userRyleigh Kostashcancel

2,838 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.03cph!

9 Years Ago
tutorial tweaking and some images
9 Years Ago
removed some casting code
9 Years Ago
fix image syntax
9 Years Ago
tutorial image test
9 Years Ago
split up the tutorial into multiple markdown files
9 Years Ago
added tutorial game and text
9 Years Ago
changed IsPlaying to IsPaused
9 Years Ago
added a JustBecameNonzero property to Axis2
9 Years Ago
added an IsPlaying property to Animation
9 Years Ago
added a GetFrame accessor to Animation
9 Years Ago
a couple doc clarifications
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'deploy'
9 Years Ago
doc formatting tweak
9 Years Ago
some more docs
9 Years Ago
fix for C# games not running
9 Years Ago
added docs for Tilemap.cs
9 Years Ago
more docs
9 Years Ago
added docs to Graphics.cs and Graphics_Serialization.cs
9 Years Ago
added docs for Text.cs
9 Years Ago
added docs for Sprite.cs
9 Years Ago
untracked Pngcs meta file
9 Years Ago
added docs to Entity.cs
9 Years Ago
added docs to Stage.cs
9 Years Ago
doc test
9 Years Ago
untracked Pngcs meta file
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] fixed out-of-bounds bug, more/cheaper friendly soldiers
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] fixed some money stuff
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] fixed civilian not loading base class sounds
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] more sfx
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] starts with title screen again
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] cam shake when shooting
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] diff colored walls
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] player spawns in center of shop room
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] AI pick up the best closest gun they can see, instead of just the closest
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] floater text when saving civilian
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] a bit of fading, janky though
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
9 Years Ago
SetLayer checks to see if renderable exists
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] guns wont shoot when throwing them into buttons
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] civs prefer to follow player, cant leave through entrance
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] some mission progression stuff
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] fixed a crash for very small levels
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] fixed appearance of entrances
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] intermission stage has a shop
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] player cant leave mission through entrance
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] AI soldiers aim in the direction they are moving
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] added another civilian sprite
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] changed starting loadout