
17,229 Commits over 1,338 Days - 0.54cph!

34 Days Ago
Remove KeyGlyphLoader, supply all keyboard and mouse glyph files Let me know if I missed any buttons, I don't have a numpad on my keyboard so tag me!
34 Days Ago
Avoid collection modified error in NetworkPrune (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5280)
34 Days Ago
Expose Input.TriggerVibration (using existing API), hook up SDL_GameControllerRumbleTriggers
34 Days Ago
Game Controllers using SDL2 (#1509)
34 Days Ago
Rip out SteamInput and our Controller API Init SDL_GAMECONTROLLER, add standard mappings file (will move this later), find all of our game controllers on startup, hook up events for handling controller lifetime, button events and analog inputs Turn off steam overlay in the editor again Forward controller button events to managed Forward controller axis events to managed Simple device instance memory (disconnect and reconnecting the same controller should point to the same device), all events pass controller ID Delete Input.AnalogInputs/GetAnalog (might re-add later) GameController -> CGameController, some code refactor, Controller is a handle Update sdl2 lib Didn't mean to push this launch setting Remove legacy sdl haptics code, replace with SDL_GameControllerRumble Implement default LED colors based on instance, rumble the gamepad on every button press test Test passing controller input to input context Parse analog inputs local to each controller, add virtual trigger buttons based from axis result Hook up AnalogLook/AnalogMove for first controller (test) Make prints less obnoxious Re-add Input.UsingController (simpler now) Temporary generated glyphs for gamepad Look for input glyph svgs Plug in a bunch of glyph icons for xbox controller Add GameControllerType_t, expose ControllerType to managed, add GlyphVendor LoadGlyphTexture will look for the controller's vendor and fall back to default if not found Add a few PlayStation glyphs Documentation Support analog input glyphs Add methods for fetching gyroscope and accelerometer readings from specific controllers Remove controller binding panel (not used) Forgot to get rid of this method 🤦 Move GameController ctor to implementation Remove FindControllers, does nothing, was a test for me Native cleanup, add safety, fixed controller disconnect crashing game Make Controller internal + sealed Remove my #ifdef V_COMPILER_MSVC usage Change InputMotionData to reflect new API Make sure to set the size of svg glyphs Keep current glyph API intact, add new version to control outline Docs, GameControllerExtensions to internal Why the fuck are you there
34 Days Ago
LoadContext.Unload also unloads all it's IsolatedAssemblyContext
34 Days Ago
Multi select move grid snaps handle pivot instead of each selection
34 Days Ago
Multi select rotates around gizmo handle pivot point
34 Days Ago
Ignore cubemap precomputed handshakes, we can add and remove cubemaps at will on scene, those do not have handshakes so the entire thing was already deprecated when we implemented maploader, this cache gets built by m_nCachedEnvMap at runtime This fixes scene cubemaps not showing on static map geometry
34 Days Ago
Cubemapper tests Remove all ggx code for now & just copy directly to cubemap array TextureCube with mipmaps and arrays and mipmaps Move texture logic from cubemapper to c# Stub for cubemapper_cs, will calculate both GGX and spherical harmonics all in GPU Handle all array index stuff in cubemapper Allow for single sliced cubemap array, needed to be able to render an independent texture in the renderer since it expects a TextureCubeArray, also allow TSPEC_CUBE_CAN_SAMPLE_AS_ARRAY if we want UAV Also fix a problem where CTextureManagerVulkan::GetImageView wouldn't work with a cubemap array as a rwtexture2darray in compute shaders Fix cube orientation when copying, do texture per envmap probe instead of a singleton array, this will cause headaches with multiple envmaps intersecting but makes it much simpler GGX filtering Don't bother with writing cubemap normalization right now (in fact disable it for now!), reuse previous mip so that we have more quality with less samples Assert isn't valid anymore in ComputeImageViews since we can pass a cube array Do cubemapper processing of all