userSam Pavloviccancel

1,448 Commits over 1,277 Days - 0.05cph!

1 Year Ago
Recode all mixed light selection heuristics 🍷
1 Year Ago
Remove mixed shadow fading, it never worked properly, we can do it better, increase mixed light shadows limit to 4, remove light evaluation budget Support for point light evaluation, let sunlight always have highest evaluation score, debug cleanup Let directional AO have falloff that better approximates to inverse square law Use 8k shadow atlas by default so that we downsample less often, reenable not casting shadows on point lights, needs more thought Have adaptive resolution for mixed shadows
1 Year Ago
UI Blur with mip chain Blur the actual mip chain, same number of fetches as doing custom bicubic fetch with mips Glass refraction texture is already MSAA resolved, we're sampling a non MSAA image :S Generate mips after resolving framebuffer Add blurred downsample shader Remove ui_blur shader, do blur on the single cheap drawcall of the backdrop filter shader 🍷🗿 Single pass downsample Iterate on single pass blur, use DX11 mipmapper to solve race condition between mip levels Solve race condition on shader, do both axis sequentially Deprecate GenerateMipMaps Move mips generation stuff to Texture.Utils Cleanup Let's not break the API, don't use UAV if we don't expect to use Mips Move GenerateMips back to Graphics since we're in a render block Move MSAA methods to use MultisampleAmount enum reducing clutter, add summary of DownsampleMethods Merge pull request #699 from Facepunch/fast-blurs-2 Fast Blurs
1 Year Ago
Move MSAA methods to use MultisampleAmount enum reducing clutter, add summary of DownsampleMethods
1 Year Ago
Have adaptive resolution for mixed shadows
1 Year Ago
Use 8k shadow atlas by default so that we downsample less often, reenable not casting shadows on point lights, needs more thought
1 Year Ago
Let directional AO have falloff that better approximates to inverse square law
1 Year Ago
UI Blur with mip chain Blur the actual mip chain, same number of fetches as doing custom bicubic fetch with mips Glass refraction texture is already MSAA resolved, we're sampling a non MSAA image :S Generate mips after resolving framebuffer Add blurred downsample shader Remove ui_blur shader, do blur on the single cheap drawcall of the backdrop filter shader 🍷🗿 Single pass downsample Iterate on single pass blur, use DX11 mipmapper to solve race condition between mip levels Solve race condition on shader, do both axis sequentially Deprecate GenerateMipMaps Move mips generation stuff to Texture.Utils Cleanup Let's not break the API, don't use UAV if we don't expect to use Mips Move GenerateMips back to Graphics since we're in a render block
1 Year Ago
Support for point light evaluation, let sunlight always have highest evaluation score, debug cleanup
1 Year Ago
Remove mixed shadow fading, it never worked properly, we can do it better, increase mixed light shadows limit to 4, remove light evaluation budget
1 Year Ago
add cube_priority_test.vmap
1 Year Ago
Simulate clothes on tick by default
1 Year Ago
Make custom shaders shared VS code not add bullshit that just goes unused
1 Year Ago
Move GenerateMips back to Graphics since we're in a render block
1 Year Ago
Let's not break the API, don't use UAV if we don't expect to use Mips
1 Year Ago
Put highlight shader on the same folder as highlightrenderer, put the old highlight shader on shaders folder so gamemodes that aren't updated don't break
1 Year Ago
Use temporary depth-only rendertarget instead of clearing depth, there are effects that still depend on depth on screenspace postproecss stage, allow binding only depth Make custom shaders shared VS code not add bullshit that just goes unused Remove standard shading code from highlight shader, doesn't need it at all
1 Year Ago
Reduce number of iterations on thin lines Remove pattern from being assignable in code, let it be done in material instead,
1 Year Ago
Delete older highlight postprocess shader, actually bind clear with stencil support
1 Year Ago
Bind pattern scroll scale to the shader and compile optimized shaer
1 Year Ago
Do custom blending to avoid overdraw and set render priority so outlines blend with eachother Update shader
1 Year Ago
Initial work on stencil glows Unbind SetStencilMode, not really needed, add clear with stencil support instead
1 Year Ago
Implement initial cubemap priority sorting in our cubemap system
1 Year Ago
Fix tiled light builder adding one garbage envmap to the list
1 Year Ago
Fix crash due to trying to access invalid prepass layer
1 Year Ago
Take biggest radius component when passing shape proxies to gpu
1 Year Ago
Unify alphatested depth prepass stuff to r_depth_prepass, force it to have conservative culling, fixes aliasing on alphatested materials
