3,058 Commits over 3,928 Days - 0.03cph!
fixed another issue with pattern starting rotation
improved slowmo bullet effect force
octopus purple bullet pattern
removed some debug stuff
fixed tentacle pixel debris
rope removed if an anchor doesnt exist
rope start/end positions initialized correctly
bullet effects use float array for params
adjusted player mass to 1f
removed non-relative mouse aiming
fixed player-aiming pattern start angle
changed pattern mirror modes
tweaked controls
relative mouse aiming has less rigid radius
pattern rotation speed abs; patterns that follow player start aiming at player
patterns can exist until all child bullets have despawned
bullet mass
refactored some pattern shooting from pixelgroup to stage_bulletpatterns
bullets can spawn mirrored/doubled patterns
patterns can move their bullets with them
stage bulleteffect handler
bullet keyframe effects, repel player/bullets
gun starting angle fixed
player mine gun
chainedgun pxc colors
chained level on menu
mass affects physics force
chainedgun 3rd form patterns
armor opacity depends on layer, base armor doesnt have to be default
playmaker callmethod repeat toggle for clarity
combined wait time in fixedcallmethod
chained gun setheavy
improved chainedgun patterns
hack so cores/pixelgroups line up better with pixels
chainedgun states and laser
ease spring values of rope
chainedgun forms
shoot slower bullets when not fully shooting
changed max size to 512
fixed collision-behind bug properly
fixed unit stayinarena
adjusted menu key repeat rate
crosshair bg
crosshair bg opacity
relative mouse camera aiming
chained gun stage
crosshair uses triangles
fixed player bullet colliding backwards bug
rope uses quads
rope wobble
fixed rope jitter, player trail uses quads
smooth rope width & opacity
alt fire vibration
changed default gun alt fire to shotgun blast
rope length easing
rope width and opacity
tweaked crosshair visuals
Revert "added !UNITY_EDITOR tags"
This reverts commit 423bc2c7d2969eef657ea639eb075a929243001a.
dispose steamclient
added !UNITY_EDITOR tags
rope springs
relative cursor moves faster while in deadzone
working on ropes
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
fsm controller, stage fsm
tweaked player bullet distance and player camera properties
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
relative mouse aiming mode
swapped tentacles & octopus level, changed a sfx
made yellow armor more visible
renamed time to patternTime for patternParams
stageTime parameter for patterns
stageTime parameter for bullet params
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
disable input only when fading out
background for victory ui
R to replay, Backspace to go to menu
tweaked keyboard button icons
diamond symbol in overall scoreboard
added music processor
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
made leaderboards a little bigger
tweaked tentacle green bullets
fixed pxc.renderposition for child pxcs
octopus spread burst sfx, fixed sfx source spread
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity