive units, etc
calculate unit render angle
change unit alpha when overlapping other units
change target bullet graphics
temp effect that shoots pattern where player is aiming
reverse controls temp effect
control tweaks
clear temp effects bullet effect
quad spritesheet -> 4096x4096
temp effect shoot pattern
cancel temp effect timers properly
diff bullet effects can have diff graze strength
temp effect bullet visuals
some temp effect cleanup
quads made up of 4 tris instead of 2
bullet wobble
octopus repel bullet uses temp slow effect
player temp effect handler
temp effects control a bullet
unit facing vector
can power up fuse laser with bullets
fixed pixel chunk rotation
units handle facing direction rotating, pxcs require a unit
pxc offset works with facing direction rotation
unit RotateToFace method
Rotation overhaul
Fixed camera shake
Merge branch 'master' into rotations
Merge branch 'master' into rotations
Fixed Rotation.Normalize
Merge branch 'rotations' of SpaceUsurperUnity into rotations
reset player camera on stage restart
pxc collision works mid-rotation
Merge branch 'master' into rotations