faces at once without using intermediary copies, 4-8x speedup (~17ms > ~2.5ms), still needs to be faster Rendersystemvulkan: Alllow binding specific cubemap [ & arrays ] mips if UAV Remove unsued, clean up Dynamic cubemap component settings Remove the old BuildCubeMaps Add WidgetUtil.CreateSwapChain NativeRenderingWidget renders in regular render path Fix RenderDeviceInfo_t wrong size Add HandlePendingSwapChainResize for explicitly handling swapchain resize events before doing any work, fixes NativeRenderingWidget.RenderScene rendering on a frame with different window size than the actual swapchain ( and then having invalid color/depth buffers) CI fails building shaders when machine is coming from a branch that was deleted, full checkout action should be enough for pulling? If cubemap has no normalization set, don't consider it for NormalizeCubeBrightness Compiled shaders with normalization brightness fixes for cubes without SH, reenable cube normalization Wip fast cubemap filtering ( 2.5ms > 0.09ms 😱 ) Adjust things on fast envmap filtering, major cleanup, rename shader to envmap_filtering Use high quality GGX filtering if baking cubemap as OnEnabled Vulkan: Fix image transition layout when binding a mip of a cubemap that's sampleable as Texture2DArray Don't fetch render attributes from context, that's composited over, fixes a crash Assert when UAV Index is invalid Flag hammer maps to always render cubemaps dynamically & always render at least one frame regardless of distance update settings
34 Days Ago
Use a fresh PackageLoader when loading new games - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5219
35 Days Ago
CreateModelFromMeshFile uses modeldoc utils so it does automatic lods etc again
35 Days Ago
Add InitFromMesh to modeldoc utils - tries to automatically build document from mesh file SessionImportFromModel uses InitFromMesh
35 Days Ago
Prevent multiple OnEnable and OnDisable calls for people doing nonsensical things like reenabling parent gameobject in component OnEnable
35 Days Ago
New Outfit! - Space Suit LODs and small skinning adjustments coming ASAP.
35 Days Ago
Docs, GameControllerExtensions to internal Why the fuck are you there
35 Days Ago
CVfxStackMachineBuilder::FindConstant case insensitive
35 Days Ago
Make sure to set the size of svg glyphs Keep current glyph API intact, add new version to control outline
35 Days Ago
Change InputMotionData to reflect new API
35 Days Ago
Remove my #ifdef V_COMPILER_MSVC usage
35 Days Ago
SCSS: Don't apply animation styles before/after if fill mode is none sbox-issues/issues/5273
35 Days Ago
Make Controller internal + sealed
35 Days Ago
Move GameController ctor to implementation Remove FindControllers, does nothing, was a test for me Native cleanup, add safety, fixed controller disconnect crashing game
35 Days Ago
Forgot to get rid of this method 🤦
35 Days Ago
Remove controller binding panel (not used)
35 Days Ago
This should be engine internal, expose with EditorUtility Remove debug line
35 Days Ago
Regenerate project solution when compiler settings are changed - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4801 Update spirv-reflect Fix spirv-reflect bug with output_vertices being stomped Validate geometry shaders [maxvertexcount] to not exceed limits - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4738
35 Days Ago
ModelBuilder.WithLodDistance specifies the lod level the distance is for
36 Days Ago
Flag hammer maps to always render cubemaps dynamically & always render at least one frame regardless of distance update settings
36 Days Ago
Add PhysicsShape.Sphere and PhysicsShape.Capsule to get properties for these shape types
36 Days Ago
