3,058 Commits over 3,928 Days - 0.03cph!
teleport book
change mana icon
more intelligence ui stuff
bow requires energy
fix camera bug, change teleport icon
cooldown component
energy regen
ChatDisplayIcons, use failure log messages
unfocus chatbox when clicking stuff
ability names
spending mana
mana potion
health potion
change health potion sprite
energy drink
teleport scroll
can change inventory width, etc
max health stat
thing TattooData
book of blink
fix backpack error
misc improvements
stat container bars
stat isModifier
server debug drawing
enemy line of sight
item cooldown ui
prevent use when on cooldown
trait label
can show other stats on char panel
energy and mana stats
fix stats and traits networking
hp bars
equip tweaks
onMoveOnto etc callbacks
explosion floater
use/aim queued actions
start aiming clears queued action instead of queueing itself
blink radius
arrow projectile
OnAddComponent etc
trait tattoos
blink floater
thing tattoos, double click nearby thing to pick up
pick up tooltip
select target aiming cell
target cell pin
aiming target cells refresh when relevant gridthings change
more cursor stuff
stop aiming when acting
wielding panel
wielding tooltip
aim icons
pointer cursor
different cursors, drag to chat, etc
more wielded thing dragging ui interactions
can click aiming cells
cell aiming
can queue throw action
aim icons
floater parent
equipment on/off floaters
only send floater to players on same level
floater vector2 offset
floater scale
floater text and offset
damage floaters
ui changes, description, font
prevent interacting in OOB gridpos
fix stat clamping
use item
action component
z-index fixes for selection and fog
sight stat
item callbacks, vision items
stat min max values
stat display
more info ui
api fixes
char hotkey
dont show info panel unless necessary, stat tooltip colors
hand outline, cleanup
some api fixes
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-2dtest
refresh vision on changes
rename status to component
ui debug line
api fixes
more debug drawing
doubleclick, cleanup
refactor some player stuff out of Game
added movement cooldown to more actions
tweak character panel
MoveThingTo refactoring
refactor SwapGridThingPos
player QueuedAction
inventory hotbar
more inventory ui
can drag wielded thing, grid size fixes
drop item, fix for moving inventory items
rename project, some inventory fixes
equipped thing
removed gridtype from player flags
equipment UI interactions
wieldable panel interactions
flags and depth tweaking
squirrel death
simplify spawning
level switching
more level stuff
only adjust camera along movement axis
camera pixel offset
camera movement
can see up things to one square outside camera bounds
scrolling camera
proper camera centering
expanded inventory panel
tweaked logging
player outline stuff
hack for flickering nearby cells when picking up thing
refresh nearby/inventory only for local player
drop dragged nearby item when moving
character panel
drag and drop things 🤏
drag icon
drag icon opacity fading
fix mouse actions on nearby things
shift-click to pickup/drop
gridcell solid tag
fix thing stacking order, nearby scrolling
flicker panel hack for nearby things when player moves
tweak solid appearance
nearby panel, flag helpers
can pick up nearby items
fix bug with things that have the same icon
can drop items
fix z-index
remove player pawn on leave
inventory per player wip
fix inventory gridmanager
refresh unselected thing
deregister player gridpos on leave
can select things
thing DrawDebugText position
thing DebugText
can click grid bg
prevent rendering panels for removed things
reworking gridpanel
more reworking
fix vfxscale
clientside vfx
more client vfx
inventory panel
multiple grids, generic gridmanager
thingstatus, nudge
flicker panel hack for tooltips
vfxscale attempt
ui layout
fade out log messages
grid fixes
remove GridCellBg
z-index etc
thing transform
enemy xp drop range
player revive
fix boss hp bar persisting
boss sfx
boss charging