userSam Pavloviccancel

19 Commits over 30 Days - 0.03cph!

11 Months Ago
Fix stuff from lightbinner cleanup that wasn't carried over and adjust viewmodel shadow offset update shaders
11 Months Ago
Remove all hacks we had for a second shadow atlas for viewmodel shadows Sharp viewmodel shadows prototype, remove last references to viewmodel atlas Mixed lights support viewmodel shadows, recalculate frustum to always focus on the best alignment for the viewmodel bbox so it always stays sharp SSAO test for viewmodel Fix dynamic ambient occlusion not being applied for CalculateDiffuseAmbientOcclusion Try a few more AO techniques Composite viewmodel AO, and this should be the right way to do HBAO Remove nonsense resolution scale stuff in common.fxc that's unreferenced in code and causing problems (defined before system.fxc wtf) Allow compute on renderpipeline to do multiple dispatches, HBAO as compute,HBAO bilateral blur Use hammersley rather than bluenoise, looks a ton better Cleanup, controls for ambient occlusion, do indexed light viewmodel shadows sequentially, cast world shadows on viewmodel Assign what shadow index a baked light shall read from rather than iterating through the entire buffer and figuring it out, much faster way to do baked light shadows Proper way to do light indexed on ShadingModel Light API too Sanity checks, remove debug views and some minor adjustments for viewmodel shadows Remove last traits of g_flResolutionScale [pick] remove shaders that don't exist anymore from CI building Method for getting shadow index for baked light compatible with vulkan Fix stupid typo, GetShadowIndexForBakedLight compiles fine on vulkan now Fix another typo and compile core shaders
11 Months Ago
Fix another typo and compile core shaders
11 Months Ago
Fix stupid typo, GetShadowIndexForBakedLight compiles fine on vulkan now
11 Months Ago
[pick] remove shaders that don't exist anymore from CI building Method for getting shadow index for baked light compatible with vulkan
11 Months Ago
Proper way to do light indexed on ShadingModel Light API too Sanity checks, remove debug views and some minor adjustments for viewmodel shadows Remove last traits of g_flResolutionScale
11 Months Ago
Assign what shadow index a baked light shall read from rather than iterating through the entire buffer and figuring it out, much faster way to do baked light shadows
11 Months Ago
Cleanup, controls for ambient occlusion, do indexed light viewmodel shadows sequentially, cast world shadows on viewmodel
11 Months Ago
Remove all hacks we had for a second shadow atlas for viewmodel shadows Sharp viewmodel shadows prototype, remove last references to viewmodel atlas Mixed lights support viewmodel shadows, recalculate frustum to always focus on the best alignment for the viewmodel bbox so it always stays sharp SSAO test for viewmodel Fix dynamic ambient occlusion not being applied for CalculateDiffuseAmbientOcclusion Try a few more AO techniques Composite viewmodel AO, and this should be the right way to do HBAO Remove nonsense resolution scale stuff in common.fxc that's unreferenced in code and causing problems (defined before system.fxc wtf) Allow compute on renderpipeline to do multiple dispatches, HBAO as compute,HBAO bilateral blur Use hammersley rather than bluenoise, looks a ton better
11 Months Ago
Remove all hacks we had for a second shadow atlas for viewmodel shadows Sharp viewmodel shadows prototype, remove last references to viewmodel atlas Mixed lights support viewmodel shadows, recalculate frustum to always focus on the best alignment for the viewmodel bbox so it always stays sharp SSAO test for viewmodel Fix dynamic ambient occlusion not being applied for CalculateDiffuseAmbientOcclusion Try a few more AO techniques Composite viewmodel AO, and this should be the right way to do HBAO Remove nonsense resolution scale stuff in common.fxc that's unreferenced in code and causing problems (defined before system.fxc wtf) Allow compute on renderpipeline to do multiple dispatches, HBAO as compute,HBAO bilateral blur
11 Months Ago
Remove all hacks we had for a second shadow atlas for viewmodel shadows Sharp viewmodel shadows prototype, remove last references to viewmodel atlas Mixed lights support viewmodel shadows, recalculate frustum to always focus on the best alignment for the viewmodel bbox so it always stays sharp SSAO test for viewmodel Fix dynamic ambient occlusion not being applied for CalculateDiffuseAmbientOcclusion Try a few more AO techniques Composite viewmodel AO, and this should be the right way to do HBAO Remove nonsense resolution scale stuff in common.fxc that's unreferenced in code and causing problems (defined before system.fxc wtf)
11 Months Ago
Composite viewmodel AO, and this should be the right way to do HBAO
11 Months Ago
Try a few more AO techniques
11 Months Ago
Fix dynamic ambient occlusion not being applied for CalculateDiffuseAmbientOcclusion
11 Months Ago
Remove all hacks we had for a second shadow atlas for viewmodel shadows Sharp viewmodel shadows prototype, remove last references to viewmodel atlas Mixed lights support viewmodel shadows, recalculate frustum to always focus on the best alignment for the viewmodel bbox so it always stays sharp SSAO test for viewmodel
11 Months Ago
SSAO test for viewmodel
11 Months Ago
Mixed lights support viewmodel shadows, recalculate frustum to always focus on the best alignment for the viewmodel bbox so it always stays sharp
11 Months Ago
Sharp viewmodel shadows prototype, remove last references to viewmodel atlas
11 Months Ago
Remove all hacks we had for a second shadow atlas for viewmodel shadows