Cubemapper tests Remove all ggx code for now & just copy directly to cubemap array TextureCube with mipmaps and arrays and mipmaps Move texture logic from cubemapper to c# Stub for cubemapper_cs, will calculate both GGX and spherical harmonics all in GPU Handle all array index stuff in cubemapper Allow for single sliced cubemap array, needed to be able to render an independent texture in the renderer since it expects a TextureCubeArray, also allow TSPEC_CUBE_CAN_SAMPLE_AS_ARRAY if we want UAV Also fix a problem where CTextureManagerVulkan::GetImageView wouldn't work with a cubemap array as a rwtexture2darray in compute shaders Fix cube orientation when copying, do texture per envmap probe instead of a singleton array, this will cause headaches with multiple envmaps intersecting but makes it much simpler GGX filtering Don't bother with writing cubemap normalization right now (in fact disable it for now!), reuse previous mip so that we have more quality with less samples Assert isn't valid anymore in ComputeImageViews since we can pass a cube array Do cubemapper processing of all faces at once without using intermediary copies, 4-8x speedup (~17ms > ~2.5ms), still needs to be faster Rendersystemvulkan: Alllow binding specific cubemap [ & arrays ] mips if UAV Remove unsued, clean up Dynamic cubemap component settings Remove the old BuildCubeMaps Add WidgetUtil.CreateSwapChain NativeRenderingWidget renders in regular render path Fix RenderDeviceInfo_t wrong size Add HandlePendingSwapChainResize for explicitly handling swapchain resize events before doing any work, fixes NativeRenderingWidget.RenderScene rendering on a frame with different window size than the actual swapchain ( and then having invalid color/depth buffers) CI fails building shaders when machine is coming from a branch that was deleted, full checkout action should be enough for pulling? If cubemap has no normalization set, don't consider it for NormalizeCubeBrightness Compiled shaders with normalization brightness fixes for cubes without SH, reenable cube normalization Wip fast cubemap filtering ( 2.5ms > 0.09ms 😱 ) Adjust things on fast envmap filtering, major cleanup, rename shader to envmap_filtering Use high quality GGX filtering if baking cubemap as OnEnabled Vulkan: Fix image transition layout when binding a mip of a cubemap that's sampleable as Texture2DArray Don't fetch render attributes from context, that's composited over, fixes a crash Assert when UAV Index is invalid
36 Days Ago
Mesh Editor: Add button to select all faces
36 Days Ago
Add PhysicsShape.Triangulate
36 Days Ago
MeshComponent sets scene object tags when they change
36 Days Ago
Input will tick before layout is computed on a newly created panel, so check null. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5268
36 Days Ago
SCSS: Implement rem and em
36 Days Ago
Remove dupe convars_save Api.GetAsync throws if status code not OK
36 Days Ago
GameObjectInspector: reused component sheets get added to used list so we don't end up duplicating the same component type
36 Days Ago
Add IEnumerable<Type>.GetCommonBaseType() CanEdit.CreateEditorFor( Array ) uses the most common base type. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5233 About to show!
36 Days Ago
Use component.ToString for ComponentControlWidget, to make it easier to override what's shown
36 Days Ago
FindRenderStateInfo case insensitive Support pascal case filter enums
36 Days Ago
Fix NRE when running Game.Close in the editor Toggle play when running Game.Close in the editor
36 Days Ago
Set InputState.Ignore if game isn't being played
36 Days Ago
CMaterialSystem2::GetVfxPlatformType default to SPIRV
36 Days Ago
Fresh shaders
36 Days Ago
Remove HLSL/GLSL compatibility funcs Delete unused Gather4Red macros Use normal precise keyword Piss off Dx9Sampler What the fuck is SV_ScreenPosition, delete pre SM 4.0 semantics Unused tessellation macros vr_cubemap_fog include common_samplers Fuck these Front/BackFace macros Useless redefines
36 Days Ago
vfx_vulkan: actually fail if any of this validation fails, add another validation check for binding ids vfx_vulkan: improve error feedback Remove domain/hull shaders (they weren't working, Valve already deleted them, compute better)
37 Days Ago
vfx_vulkan: never disable optimizations, this was fucking spirv-reflect and the compile time difference is minuscule Don't have a different fastMode shader compile, it doesn't do anything now Matching register offset check in AddSamplerStateVariableToCommandBuffer, same as SetSamplerStateValueFromVariable (prevent oob write) Bind some default shader resources to prevent crashes, this stuff shouldn't be hit normally so warn/assert it's likely solved by a shader recompile otherwise yell at me
37 Days Ago
Disable parallel solver
37 Days Ago
Add BodyGroups and MaterialGroups in Prop Component