
3,058 Commits over 3,928 Days - 0.03cph!

2 Months Ago
balance etc lava puddle
2 Months Ago
enemy homing bullet bullet drop reduce charmed enemy dmg status difficulty 1 player sprite bullet can bounce on bounds status icon data grenade shoot sfx set player diff 1 sprite
2 Months Ago
difficulty label colors more leaderboards lock button remember last difficulty show difficulty on pause menu easy player sprite some easy changes
2 Months Ago
boss charge redirect boss jump sprite some sfx etc camera shake difficulty ui difficulty button disable
2 Months Ago
more radius vfx charmed enemy bullets charmed spikes VfxOpacity elite spiker digging runner jump sprite elite runner jumping elite charger redirect boss jump shockwave tweak shockwave
2 Months Ago
homing tweak charmed zombies more charm stuff charm vfx, dash charm status charm dash flash color shield explode status shield charm upgrade shield charm radius vfx
2 Months Ago
spiker digging drop less healthpacks when some exist already boss hp bar shows amount, changed player info side elite spitter teleport elite spike homes a bit bouncing bullet
2 Months Ago
explosion force show run time while planner active change freezing balance charge difficulty runner jumping
3 Months Ago
hp info bar, change dash bar layout, etc simplify nametag homing and pierce interaction planner perk mystery box
3 Months Ago
zombie wander behaviour changed, prevent bunching up main menu tweaks use new transform properties kevlar now slows movespeed homing bullet upgrade bullet fire/freeze colors
3 Months Ago
select starting survivors fix shoot spread
3 Months Ago
control group multiselect focusing spawn starting survivors
3 Months Ago
multiselect person panel select all hotkey camera look at target pos camera look at target gameobject control group hotkeys
3 Months Ago
PicCamera etc more pic stuff
3 Months Ago
soldier clothing mouse on screen edges moves camera level generation zombie movespeed fluctuation
3 Months Ago
people lead targets floater text text render particle build close button survivor clothes
3 Months Ago
prevent index out of range exception
3 Months Ago
camera movement and rotation camera bounds and zooming fix dropping ammo that came from factory
3 Months Ago
handle selection box while camera moving movement handling for arena bounds and better structure avoiding offset when moving multiple survivors; change deceleration handling movespeed tweaks
3 Months Ago
replace Transform stuff reload button extra ammo panel build button panel build structure menu build hotkeys and cant-afford colors
3 Months Ago
sawed off shotgun
3 Months Ago
sniper rifle zombie skin ragdoll force freeze ragdoll ragdoll sinking ragdoll skeletons
3 Months Ago
assault rifle minigun bolt action rifle
3 Months Ago
build command build indicator color scrap panel
3 Months Ago
selected panel more hud; can only select root gameobjects drop gun button
3 Months Ago
magnum ragdoll zombie attack anim soldier melee anim collider changes
3 Months Ago
fence more structure prefabs factory uzi
3 Months Ago
scrap hover text pick up items remove RotationController
3 Months Ago
gun barrel pos shotgun selection box more selection
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
hold pistol anim movement shoot anim gunshot
4 Months Ago
initial commit spawn soldier uncommented more ammo item
4 Months Ago
settings panel title hash fix leaderboard with no entries fix restart from shop, etc
4 Months Ago
change Task.Delay to Task.DelayRealtime
4 Months Ago
update spritetools
4 Months Ago
achievements remove debug
4 Months Ago
update spritetools temp fix for spritetools error fix death screen
4 Months Ago
more achievements healer/item hoarder achievements
4 Months Ago
failure score is time you beat farthest level; etc adjust tooltip position etc remove unused textures convert some wav to ogg some achievements
4 Months Ago
enter shop sfx bg colors misc balance etc
4 Months Ago
balance, submit score leaderboard adjust menu card hover bounds
4 Months Ago
loading screen cards
4 Months Ago
more music
4 Months Ago
balance, hp heart hover shop min money change more sfx
5 Months Ago
running shoes balance credit card red envelope balance, antenna shake cellphone nudge balancing
5 Months Ago
dice match effect grandfather clock, mammoth meat personal chef mouse trap kitchen knife light bulb relic
5 Months Ago
revolver relic rabbit relic panel expands
5 Months Ago
menu cards show HP diamond ring maps start farther apart bow and arrow mantlepiece clock relic dartboard relic pirate flag relic
5 Months Ago
hud muted button scale relic etc telescope relic
5 Months Ago
mute switch restart buttons etc