1 Year Ago
Deprecate GenerateMipMaps Move mips generation stuff to Texture.Utils Cleanup
1 Year Ago
Solve race condition on shader, do both axis sequentially
1 Year Ago
Single pass downsample Iterate on single pass blur, use DX11 mipmapper to solve race condition between mip levels
1 Year Ago
Remove ui_blur shader, do blur on the single cheap drawcall of the backdrop filter shader 🍷🗿
1 Year Ago
Add blurred downsample shader
1 Year Ago
UI Blur with mip chain Blur the actual mip chain, same number of fetches as doing custom bicubic fetch with mips Glass refraction texture is already MSAA resolved, we're sampling a non MSAA image :S Generate mips after resolving framebuffer
1 Year Ago
Managed generic GPU buffers Support multidimensional arrays on vfx parser Allow delegating color space when generating mipmaps UI Blur with mip chain Blur the actual mip chain, same number of fetches as doing custom bicubic fetch with mips Glass refraction texture is already MSAA resolved, we're sampling a non MSAA image :S Add higher level GenerateMipMaps stub to Scenesystem, that allows for more downsampling strategies
1 Year Ago
Glass refraction texture is already MSAA resolved, we're sampling a non MSAA image :S Add higher level GenerateMipMaps stub to Scenesystem, that allows for more downsampling strategies
1 Year Ago
Support multidimensional arrays on vfx parser Allow delegating color space when generating mipmaps UI Blur with mip chain Blur the actual mip chain, same number of fetches as doing custom bicubic fetch with mips
1 Year Ago
Managed generic GPU buffers
1 Year Ago
Cleanup & move glow component to base Initial work for SDF glows remove useless imports Drop our floor steps, 11 seems to be good enough from what I can tell? Fix glow for pain day, time to start trimming ✂️
1 Year Ago
Fix fallback shaders pointing to their deprecated counterparts, fixes ToolsShadingComplexity for the upcoming debug views refactor Much better directional ao falloff curve Use same AO directionality filter path on lightmapped materials to fix backface bleed Fix remaining .vfx references in code
1 Year Ago
Fix monitor rendering in vr
1 Year Ago
Remove subview stuff from vr.cpp, not neded in our case Remove FSR, wasn't doing much and was causing issues with VR stencil, fix vr stencil debug Granular foveated rendering, still needs cleanup Remove old deprecated depth of field, cleanup checkerboard reconstruction Add convars for vr_foveated_rendering Get center lens position from HMD, pass foveation parameters to GPU Cleanup and update shader files Readd FSR for now, wouldn't be able to properly remove it until we have a good replacement, but don't bother with it if we're in VR Remove unused convars Tweak autofidelity, remove autofidelity for multigpu, add autofidelity for mobile while at it, fix typo Tie vr_foveated_rendering to autofidelity, optimize shaders a bit Fix rebase changes for shader assets Merge pull request #652 from Facepunch/vr-foveated-rendering VR Foveated Rendering
1 Year Ago
Remove subview stuff from vr.cpp, not neded in our case Remove FSR, wasn't doing much and was causing issues with VR stencil, fix vr stencil debug Granular foveated rendering, still needs cleanup Remove old deprecated depth of field, cleanup checkerboard reconstruction Add convars for vr_foveated_rendering Get center lens position from HMD, pass foveation parameters to GPU Cleanup and update shader files Readd FSR for now, wouldn't be able to properly remove it until we have a good replacement, but don't bother with it if we're in VR Remove unused convars Tweak autofidelity, remove autofidelity for multigpu, add autofidelity for mobile while at it, fix typo Tie vr_foveated_rendering to autofidelity, optimize shaders a bit Fix rebase changes for shader assets
1 Year Ago
Tweak all gun materials, seemed their PBR values were all uncalibrated, let them have proper nice contract
1 Year Ago
Slide further if we are aiming down sights, feels much better, also do view offsetting if we are aiming down
1 Year Ago
Check stuck when activating vaulting, add better checks for that, also dot to movment wish direction (not actual velocity) should be positive to that vector
1 Year Ago
Much better vaulting mechanic
1 Year Ago
Don't sprint while crouching that's silly, and enable firing while sliding Nice sprint viewmodel bob Change sliding offsets ADS should feel instant Cleanup mechanic, give hint that view changes should be handled by mechanic
1 Year Ago
Slide sound
1 Year Ago
Sprint viewbob and start of sliding roll Allow aiming while crouching, lower the viewmodel a bit while moving Sliding roll, cooler slide mechanic
1 Year Ago
Unify alphatested depth prepass stuff to r_depth_prepass, force it to have conservative culling, fixes aliasing on alphatested objects