2,010 Commits over 1,581 Days - 0.05cph!
Cleanup and add option to fade to global cubemap if out of bounds
Fix seamless cube bounds
Disable screen aligned triangles for now and make water wave happen at the center rather than pointing up
Fix 2 lobe speculars
Add NumEnvMaps to shader part of the constant buffer
Pass number of envmaps to the shader
D_VIEWMODEL_PASS combo was accidentally set on VS rather than PS
Seamless cubemap blending
Add two lobes and cloth support to smooth cubemap transitions
Normalize cubemaps to maintain appropriate specular/diffuse balance
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add viewmodel combos to shaders that would be used in viewmodel
Fix met crashing when loading a material with invalid sshader
Move light management stuff to C++
Use Core Post_Process.vfx code instead of the one from HLVR
Fix wack fisheye lens appearing
Adapt sunLightObjNative to definition change
Implement conversion from Angle to forward Vector3 and vice versa
Finish base API for Light
SunLight base for directional light
Light cleanup
Cbasemodelentity def cleanup
Fix light types
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Implement RecalculateDerivedValues and boilerplate in C#
Move lighttype enum to engine, document light and iterate it a bit
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Move D_VIEWMODEL_PASS combo to specific shaders rather than having it in a shared fxc
Update shaders objects with self shadowing viewmodel
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Nuke lightglue
Fix assertion when creating dynamic point lights
Wip light binds
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Update AO proxies in some objects that were rescaled
Simple outline shader
Disable depth prepass for viewmodels
Pass offset in ao proxy downsample viewport to fix AO being broken in scaled
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Viewmodel shadows 🔫👥
Add HideInFirstPerson sceneobjectflags and filter these out when drawing the viewmodel cascade instead of using a culling frustum
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Handle GlowState if it's in an invalid state when setting GlowActive
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Bind and implement glow
Change signature
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix assert on submitting depth resolve by passing correct info
Refactor how cascade textures are calculated to make it easier to later expand with extra cascade passes
Fix bug where CViewSetup was being unable to be resized properly
Delete a bunch of HLVR rendering code we don't use
Update groups with dependents of scenesystem changes
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Refactor and add viewmodel depth prepass
Don't override far planes in viewmodels so it outputs consistent depth
Pass View to Pixel Coordinates matrix
Pass D_VIEWMODEL_PASS dynamic combo to viewmodels
Add screenspace_raytrace shader header
Add LightShadowMode enum
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add LightGlue
Split lightentity into a header
Update LightGlue
Bind LightGlue definitions
Bind stubs for LightEntity, LightSpot, Ortho, Directional and Env
Atmosphere, stars, sky, temp rebind skyatmosphere to env_sky, bind SetSkyLighting
Add stub for sbox_sky shader
Add GetCurrentSceneWorld() to GameGlue
Bind CSceneSkyboxObject, SceneSystem and stub for CSceneLightObject SunLightManager and SceneWorld
Add SkyboxObject to Sandbox.Game
Add C# reimplementation of env_sky
Stub for env_sky_atmosphere
Fix flickering on box probes
Add AO Proxies to a bunch of Citizen props
Modify AO proxy shader for boxes to use better analytical solution that more closely resembles ground truth
Add vrad to sbox_game vpc
Add visual progress notification to shader compilation
Make shader compilation not hang the main thread
Add notification callback to vfxcompile
Add structure enumerating extra information in Light Probe Volumes
Bake SDF and lay foundations to bake sky coverage in vrad3
Finish cheap ocean shading, update test_water vmat
Iterate on water, start shading it
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix auto shader compiler not working on addons
Water, WaterSea and WaterVolume
Add TransmitState to managed
Add TransmitState to Entity
Re-enable Material.Create, let me know later why I shouldn't do this yet
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Don't bind UpdateTransmitState since that's implicit
Fix shader compiler progress spewing beyond 100% on consecutive compiles
Gotta reinitialize these too
Set custom material name on CreateRawMaterial
Update shadertest map
Update construct blockin with better computed lighting
Add stub for Sbox VSCode extension
Iterate on water
Update gitignore
Unbind Set/GetTransmitState, redundant as there is TransmitType
Add sbox_water shader and screen aligned planes
Warn when a shader file is empty when processing it
Update test_water with our sbox_water shader
Remove old code from WaterSea and WaterVolume
Fix projection on sbox_toolgunball looking weird
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add compiled version of construct blockin with water
Update generated css files for console to fix resize indicators and responsiveness
Add test_water.vmap
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
increase aoproxy size for boxes a little bit
Add CompileShaders and AllowDynamicShaderCompile to MaterialSystem2 interfaces, add method to compile single shader
Add EShaderState
Implement EShaderState rather than just bValid and show uncompiled shaders on shader list, compile them when selected
Run ShaderCompile_CompileShaders method rather than the mat_compileshaders concommand
Fix bug where met would think dynamic shader compiler would be enabled by simply VfxDll being loaded
Implement ShaderCompile_CompileShaders() for a single string
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add AO proxies to a bunch of Citizen props
Double the length of aoproxy distance calculation
Add vfxc and met to sbox_game group
Fix typo on msdfgen vpc
Don't render entity AO proxies if entity is invisible or is view controller
Add AO proxy to citizen and rust pistol
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Iterate on postprocessing manager
Add mdsfgen
Remove duplicated freetype and skia from msdfgen
Clean up more stuff from mdsfgen
Add VPC and more cleanup
Ignore some warnings
Add mdsfgen to groups
Add dragbars to console
Better align dragbars
Make console responsive
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add stub ReadEVfxFile
Iterate on postprocess base
Pass color buffer RT to post processing layer
Use FindOrCreateMaterialFromResource instead of the JIT method for post processing base
Remove debug PP creation from postprocessmanager
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix sunlight shadows not working without -tools
Better shadercompile icon for tools
Add button to edit shader with VSCode or any editor of choice, Clean up ReadVfxFile function
Remove Sandbox.Shaders.Base
Add stub for postprocessing manager and postprocess base
Iterating on post process manager and postprocess base
Shut down sbox postprocess manager
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Show (Dynamic) Recompile Shader button in tools if the used material has shader sources, including from addons
Add recompile active shader function to tools, add shader compile icon